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发布时间:2019-12-11  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Britons trust politicians less than car salesmen: poll

[ 2007-05-11 16:17 ]

Politicians are the least trusted people in Britain, with more faith placed in car salesmen, a survey released on Tuesday revealed. The poll of 1,900 readers of Reader's Digest magazine showed that firefighters inspired trust in 97 percent of respondents, the highest rate of any profession, followed by pharmacists, pilots, nurses and doctors. Faith in politicians, however, dropped from an already-low 15 percent in 2002 to seven percent in the latest poll. Eight percent of respondents said they trusted car salesmen. It marks the first time in the survey's history that politicians have been the least-trusted profession. Nearly three-quarters of Britons trust the police, compared with 64 percent in 2005, while taxi drivers saw their reputation drop eight percent in that period to 49 percent.


据本周二公布的一项调查显示,政客在英国是最不被信任的人,对其的信任度还不如汽车销售人员。 《读者文摘》杂志对其1900名读者进行的调查表明,97%的受访者认为消防员值得信赖,高居各类职业之首,药剂师、飞行员、护士和医生位居其后。 而英国政客的信任度则从2002年的15%跌至此项最新调查的7%。汽车销售员的信任度为8%。 在此项调查的历史上,这是政客首次成为最不受信任的职业。 近四分之三的英国人认为警察值得信任,高于2005年的64%;而出租车司机的信任度则比2005年下降了8%,跌至49%。




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