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发布时间:2013-03-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编









  American researchers announced that 3, one from the Mississippi girl became the first is " functional" cure of HIV infection in infants. UNAIDS said 4 days, the news brought great hope for the treatment of AIDS in children, look forward to more research in the medical profession, determine whether this breakthrough can copy.

  American researchers said, in 2010 July, a baby is born in Mississippi's mother is infected with HIV, childbirth not receiving antiretroviral drug treatment or prenatal care. Because of the high risk of HIV infection in infants, the doctor immediately began to combination antiretroviral therapy in the 30 hours after birth, test results confirmed that indeed infected infants.

  The baby a week after discharge, have been treated to 18 months old. After half a year, doctors found that HIV testing results children become negative. If confirmed, this will be the world's first have a clear record of children infected with HIV is " functional cure " case. The so-called " functional cure " refers to the HIV test results were negative, even if no longer take medicine, immune function was also

  The normal state.

  UNAIDS said, brought great hope this message for HIV treatment for children, also highlights the necessity in early diagnosis of field research and innovation. At the same time, looking forward to the medical community to carry out more research, determine whether this breakthrough can copy.

  According to statistics, who and UNICEF in 2010, at the risk of HIV infection in infants, only 28% to accept the virus at 6 weeks after birth. In 2011, the whole world has increased the 330000 HIV-infected children. At the age of 15 living with HIV, only 28% can get treatment.

  The only global access to a complete cure of AIDS patients is American Timothy Brown. In 2007, he was accepted treatment of leukemia and bone marrow transplantation, bone marrow donors who carry mutations of anti-hiv. 5 years after surgery, drug Brown without intake in the treatment of aids.


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