Credible retailers picked for the platform store their products in the bonded area. When a customer places an order, the retailer will be responsible for customs declaration. A personal postal articles tax will be levied and after that, the retailer would mail the package to the buyer. Any amount lower than 50 yuan ($8) is eligible for a tax waiver.
被选为试点企业的可信的零售商把进口货物囤在前海保税区,当消费者下单时,零售商将负责报关。报关时将缴纳行邮税,之后零售商将把包裹寄给购买者。单个包裹的进口税应缴额在人民币50元 Qianhai Bonded Port 消费者只需下单和交钱,报关和缴纳personal postal articles tax
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