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发布时间:2013-02-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Gaza militants sent dozens of rockets into Israel on Wednesday as Israeli airstrikes killed four Palestinian fighters, in a dangerous escalation of cross-border fighting that began just hours after the end of a landmark visit to the coastal enclave by the emir of Qatar.


The outbreak, which marks the worst hostilities in four months, prompted Egyptian intelligence officials to press Israel, Hamas and Gaza militant groups to cease fire.


A Hamas official said a cease-fire was scheduled to go into effect at midnight Thursday, and that Qatar had complained that the Gaza rocket fire erupted so close to the visit.


Both sides want to avoid a larger flare-up that could draw Israeli troops into Gaza, like Israel's brief incursion into the territory four years ago that killed more than 1,000 Gazans, 13 Israelis and left billions of dollars of damaged infrastructure. But Israel suggested a willingness for a more extensive fight if pushed.


The fighting raises questions about whether Qatar's new patronage for Hamas -- including $400 million worth of building projects -- will embolden Gaza's Islamic militant rulers to take a more aggressive stance toward Israel or a more conciliatory one by giving them a greater material stake in stability.


Gaza's Islamist militant rulers gave a hero's welcome to Sheik Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, the first foreign head of state to visit the enclave since Hamas's 2007 takeover, declaring an end to years of economic and political isolation by the West and Israel.

加沙的伊斯兰武装头目像对待英雄般欢迎卡塔尔埃米尔哈马德·本·哈立法·阿勒萨尼(Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-thani)。他是哈马斯2007年占领加沙后首位访问这处巴勒斯坦“飞地的外国首脑。加沙的伊斯兰武装头目宣称,此访结束了西方和以色列多年来在经济和政治上对加沙的封锁。

The emir's Gaza visit followed two weeks of increased fighting between Hamas and Israel, though both sides held their fire for the foreign visitor. Shortly after he left Gaza, militants unleashed rockets. An Israeli officer was seriously wounded on the border on Monday and several migrant workers were injured in Wednesday's attacks.


The Israel Defense Forces said some 75 rockets and mortars hit Israel on Wednesday, roughly the total fired from Gaza during the three prior months combined. The army said its aircraft targeted four rocket launch squads and a weapons-smuggling tunnel late Tuesday and early Wednesday. Avital Leibovitch, an Israeli army spokeswoman, said a Hamas-affiliated militia sent most of the rocket fire.

以色列国防军(Israel Defense Forces)说,周三有大约75枚火箭弹和炮弹落在以色列境内,差不多是加沙此前三个月所发射炮火的总和。国防军说,周二深夜和周三早间,以色列飞机轰炸了四个火箭弹发射小组和一处武器走私隧道。以色列军方发言人雷波维奇(Avital Leibovitch)说,一个与哈马斯有关的民兵组织发射了大多数火箭弹。

The hostilities prompted Israeli officials to close schools in the region near Gaza and request civilians in some areas to take cover in bomb shelters. Until recently, Israel and Hamas have observed a relative calm that has allowed residents in the region go about their lives. But every several months there is a flare-up, most recently in June.


Hamas accused Israel of escalating the hostilities out of frustration over the visit of the Qatari emir.


Israeli officials declined to respond to the accusation.


The hostilities came as U.S. and Israel began an extensive drill to simulate a joint defense against a massive missile attack.



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