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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

161. 某类人、物

  the poor

  the rich

  the old

  the aged

  the young

  the sick

  the wounded

  the oppressed受压迫的人

  the deaf

  the blind

  the dead

  the beautiful 美丽的东西

  the new新东西

  the good 好东西


  imagine doing sth.

  imagine sb. doing sth.

  picture sb. doing sth.

163. join A to B

  join with sb. in sth./doing sth.

164. 玩笑该这么开

  have a joke with sb.

  joke with sb. about sth.

  make a joke about sb./sth.

  play a joke on sb.

165. 关于keep

  keep doing sth.

  keep on doing sth.

  keep sb. from doing sth.

  keep sth. from sb.

166. know的句型

  know sb. to be

  know of sb./sth.

  get to know sb.

  know sb.

167. 嘲笑与朝某人笑

  laugh sb. out of sth.

  laugh at sb.

  jeer at sb.

  smile at sb.

168. learn 的句型

  learn about sth.

  learn from sth.

  learn sth. from sth.

  learn sth by heart.

  learn to do sth.

169. leave句型汇总

  leave sth. to sb.

  leave doing sth. to sb.

  leave for sp.

  leave sth. +介词短语

  leave sb./sth. doing sth.

  leave sb./sth. with sb.

  ask for a sick leave

  leave sb. alone


  liter sp.

  liter sp. with sth.

171. look 与listen

  look at sb. do sth.

  look at sb. doing sth.

  sb. be looked at to do sth.

  listen to sb. do sth.

  listen to sb. doing sth.

  sb. be listened to to do sth.

172. 如何专注

  lose oneself in sth.doing sth.

  apply oneself to sth.doing sth.

  be absorbed in sth. doing sth.

  concentrate on sth.doing sth.

  put ones heart into sth.doing sth.

173. mention的句型

  mention sb. as

  mention to sb.

  mention to sb. that

  not to mention

  Dont mention it.

174. mind句型总汇

  in ones mind 在脑海中

  on ones mind 在脑海中(多用于不顺心的事)

  to ones mind 在某人开来

  never mind

  have sth. in mind

  keep sth. in mind

  bear sth. in mind

  bear sth. in mind that

  keep sth. in mind that

  Would you mind doing sth.?

  Would you mind ones doing sth?

  make up ones mind to do sth.

  change ones mind to do sth. 决定做某事

  set ones mind to do sth. 决定做某事

  be/go out of ones mind变得神志不清

  lose ones mind 失去理智,失控

  put/get sth. out of ones mind 忘怀

  slip ones mind 遗忘;走神

  mind/watch your step 小心脚下;小心

175. 向错误学习

  do sth. by mistake 错干

  mistake A for B 误认

  make some mistakes

  make a mistake

176. 如何挣钱

  make money by doing sth.

  earn money by doing sth.

177. 学会感动

  be moved

  be touched

  be affected

  be deeply moved by

  be deeply touched by

  be deeply affected by

  move sb. to tearslaughter

178. dare句型汇总

  dare do sth.

  darent do sth.

  dare to do sth.

  I dare say 有理由说;有根据说;我敢说;

179. 提醒或告诉

  give sb. notice that

  inform sb. of sth.

  remind sb. of sth.

  remind sb. to do sth./doing sth.

  remind sb. that

  Just to remind you that you have four overdue books. (09宣武一模阅读A)

180. 三期望

  look forward to do sth.

  expect to do sth.

  anticipate doing sth.







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