More than 70 percent of Chinese consumers understand the idea of sustainable consumption, according to a report released by the China Chain Store and Franchise Association.
可持续消费(sustainable consumption)是指,在提供服务以及相关的产品以满足人类的基本需求,提高生活质量的同时(provides for the basic needs of consumers while improving their lives),使自然资源和有毒材料的使用量最少,使服务或产品的生命周期中所产生的废物和污染物最少,从而不危及后代的需求(buying products or services that have the least pollutants and do minimum harm to the environment)。
受访的消费者中,30.13%的消费者完全赞同个人的消费行为与环境有直接关联性(believed strongly that personal consumption has a direct impact on the environment),40.85%的消费者基本赞同(basically agreed),还有20.20%的消费者在一定程度上认为个人的消费行为与环境有关。
报告指出,约一半中国消费者愿意为可持续产品支付不超过10%的溢价(willing to pay 10 percent more for sustainable products)。
根据MBA智库百科的介绍,可持续消费的核心理念是绿色消费(green consumption)、适度消费(moderate consumption)和健康的生活。