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发布时间:2013-03-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  1. turn in 上交,(口)上床睡觉 ;in turn 依次,轮流,逐个。如:

  Each student must turn in an English composition to the teacher once a week. 每一位学生每周必须交给老师一篇英语作文。

  It’s too late. I think I’ll turn in. 时间不早了,我要睡觉了。

  He picked up all the books in turn and examined them. 他把所有的书都逐一检查。

  2. one another( = each other)互相; another one 另外一个,再一个。如:

  We should help one another. 我们应该互相帮助。

  There is a crack in this glass. Show me another one, please. 这个杯子有裂痕,请给我拿另外一个。

  3. before long 不久以后; long before 很久以前。如:

  You will see him before long. 你很快就能见到他。

  I saw the film long before. 我很久以前就看过那部电影。

  4. too much 太多,过分(后跟不可数名词,也可用作代词或副词);much too太,非常(后跟形容词或副词)。如:

  He drank too much tea last night. 昨晚,他喝得茶太多了。

  I can’t afford the car. It is much too expensive. 我买不起这辆车,它太贵了。

  5. all over 遍及,到处,全身; over all 总的来说,大体上。如:

  You can find people like him all over the world. 你到处可以看到像他这样的人。

  I have had so many falls that I am black and blue all over. 我跌了许多跤,以至于全身青一块紫一块。

  Over all, the book is good. 总的来说,这本书还不错。

  6. in all 总共,总计; all in 疲劳。如:

  He made only two mistakes in the test in all. 这次考试他总共才出了两个错。

  At the end of the race Li Lei was all in. 在赛跑结束时李雷感到筋疲力尽了。

  7. far from(距)离……很远,比……差得远; from far 从远处 (方),远远地。如:

  The moon is far from the earth. 月亮离地球很远。

  Your work is far from (being) satisfactory. 你的工作远不能令人满意。

  The stranger seems to have come from far. 这陌生人似乎来自远方。

  8. short for ……的简称,……的简略形式; for short 简称为,缩写。如:

  UK is short for the United Kingdom. UK是联合王国的简略形式。

  We call her Jo for short. 我们简称她为乔。

  9. much as 同……一样,(用于句首)虽然,尽管; as much 同等,一样。如:

  Plants need food, much as animals do. 植物和动物一样,也需要食物。

  He was greatly respected, but his brother as much despised. 他很受人们的尊敬,而他的兄弟则受到同等的蔑视。

  10. if only 但愿……就好了(用于感叹句或引导虚拟语气的条件句); only if 决不……; 除非……(引导陈述语气的真实条件从句)。如:If only I could take a trip around the world! 要是我能够环游世界该多好啊!

  If only he had not driven so fast, the accident wouldn’t have happened. 要是他开得车没那么快,这次事故就不会发生了。

  I’ll only come if you promise me that you won’t invite Henry.


  11. as such 就其本身而论,作为……的身份; such as 诸如……之类,像……这样(用于列举同类事物)。如:

  Money, as such, doesn’t bring happiness. 钱,就其本身而言,并不能带来幸福。

  They were second-class citizens and treated as such. 他们是二等公民,也就是这样对待的。

  Sweet foods such as chocolate can make you fat. 像巧克力之类的甜食能使人发胖。

  12. hand in 递交, 交出; in hand 在控制下, 在掌握中。如:

  I handed in the watch to the policeman. 我把那块表交给了警察。

  We have the situation well in hand. 我们己经控制了局势。


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