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'Queen' Helen and her blushes for Beckham

[ 2007-05-23 16:34 ]

She is an Oscar-winning actress and as such the current toast of Britain's thespian community, despite her pensionable age.

He is a 32-year old footballer, with no known acting ability. Yet, it was Dame Helen Mirren who was rendered almost speechless last night at the Greatest Briton Awards as she came face to face with David Beckham. Wearing a glamorous silver evening gown, teamed with matching shawl and diamond-encrusted jewels Dame Helen said: "I am absolutely speechless. What can I say?" "He is the best of Britain in every way. He is a great icon for this country." And it appears Mr Beckham also shared this sentiment. Amid screams from adoring fans, Beckham, dressed in a black suit, appeared unconcerned with the crowd as he hastily made his way through to the awards. He ignored shouts begging him to stop and sign autographs. Like the Beckhams, whose move to LA is in just three weeks away, Dame Helen also shares a home in America with husband Taylor Hackford. But, unlike Mr Beckham she was keen to point out that she was so "proud" and "in love" with Britain. Her role as queens Elizabeth I and II on the small and big screen have earned her a string of coveted awards but it was the widely-circulated rumours of her snubbing of the actual queen - Elizabeth II - that played most on her mind. She said: "No it is not true that I snubbed the Queen. She is an amazing hard-working woman as I am.

(Daily Mail)

她是奥斯卡最佳女主角,是英国演艺界目前倍受拥戴的人物,尽管她已到了“可领退休金”的年龄。 他是一位32岁的足球名将,无表演特长可言。 然而,就在昨晚“最伟大英国人”的颁奖典礼上,当海伦·米伦爵士见到大卫·贝克汉姆时,她几乎说不出话来。 海伦身着华丽的银色晚礼服、肩上一条配套的披肩,戴着钻石首饰,这位女爵士说:“我简直说不出话来。我能说什么呢?” “他是英国最棒的人物,是这个国家一个伟大的标志。”而贝克汉姆自己似乎也有这种感觉。 身着黑色西装的贝克汉姆在粉丝的尖叫声中快步走向领奖台,对周围的粉丝似乎毫不在意。 他丝毫不理会粉丝求他停下来签名的喊叫声。 贝克汉姆一家移居洛杉矶仅有三周时间,而海伦爵士和丈夫泰勒·海克福特在美国也有一个家。 但与贝克汉姆不同的是,海伦爵士由衷的表达了自己对英国的“自豪感”和“热爱”之情。 她凭借在电视电影中饰演的女王伊拉莎白一世和二世获得了一系列大奖。但广泛流传的有关海伦怠慢    




unconcerned: not interested; indifferent


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