美国《时代周刊》日前揭晓2019年“年度人物”(Person of the Year),16岁的瑞典环保少女格蕾塔·通贝里(Greta Thunberg)当选。
Time magazine has chosen Greta Thunberg, a Swedish climate crisis activist, as Person of the Year.
For sounding the alarm about humanity’s predatory relationship with the only home we have, for bringing to a fragmented world a voice that transcends backgrounds and borders, for showing us all what it might look like when a new generation leads, Greta Thunberg is TIME’s 2019 Person of the Year.
At about the age of eight, when she first learned about climate change, she was shocked that adults did not appear to be taking the issue seriously.
这以后,她变得非常沮丧(depressed)。《卫报》报道说,成年人对气候变化的漠视,可能是影响她情绪很重要的一个因素(a significant factor)。
11岁时,她被诊断患有阿斯伯格综合征(Asperger syndrome)、强迫症(obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD))和选择性缄默症(selective mutism)。
She discovered she had remarkable powers of persuasion, and her mother gave up flying, which had a severe impact on her career. Her father became a vegetarian.
Thunberg first became known for her activism in August 2018 when, at age 15, she began spending her school days outside the Swedish parliament to call for stronger action on global warming by holding up a sign saying (in Swedish) "School strike for the climate".
据《时代周刊》报道,不久后,格蕾塔的行动传遍欧洲、北美等多个国家,多地年轻人组织“周五为未来”(Friday for Future)气候罢课游行活动。
Since then, her singular action has spread into an international climate movement, organized by young people around the world.
The Malizia II racing yacht left Plymouth in southern England on August 14 for a two-week voyage in order to enable the Swedish teen to attend a UN summit on zero emissions in September in New York.
Several people would fly into New York to help take the yacht back to Europe.
在联合国气候行动峰会(2019 UN Climate Action Summit)上,她含泪批评全球领导人在气候变化问题上不作为,指责他们用空洞的托词,偷走了她的童年和梦想,并发出质问“你们怎敢如此!”
You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words. We'll be watching you.
People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction. And all you can talk about is money and fairytales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!
You are failing us. But the young people are starting to understand your betrayal. The eyes of all future generations are upon you. And if you choose to fail us, I say: We will never forgive you.
今年10月份,俄罗斯总统普京在莫斯科举行的“能源周”能源论坛上称,她非常善良真诚(kind girl and very sincere),但被成年人为攫取利益而利用了(she was being manipulated to serve others' interests)。
Putin criticised her as "poorly informed": "No one has explained to Greta that the modern world is complex and different and people in Africa or in many Asian countries want to live at the same wealth level as in Sweden."
会上她再次批评世界各国领导人没有采取足够的措施来应对气候危机(not doing enough to stop the ecological crisis)。
"We have been striking for over a year, and basically nothing has happened," she told activists at the talks. "The climate crisis is still being ignored by those in power, and we cannot go on like this."
This transformation of Thunberg by publications like Time from activist to influencer has gone a long way in voiding her politics, instead putting focus on her personality.
Rather than grief for a dying planet moving us to act, cheer at a young climate warrior acts as an opiate.
opiate /ˈəʊpiət/:鸦片制剂;麻醉剂
Throughout the Western world the authority of adulthood is in crisis. Adulthood is increasingly associated with negative attributes and grown ups feel less and less able to provide guidance to young people. The flip side of the erosion of adult authority is the tendency to look to young people for solutions and answers. That is why Western society’s depreciation of adulthood coexists with adulation of the supposed wisdom of children.
上一篇: 方便面为什么是波浪形?专业解答来啦!
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