美丽平安夜 Silent Night--1-查字典英语网
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美丽平安夜 Silent Night--1

发布时间:2013-02-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编
Bradley's Silent Night

Bradley was very sad. It was Christmas Eve, and Dad wasn't home like he had promised. Christmas just couldn't be the same without him. But Christmas is the time of miracles!

Bradley sat by the window and stared at the quiet street. The snow had been falling all day and the street looked lonely, just like he was feeling.

Bradley's Mom walked in the room and put her arm on his shoulder. "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay." said Bradley.

"Emily and Brian are going to watch a movie and I'm going to make some popcorn. Would you like to join us?" asked Mom.

"No, I think I'll just stay here." said Bradley.

"Honey, you've hardly moved from that spot all day and you barely ate any supper." said Mom.

"Mom, Dad promised he would be home today!"

"I know, Bradley. But the weather has been so bad that they closed the airport in Vancouver."

Bradley looked at his mom with tears in his eyes. "But Dad promised and it's Christmas Eve. He should be here!" Bradley turned to look out the window again hoping his dad would suddenly drive up.

Mom was disappointed too and she thought for a moment. "Children, I have an idea. I'd like to show you something I saw earlier this week. It's a few blocks away, so get dressed and we'll drive over. Bradley, we would really like you to join us."

"I just want to wait for Dad." said Bradley.

"We won't be long and it would mean a lot to me if we could all go together." said Mom.

"All right. I'll come." said Bradley.

"Emily," said Mom, "bring your doll."

"Why?" asked Emily.

"You'll see." said Mom. ( to be continued )



















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