Some people are just gluttons for punishment, and a group of strangers have taken this to the next level, encouraging users to 'roast' them in a bizarre new internet trend sweeping Reddit.
有些人就是喜欢受虐,而一帮曾经素不相识的网友将其演绎到了新高度。近日,红迪网 A thread on the online viral community, sees brave users uploading selfies emblazoned with the words 'Roast Me', giving total strangers permission to criticize their appearance. And while some of the comments are dry and funny, others are highly personal and focus on the user's looks, facial expression, gender and race.
The trend may seem like a dubious excuse and platform for cyber-bullying, but the thread on the online community specifies that there are rules that must be obeyed to avoid having your contributions deleted. For those wanting to be 'roasted', which is a tradition of lampooning someone without mercy, they must upload a clear quality image of themselves, giving permission with a sign, reading 'RoastMe.'
这一风潮似乎有助长网络欺凌 Reddit users must also be older than 13 and even prove this in order to post their contribution. For those doing the 'roasting' rules have specified that the thread is one encouraging comedy content and 'not a hate subreddit' and that users should 'act accordingly.'
One brave woman sporting fiery-red hair and glasses uploaded an image of herself, asking the thread to 'roast her.' Instantly insults poured in, with harsh words directed at the woman in the image.
One Reddit user commented: 'Your head looks like it was laid by an ostrich.' Another wag posted: 'That badly dyed red hair and super white body make you look like a fishing lure.'
一位红迪网用户评论道: “你看起来就像头顶一只鸵鸟。”另外一个搞笑的网友评论道:“这一头漂染过度的红发加上惨白的肤色,你看起来活像个鱼饵。”
Another young woman posted her image, and before long, cruel suggestions and insults were pouring in. One stranger stated: 'The empty blue wall has more personality than you.' Another made a Tinder-related joke, insinuating his rejection of her physical looks, adding: '(swipes left)' .
还有一个女孩也上传了她的照片,没过多久,各钟毒舌评论和攻击纷至沓来。一位陌生网友回复道:“你背后的那面蓝色的空墙都比你有性格。”另外一位借用聊天交友软件Tinder的梗,开玩笑暗指他不喜欢她的外表,评论道: “向左滑。”(使用该交友软件时碰到喜欢的人向右滑动,不喜欢则向左滑)
And it wasn't just women that were subject to the abuse, as one man uploaded an image, accompanied by the caption: 'My wife wants you to roast me.' One Reddit user instantly hit back with: 'Your wife is probably heavier than the band on your T-shirt.' Another joked: 'I always wondered what would happen to [musician] Moby when the money ran out.'
当然,遭受这种“虐待”的并非只有女性,一位男用户就上传了他的照片,附言:“我妻子想要你们来‘挖苦’我。”一位红迪网网友立马就给他回击道: “你妻子可能比你T恤上的重金属乐队还要重。”另一位打趣道: “我一直在想,如果 A young woman wearing a turquoise beanie, took a photo with her phone in full view of the camera. Instantly insults poured in, as users piled in on the size of her hands, even though the foreshortening effect was created by their proximity to the reflection in the mirror. One user offered: 'E.T. called. He wants his hands back.' Another added: 'your arms, damn. you must have to steer from the backseat.'
一位戴着青绿色小帽的年轻女孩用手机拍了一张照片,照片中还能看到手机。不出片刻,各种讽刺如潮水般涌来,很多用户都将重点放在她的大手上,虽然是因为靠镜子太近,透视现象导致她的手看起来比较大。但一位用户说道: “E.T. Despite the cynical nature of the phenomenon, RoastMe is gaining traction, and earlier this week hit 60,000 subscribers who are taking part in the craze.
抛开这种现象冷嘲热讽的性质不说, “求侮辱”的人气可是水涨船高,本周早些时候,已有6万名网友加入到这一热潮。
glutton for: 酷爱……的人
roast: 挖苦
emblazoned: (绘制的图案或文字等)用纹章装饰的
dry: 清楚明白的,直截了当的,不带偏见的
lampoon: 用讽刺文章嘲弄;讥讽;奚落
ostrich: 鸵鸟
wag: 爱说笑打趣的人
caption: 说明文字
beanie: 无檐小便帽
traction: 牵引力
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