Rice might be a staple in many cuisines around the world, but let's face it - all the starch isn't exactly great for you. In fact, just 1 cup of cooked rice contains around 240 calories, which will be easily converted into fat if they're not burnt off.
But researchers have figured out a simple way to manipulate all that starch and make it more resistant to being broken down into glucose (calorie-laden sugars).
You'll first need to add a dollop of coconut oil to your boiling water - about 3 percent of the weight of the rice you're about to add, which is roughly a teaspoon for half a cup of rice. Next, pour your rice in, turn the heat down to a simmer, and cook for 8-10 minutes.
When your rice is cooked, you need to put it in the fridge for 12 hours. Once that's done, you can just reheat it in the microwave to serve, and you'll be eating something with a potential 50 to 60 percent reduction in calories.
How does this work? Starches in rice come in digestible and indigestible varieties - digestible starches are quickly turned into glucose and stored as fat if we don't burn them up, whereas indigestible starches aren't.
The coconut oil works by interacting with the starch molecules and changing their architecture. Cooling for 12 hours then leads to the formation of hydrogen bonds between a starch component called amylose outside the rice grains, which converts them to an indigestible starch.
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