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发布时间:2019-12-10  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Poll: Women hold senior positions

[ 2007-03-08 16:37 ]

Ninety-one percent of companies on the Chinese mainland have women holding senior management positions, ranking second in the world, after the Philippines, according to the results of a survey released yesterday.

The poll, conducted by Grant Thornton, an accounting firm based in Hong Kong, covered 32 economies. Hong Kong and Taiwan also rank high on the list, with 83 percent and 80 percent of their firms having women in senior positions. In the Philippines, 97 percent companies have women holding senior positions. "The findings suggest that China businesses focus on capability and performance when appointing senior management, and not on gender," said Alison Wong, partner of specialist advisory services at Grant Thornton. On average 65 percent of the companies in the world have women in senior management positions, the survey shows. China is ahead of many Western countries, including the US, Canada and Britain. "Despite some people's perception about traditional gender bias in Chinese society, it is positive to note that today three places across two shores achieve such a high proportion of business with senior females," Wong said. Almost all Asian countries have more businesses with women at senior levels than the global average, except Japan, whose rate is only 25 percent. "Obviously Japan is unique in the cultural perception about women in business and women's role in the family as compared with other parts of Asia, " Wong said. The survey reflects an upward trend in the percentage of women in management roles in most economies, but only the Philippines has achieved true parity in male/female management. 双语资讯

(China Daily)

据昨天公布的一项调查显示,中国内地有91%的企业聘用女性担任高级管理层的重要职位,这一比例仅次于菲律宾,位居世界第二。 总部位于香港的格兰特·桑顿会计师事务所共在32个国家开展了此项民意调查。 香港和台湾地区也高居榜首,分别有83%和80%的公司聘女性任高级职位。 这一比例在菲律宾为97%。 格兰特·桑顿公司的专家咨询服务合伙人Alison Wong 说:“调查结果表明,中国的企业在聘用高级管理人员时,注重的是个人的能力和工作表现,而不是性别。” 调查显示,全世界平均有65%的公司聘用女性担任高级管理职位。中国的这一比例超过美国、加拿大和英国等很多西方国家。 她说:“尽管有人认为中国社会存在男女不平等的传统观念,但如今,两岸三地聘用女性任要职的企业比例达到很高水平,这是不容置疑的。” 除日本只有25%外,几乎所有亚洲国家的这一比例都要高于世界平均水平。 Alison Wong说:“很显然,与亚洲其它国家相比,日本对女性在职场以及家庭中的角色这一问题上抱有不同的文化观念。” 调查发现,在大多数国家,女性在企业管理层中所占的比例呈上升趋势,但只有菲律宾在企业管理层中的男女比例问题上做到了真正的平等。




three places across two shores  : 两岸三地


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