67岁妇女人工授精产子 成为世界第一高龄产妇-查字典英语网
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67岁妇女人工授精产子 成为世界第一高龄产妇

发布时间:2019-12-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

67岁妇女人工授精产子 成为世界第一高龄产妇

World's oldest new mom lied to clinic

[ 2007-01-30 08:57 ]

Carmela Bousada, a 67-year-old Spanish single woman who is believed to be the world's oldest new mother told a British newspaper she lied to a U.S. fertility clinic - saying she was 55 - to get treatment. Carmela said in her first interview since she gave birth to twin boys on Dec. 29 that she sold her house in Spain to raise $59,000 to pay for in-vitro fertilization at a California clinic, the News of the World reported.

"I think everyone should become a mother at the right time for them," Bousada said. "Often circumstances often put you between a rock and a hard place and maybe things shouldn't have been done in the way they were done but that was the only way to achieve the thing I had always dreamed of and I did it," she said. Bousada turned 67 this month but said she told the Pacific Fertility Center in Los Angeles she was 55 - the clinic's cut off for treating single women, the report said. She said the clinic did not ask her for identification. Dr. Vicken Sahakian, the clinic's medical director, confirmed late Saturday that he treated Bousada, but said clinic procedures should have required her to provide her passport. Bousada now hopes to find a younger husband to help raise her two sons, Pau and Christian, the newspaper said. "I would have loved to have got pregnant with a man by my side but it didn't work out that way. Now I've got to look for a dad for the kids. I'd like to meet someone a bit younger than me. They'd have to like the children, of course." Bousada said. The retired department store employee lived with her elderly mother for her entire life in Cadiz, in southern Spain. She hatched her plan to have children after her mother died in 2005, the newspaper said. The previous holder of the oldest new mother record was Romanian citizen Adriana Iliescu, who gave birth to baby girl in January 2005 also at the age of 66. Bousada was 130 days older than Iliescu when she gave birth. 双语资讯


目前世界上年龄最大的新妈妈、67岁的西班牙单身女性卡梅拉·鲍萨达日前向英国某报纸透露,为了能做人工授精手术,她不得不向美国某生育医疗中心谎称自己只有55岁。 据《世界资讯报》报道,卡梅拉于去年12月29日生下一对双胞胎男婴,她在产后的第一次采访中说,为了筹到加州某医疗中心59000美元的人工授精手术费用,她把自己在西班牙的房子给卖了。 鲍萨达说:“每个女人都应该在合适的时候做妈妈。” “我们常会处于进退两难的境地,也许有些事情不该那样去做,但这是我实现梦想的唯一途径,所以我这样做了。” 据报道,鲍萨达这个月已满67岁,但由于洛杉矶太平洋生育医疗中心规定超过55岁的单身女性不得做人工授精手术,她不得不谎称自己只有55岁,鲍萨达说,医疗中心并没有要求她提供相关证明。 医疗中心的医务主任维肯·萨哈基安上周六晚些时候证实,他为鲍萨达做了手术,但他说医疗中心应该让她提供了护照。 据报道,鲍萨达目前希望能找到一个年轻点的丈夫帮她一起抚养她的两个儿子,波和克里斯蒂安。 她说:“我也想和自己的爱人生个孩子,但这已是不可能的了。所以,现在我想给孩子们找个爸爸。我想找个比我年轻点的,当然他必须得喜欢孩子才行。” 鲍萨达是一名退休的百货商店雇员,她一直和她年迈的母亲住在西班牙南部的加的斯。据报道,她的母亲2005年去世后,鲍萨达就有了生孩子的打算。 此前世界上“年龄最大的产妇”的纪录保持者是罗马尼亚人艾德里亚娜·艾莉斯库,她于2005年1月生下一名女婴,当时她66岁。而鲍萨达生产时的年龄比艾莉斯库大130天。




in-vitro fertilization :人工授精

between a rock and a hard place :比喻“进退两难”


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