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审计监管何去何从 中美之间难题待解

发布时间:2013-02-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Investors can only hope the U.S. audit watchdog will bite, even if it doesn't bark.


This month, the Chinese affiliate of Big Four accounting firm KPMG converted from a joint venture with the international firm to a local business with a majority of Chinese partners. Mandated by the Chinese government, the move marked a big change.


In that case, the affiliate seemingly should have sought a new registration with the U.S. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board. Instead, it sought to effectively transfer its existing registration so that it can continue audit work for U.S.-listed Chinese companies or Chinese units of U.S. multinationals.

在这种情况下,毕马威的附属机构似乎本应谋求在美国上市公司会计监管委员会(U.S. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board,简称: PCAOB)重新进行注册。但它并没有这样做,而是谋求在事实上将现有注册地位转移到新机构中,以便能够继续为在美上市的中国公司或美国跨国公司的中国部门做审计工作。

The problem it sought to sidestep: The oversight board likely wouldn't approve a new registration because China continues to block it from inspecting local audit firms. That could have left some multinational companies with China operations and Chinese companies listed in the U.S. without a registered auditor in China.


Yet the ability of the oversight board to inspect local firms is important for investors given the raft of frauds and accounting problems that have occurred at Chinese companies with U.S. listings.


Now, the onus is on the board, especially because Chinese affiliates of other firms likely will pursue similar moves. The KPMG affiliate's filing to continue as an existing registered firm doesn't require approval. But the board could object if there was a significant change in its structure, which seems to be the case.


So far, the board has been mute. It may be biding its time as Chairman James Doty negotiates with the Chinese government in hope of reaching an accord on inspections by year's end. But if the board stays silent too long, and gets played by the Chinese government, investors will be the losers.

目前为止,PCAOB还没有发声。委员会主席多蒂(James Doty)正跟中国政府谈判,希望在年内就检查事务所的问题达成一致。在此期间,PCAOB或许是在等候时机。但如果该委员会沉默时间太长,让中国政府占了上风,那么投资者将成为输家。


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