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发布时间:2019-11-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Numerous definitions of law have been put forward over the centuries. The Third New International Dictionary from Merriam-Webster defines law as: "Law is a binding custom or practice of a community; a rule or mode of conduct or action that is prescribed or formally recognized as binding by a supreme controlling authority or is made obligatory by a sanction (as an edict, decree, prescript, order, ordinance, statute, resolution, rule, judicial decision, or usage) made, recognized, or enforced by the controlling authority."

几千年以来,关于“法律” The Dictionary of the History of Ideas published by Scribner's in 1973 defined the concept of law accordingly as: "A legal system is the most explicit, institutionalized, and complex mode of regulating human conduct. At the same time it plays only one part in the congeries of rules which influence behavior, for social and moral rules of a less institutionalized kind are also of great importance."


The earliest lawbook was written about 2100 B.C. for Ur-Nammu, king of Ur, a Middle Eastern city-state. Within three centuries Hammurabi, king of Babylonia, had enumerated laws of private conduct, business and legal precedents, of which 282 articles have survived. The term "eye for an eye" (or the equivalent value) is found there, as is drowning as punishment for adultery by a wife (while a husband could have slave concubines), and unequal treatment of the rich and the poor was codified here first. It took another thousand years before written law codes developed among the Greek city-states (particularly Athens) and Israel. China developed similar rules of conduct, as did Egypt.

最早的法典约在公元前2100年写成,是为中东一个名为乌尔的城邦国王所写。在之后的300年间,古巴比伦国的国王列出了包括个人行为、商业行为以及法律先例等在内的各类法条,其中有282项条款得以保留。“以眼还眼” -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


1. Legal

According to law, not in violation of law or anything related to the law.


比如:legal system 法律体系,legal action 法律行动, legal loophole 法律漏洞, legal identity 合法身份。

2. Legitimate

Legal, proper, real; (a child) born to parents who are married; to make proper and/or legal.


如:legitimate business activities 合法经营活动,legitimate reason 正当理由,legitimate the process 使程序合法化等。

3. Legislature

The group of people who have the power to make and pass laws.


我国的最高立法机构 4. Legislation

Law which has been promulgated (or "enacted") by a legislature or the process of making it.


大家有没有发现上面讲到的四个词都是以leg开头的?这个leg是英文里的一个词根, -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


法,古写作“灋” 2017年,党的十八届四中全会以依法治国为主题,反映出中国改革已进入攻坚期,将通过完善法治实现改革目标。

在英文报道中,“依法治国”多表示为rule of law,“社会主义法治”则是the socialist rule of law。坊间曾有rule of law和rule by law的争辩,大家可要记清楚了,rule of law,也写作nomocracy,指的是“国家应该由法律来统治,而不是由政府官员个人意志决定”这样的理念;而rule by law则表示用法律来施行专制统治的情形。所以呢,咱们国家现在提倡的“法治”自然就是rule of law了。




We will push forward the rule of law in an all-round way, safeguard the rights of people in line with law, maintain social justice and promote national development.


We should adhere that there are no exceptions in the face of party discipline and state law, with no leniency, no matter who is involved. 


Party cadres at various levels should keep in mind that no one enjoys absolute power outside the law. 


No exceptions will be made when it comes to Party discipline and law. Cases will be investigated completely, and no leniency will be granted to those found guilty, no matter who is involved.



China is a country under the rule of law. No matter who he is and how senior his position is, if he violates Party discipline and law of the country, he will be seriously dealt with and punished to the full extent of the law, because everybody is equal before the law. 


We will strengthen comprehensive maintenance of public order, crack down hard on violent crimes of terrorism, safeguard China's national security, create good public order, and work together to ensure public security in China. 


We will fully implement the basic strategy of law-based governance, act in accordance with the law in all our government work, and be guided by law in both thinking and action in performing our duties.


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