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发布时间:2020-07-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Today, dad bought a puppy. We like him.


His whole body is covered with tawny fluff, which looks like a little yellow ball from a distance. Close up, his round, big head is like a small ball, very cute. A pair of long ears are pasted on the big head, which is different from the neighbor's dog! The tail is also long, like a whip.


My little yellow dog is not only likable, but also very loyal. Every day, he is diligent to watch at my door. If a stranger comes, he will bark. If that person doesn't know his face, he will even chase them. However, as soon as he saw our master go home, he would wag his long tail and follow us to the East and West, as if he was very happy and often wanted to stick to us!


The little yellow dog also has a big feature, which is also the biggest feature of other dogs - like to eat bones. I remember one day, my father bought many bones from the vegetable market, and my mother made a braised spareribs. When I was eating, I accidentally dropped a bone to the ground. He immediately ran to the side of the bone, picked up the bone quickly, and ate it with relish. He enjoyed it in a few minutes. Now he would not let me go. He rubbed my feet at my feet, bit my trouser legs, and wagged his tail from time to time. It seemed that he was saying to me, "little master, give me another bone!"


Look! This is my faithful and lovely dog.


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