美国公司新推发光文胸 光彩生活由此开始
Brighten up your life with a bra
[ 2007-01-30 14:35 ]
Add a spark to your day -- and nights -- with lingerie that lights up. A U.S. firm is selling bras and camisoles trimmed with colourful light-emitting diodes (LEDs), as well as sequins and feathers, that literally put your breast in the spotlight. "Light-up bras make a popular addition to any outfit, and will definitely bring you attention," the company, Enlighted, says on its Web site (www.enlighted.com). The California-based company custom-makes lingerie, including hot pink bras trimmed in marabou and lights and "wearable art" bras that have LEDs and sequins arranged in geometric patterns. It also puts LEDs on clothes, shoes and hats. Enlighted says the clothing is safe and comfortable, despite all the wiring and the battery needed to power the lights. "Our electronics are lightweight, flexible and concealed within fabric linings. Seriously, you'd forget about the lights if you didn't have so many people staring at you!" it said.
让发光内衣来点亮你的生活吧! 一家美国公司目前正在出售镶有五颜六色的发光二极管、亮片和羽毛等饰品的胸罩和贴身背心。穿上这样的内衣一定会让你的胸部成为众人关注的焦点。 这家名叫Enlighted的公司在其网站Enlighted公司称,尽管内衣里安有电线和电池,但这些内衣都是既安全又舒适。 Enlighted公司说:“我们所用的电子产品都很轻、韧性好,而且藏在里料中。说真的,如果不是那么多人盯着你,你几乎都会忘记灯光的存在!”
be trimmed with :用…装饰
上一篇: 情人节送她什么?性?还是漂亮衣服?