They can be used for large-scale vaccination, and their safety and effectiveness can by judged by internationally accepted standards.
疫苗对疫情防控至关重要。疫情发生以来,国务院联防联控机制科研攻关组专门设立疫苗研发专班,按照灭活疫苗 China has laid a solid foundation for research in inactivated vaccines, which has been widely used to fight hepatitis A, influenza, hand-foot-and-mouth disease and poliomyelitis.
我国的灭活疫苗有较好研究基础,甲肝灭活疫苗、流感灭活 这两款新冠病毒灭活疫苗分别由国药集团中国生物武汉生物制品研究所、北京科兴中维生物技术有限公司联合有关科研机构开发而成。
据了解,上述获得临床试验许可的企业具备大规模灭活疫苗生产能力 【相关词汇】
临床试验 clinical trial
临床前研究 preclinical research
动物试验 animal test
毒性试验 toxicology test
有效性和安全性研究 safety and efficacy research
免疫系统 immune system