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发布时间:2020-05-23  编辑:查字典英语网小编

一年一度的“搞笑诺贝尔奖”于美国东部时间22日在哈佛大学的桑德斯剧场 今年的主题是“时间”。与往年一样,今年也有很多奇葩的、狗血的、脑洞大开的研究获奖,比如假装自己是山羊在阿尔卑斯山生活,石头在销售中有什么样的性格,穿羊毛裤子对老鼠性生活有什么影响...... 看到这里,有很多小伙伴可能有点懵。那“搞笑诺贝尔”究竟是个什么奖,和“诺贝尔奖”有啥关系呢?


“搞笑诺贝尔奖” 主办方为科学幽默杂志《不可思议研究年报》 “搞笑诺贝尔奖”一般在正式“诺贝尔奖”颁奖前一至两周举行,其目的是选出那些“乍看之下令人发笑,之后发人深省”的研究。


自1991年开始搞笑诺贝尔奖每年一次。其奖项既包括生物、医学、物理、和平、经济、文学等固定奖项,也包括公共卫生、考古、营养学等随机奖项。 那么下面和小编一起看看今年各项大奖都花落谁家了吧!

生殖奖 Reproduction Prize

获奖者:艾默德•沙菲克 Reproduction Prize - The late Ahmed Shafik, for testing the effects of wearing polyester, cotton, or wool trousers on the sex life of rats.


He made murine trousers – covering the animals’ hind legs with a hole for the tail – in various cloths: 100% polyester, 50/50% polyester/cotton, all cotton and all wool.


Rats that wore polyester showed “significantly lower” rates of sexual activity, Shafik found, perhaps because of the electrostatic charges created by the material. Cotton- and wool-wearing rats were relatively normal.


经济奖 Economics Prize

获奖者:马克•艾维斯 Economics Prize - Mark Avis and colleagues, for assessing the perceived personalities of rocks, from a sales and marketing perspective.


物理学奖 Physics Prize

获奖者:盖伯•霍瓦斯 Physics Prize - Gabor Horvath and colleagues, for discovering why white-haired horses are the most horsefly-proof horses, and for discovering why dragonflies are fatally attracted to black tombstones.


化学奖 Chemistry Prize

获奖者:大众汽车公司 Chemistry Prize - Volkswagen, for solving the problem of excessive automobile pollution emissions by automatically, electromechanically producing fewer emissions whenever the cars are being tested.

大众汽车公司在接受汽车测试时,总能神奇地自动减少排放量,以此解决了机动车排放污染问题。 医学奖 Medicine Prize

获奖者:克里斯托弗•海尔姆申 Medicine Prize - Christoph Helmchen and colleagues, for discovering that if you have an itch on the left side of your body, you can relieve it by looking into a mirror and scratching the right side of your body (and vice versa).

克里斯托弗•海尔姆申和同事们发现如果你身体左边感觉痒痒,你只要对着镜子,挠挠自己右边的身体,就能缓解痒的感觉 心理学奖 Psychology Prize


Psychology Prize - Evelyne Debey and colleges, for asking a thousand liars how often they lie, and for deciding whether to believe those answers. Their study of more than 1,000 people who are ages 6 to 77 found that young adults are the best liars.


How do the scientists know their subjects weren't lying to them? "We don't," Logan said.

但这些科学家怎么知道测试者在研究中是否对他们撒谎了呢?研究者Logan坦言,“我们也不能确定。” 和平奖 Peace Prize


Peace Prize- Gordon Pennycook and colleges, for their scholarly study called "On the Reception and Detection of Pseudo-Profound Bullshit"

他们开展了“关于接受和甄别假装深沉的狗屎言论”的研究。 生物学奖 Biology Prize

获奖者:查尔斯•福斯特 Biology Prize - Charles Foster for living in the wild as, at different times, a badger, an otter, a deer, a fox, and a bird; and to Thomas Thwaites, for creating prosthetic extensions of his limbs that allowed him to move in the manner of, and spend time roaming hills in the company of, goats.

查尔斯•福斯特在野外分别以獾、水獭、鹿、狐狸和鸟类的方式生活过一段时间;托马斯•思伟茨则用假肢延长了自己的四肢,借此模仿山羊的运动方式,并在山间与山羊做伴。 文学奖 Literature Prize

获奖者:弗雷德里克•斯约伯格 Literature Prize- Fredrik Sjoberg for his three-volume autobiographical work about the pleasures of collecting flies that are dead, and flies that are not yet dead.


It sounds downright dull, but Sjoberg's books are a hit in his homeland, and the first volume's English translation, "The Fly Trap," has earned rave reviews.

虽然这听起来有够无聊的,但斯约伯格的书在他的家乡相当受欢迎。第一卷英译本《苍蝇陷阱》大获赞扬。 认知科学奖 Perception Prize

获奖者:Atsuki Higashiyama和Kohei Adachi

Perception Prize -Atsuki Higashiyama and Kohei Adachi for investigating whether things look different when you bend over and view them between your legs.

Atsuki Higashiyama和Kohei Adachi研究了弯下腰从两腿间看到的世界是否有所不同。



要知道瑞典的诺贝尔奖金可是有足足1000万克朗 ➤获奖者要发表获奖感言吗?



当然有!在颁奖礼期间,观众会不断地把纸飞机掷向台上,一直以来,台上的纸飞机都由罗伊·格劳伯扫走的。而罗伊·格劳伯是货真价实的“诺贝尔”物理学家得主。 小编倒是觉得,“搞笑诺贝尔”很符合咱们中国的一句话“别人笑我太疯癫,我笑别人看不穿”!


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