Equipment at a watchmaking plant is sealed by a member of the environmental supervision team of Guangzhou, Guangdong province, on Jan 4 after the company was found to be seriously polluting the surrounding environment. [Photo/China Daily]
China's Ministry of Science and Technology has started planning for a five-year air pollution prevention and control project, the ministry announced on Tuesday.
“大气污染防治”可以用 air pollution prevention and control表示,科技部已在网站上公布了该计划的蓝图草案 根据该方案,大气污染防治的重点将由应对雾霾转变成完善预防污染的协同机制 方案指出将着力于研究污染的起因跟传播、对健康的影响
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下一篇: 北京3月开征“施工扬尘排污费”