中国经济数据低迷 浇灭迅速回升希望-查字典英语网
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中国经济数据低迷 浇灭迅速回升希望

发布时间:2013-02-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

China's factory output showed further slowing, damping hopes that Beijing's shift to stimulus would trigger a rapid rebound in the world's second-largest economy, and compounding fears about a flagging global recovery.


Industrial output, the key monthly measure of China's economic health, dipped to 9.2% growth in July compared with a year earlier, down from 9.5% in June and the lowest level since May 2010. Electricity generation eked out a 2.1% on-year increase, pointing to a sharper slowdown in energy-intensive heavy industry.


'Output growth is surprisingly weak and may trigger more policy easing' said Zhang Zhiwei, China economist at Nomura. Equity markets in Chinese mainland and Hong Kong shook off the negative data to end the day up, reflecting hopes that Beijing would do more to stimulate growth.


The figures offer a first glimpse of whether China's third-quarter growth will recover from a second-quarter slowdown. Gross domestic product grew 7.6% in the second quarter compared with a year earlier, down from 8.1% in the first and the slowest pace since the global financial crisis.


The European crisis, which has hurt China's exports, and a policy-induced correction in China's own real estate sector help explain the disappointing output figures.


In the real-estate sector, the area of new residential property under construction fell 13.4% in the first seven months of the year compared with a year ago. In a recent news conference, Tan Huajie, board secretary of property developer China Vanke Co., said sluggish sales meant some developers were reducing construction in the second half.

在房地产业,今年前七个月在建住宅面积同比减少13.4%。在最近召开的一次资讯发布会上,房地产开发商万科企业股份有限公司(China Vanke Co.)董事会秘书谭华杰说,销售低迷意味着一些开发商下半年将减少施工建设。

A slowdown in real estate is denting demand for steel and other construction materials. Yang Jian, sales manager of a steel trade company in Zhengzhou in central China, said the market 'is not good.' 'Steel prices keep declining, sales are down too,' he said. 'This year is worse than last year. We can't see any hope.'


Household consumption, which China's leaders hope will play a bigger part in supporting growth, showed some signs of resilience. Taking account of changes in prices, retail-sales growth edged up modestly to 12.2% on year from 12.1% in June. Sales of passenger cars were also robust, up 11% on year in July according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, an industry group.

家庭消费显示出一些增长的迹象。中国7月份经通胀调整后的零售额同比增长12.2%,略高于6月份的12.1%。轿车销量也较强劲,据行业组织中国汽车工业协会(China Association of Automobile Manufacturers)的数据显示,7月份轿车销量同比增长11%。中国领导人希望家庭消费能在支撑经济增长方面发挥更大的作用。

China's leaders have promised to swing policy into pro-growth mode, with cuts in the benchmark interest rate in June and July reducing the cost of a one-year loan by 1.7 percentage points for some borrowers. Speaking at the end of July, Premier Wen Jiabao said the government would give higher priority to protecting growth, a message repeated by the central bank in its second-quarter Monetary Policy Report.


Still, China's commercial banks report that those shifts had yet to feed through into stronger demand from customers. 'Loans for infrastructure and environmental projects are flat' said one loan officer at a state-owned bank in Beijing.


Inflation slowed, with the consumer-price index down to 1.8% on-year in July from 2.2% in June, the lowest level since January 2010. That opens up space for the government to do more to support growth.


But government economists were pessimistic that easing monetary policy alone would be sufficient to get the economy back on track. Li Shigang, a researcher at a think tank linked to the National Development and Reform Commission, China's top economic planner, said the recent rate cuts would have a limited impact on boosting demand.


With cuts in interest rates slow to pass through into stronger lending, and business reluctant to spend, the government is stepping up its own investment efforts.


The NDRC approved 1,446 major investment projects in the first half of the year, up 22% from the same period in 2011. Investment in the railway system, a mainstay of China's 2010 economic stimulus, was up 8% on year in July, the first return to growth since the beginning of 2011.


Some businesses reported the government's efforts to stimulate growth were already improving their bottom line. Zheng Huirong, a manager at China National Building Material Co., said its sales of cement and other building materials were up 10% on-month in July. 'The stimulus measures have had a positive impact on property and infrastructure investment and that is boosting demand' she said.

一些企业报告说,政府刺激经济增长的措施已经开始令它们的利润出现好转。中国建材股份有限公司(China National Building Material Co.)一位名叫郑惠蓉(音)的经理说,7月份该公司水泥和其他建材的销售额较上个月增长了10%。她说,政府的刺激措施对房地产和基础设施投资带来了积极影响,正开始提振需求。

Still, if more businesses don't start to see the benefits, Mr. Li─the government researcher─expects Beijing to redouble its stimulus efforts. 'If third-quarter growth is below 7.5%, CPI is below 2%, and there is chaos in Europe, we should consider a major policy attack,' he said.



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