国内英语资讯:Chinese premier meets World Bank chief-查字典英语网
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国内英语资讯:Chinese premier meets World Bank chief

发布时间:2019-11-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

BEIJING, Nov. 20 -- Chinese Premier Li Keqiang met with World Bank President David Malpass on Wednesday, expressing the willingness to deepen cooperation with the World Bank in key areas.

Li said the World Bank is a globally important multilateral development institution and China attaches importance to developing its relations with the World Bank and stands ready to deepen cooperation with the World Bank in key areas such as environmental protection, biodiversity and poverty alleviation through financial and intellectual cooperation.

At the same time, China will fulfill its international responsibilities and obligations as a large developing country to jointly promote global development, Li said.

The current international situation is complicated and grim, with the downward pressure on the world economy increasing and the economic growth of major economies slowing down, Li noted.

He said the Chinese economy has been deeply integrated into the world economy, and the country is deepening reform and expanding opening up, accelerating the building of a market-oriented, law-based and international business environment and further invigorating the market.

"China is willing to deepen mutually beneficial cooperation with all parties, uphold the rules-based free trade system, tide over difficulties and inject impetus into global economic growth and respective development," Li added.

Malpass said the current world economy is facing severe challenges that need to be addressed by all parties.

China's economic development has great potential and remarkable achievements have been made in opening up to the outside world, Malpass said, noting that the Chinese government is making unremitting efforts in the areas of economic growth, aging, scientific and technological innovation and environmental protection, and the World Bank is willing to strengthen cooperation with China in these areas, he added.


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