Players from Beijing female rugby sevens team stand still on the pitch and deliberately throw the match in the second half on Tuesday at the National Games final against the Shandong team.Photo provided to China Daily
In protest of the refereeing at the final against Shandong, the Beijing female rugby sevens squad threw the match in the second half, standing still on the field while surrendering its end zone to their opponent, who won by an embarrassing 71-0 on Tuesday.
在周二的 上文用throw the match来表示“放弃比赛、罢赛”,这个短语本身的意思是“故意输掉比赛”,用在上文的语境中也是合适的。去年的伦敦奥运会期间,八名女子羽毛球选手因为“消极怠战 虽然北京队领队表示山东队的很多防守犯规 7人制橄榄球 相关阅读
操纵比赛 game-rigging
Talking Sport: Rugby 2016 Olympics 橄榄球成为奥运比赛项目
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