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发布时间:2020-05-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

1. Terror threat

1. 恐怖威胁

This map shows where the Foreign Office believes a terrorist attack is most likely to occur. The threat is rated "high" in more than 30 countries, with summer holiday favourites such as Spain and France given the same rating as Libya, Pakistan and Somalia. Russia, Egypt, Tunisia, Myanmar, Kenya, the Philippines and Colombia, Turkey, Thailand, Australia and Belgium are also given the top rating, as well as much of the Middle East, including Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Israel and Afghanistan. Countries where the terror threat is low include Iceland, Bolivia, Ecuador, Poland, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Hungary, Vietnam and Japan.


2. Population density

2. 人口密度

Those most - and least - crowded countries are shown here, based on the latest available figures from the UN Population Division. If you like solitude, avoid most of the Far East and Western Europe, and consider one of the 10 least crowded places: Greenland, Falkland Islands, Mongolia, Western Sahara, Namibia, French Guiana, Australia, Iceland, Suriname, and Botswana.


3. World Heritage Sites

3. 世界遗产地

The mapabove shows which countries have the most World Heritage Sites. Italy, China, Spain and France come out on top, possessing 51, 48, 44 and 41, respectively. France is the most popular country in the world, with Spain not far behind. China is the most populous, and Italy was the birthplace of the Renaissance.


4. Natural disasters

4. 自然灾害

This map shows which countries are most at risk from earthquakes, storms, floods or droughts, according to the 2017 World Risk Report, compiled by the United Nations University for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS). The report also takes into account how well prepared each country is to deal with a disaster. Europe - with the exception of the Netherlands, Albania and Serbia - is largely free from risk, as is the US and Canada. Africa and the Pacific Rim countries are, unsurprisingly, where the danger is highest.

这张地图基于联合国大学环境和人类安全研究所5. The world's greenest places

5. 世界上最绿的地方

The map above shows those countries with the highest percentage of forest area, according to World Bank Open Data. Unsurprisingly, the tropical lands of South America, the Caribbean, Africa, south-east Asia and the South Pacific dominate, with Suriname, Micronesia, Palau, Gabon, Guyana, American Samoa and the Solomon Islands all in the top 10. But some more northerly countries fare well too, with Finland (72.9 percent forest area), 11th, Sweden (69.2 percent) 15th, and Japan (68.6 percent) 17th. And the least tree-filled countries? There are four with no forest whatsoever, according to World Bank's definition - San Marino, Qatar, Greenland and Oman - while in a further 12 places there is less than one percent.

上面的地图基于世界银行公开数据库,显示了森林覆盖率最高的国家。不出所料,南美洲的热带地区、加勒比地区、非洲、东南亚和苏里南、密克罗尼亚、帕劳、加蓬、圭亚那、美属萨摩亚和所罗门群岛等南太平洋国家位列前十。但是一些北半球的国家也不错,芬兰6. Road deaths

6. 交通死亡率

Each country on this map is colour-coded to reflect the number of road fatalities per 100,000 inhabitants per year. Most of the bottom 10 - including Eritrea, the deadliest driving destination, Libya (40.5) and Iraq (31.5) - are unlikely to feature on the travel itineraries of most Britons. But a couple - Thailand (38.1) and South Africa (31.9) - are popular holiday destinations. Relatively risky roads can also be found in Ecuador, Vietnam, Brazil, Paraguay, Kenya and Laos. The safest places to drive include the Maldives (1.9 deaths, though the lack of roads probably helps), Norway (2.9), Denmark (3), Sweden (3) and Switzerland (3.4). Britain is just behind, with only 3.5 fatalities per 100,000 inhabitants per year.

这幅地图上的每个国家都用颜色显示每年每10万人口的道路交通死亡人数。交通死亡率最高的十个国家的大多数,如位列第一的致命交通之地厄立特里亚、利比亚7. The world's most connected countries

7. 世界上信息化最发达的国家

The map above shows the world according to average connection speed in Mbits/s, as recorded by Akamai - the content delivery network (CDN) responsible for serving between 15 and 30 percent of all web traffic.

上面这幅地图根据内容分发网络 Akamai's official rankings only take into account countries or regions with a unique IP count of at least 25,000, which gives South Korea the true top spot, followed by Ireland, Hong Kong, Sweden, The Netherlands, Japan and Switzerland. Norway, Latvia and Finland complete the top 10. The UK is 23rd in the ranking, the US 20th, Australia 50th and China 111th.



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