国事访问+ state visit plus
US President Donald Trump's first state visit to China will start on Wednesday. Chinese Ambassador to the US Cui Tiankai said that Beijing is ready to provide a "state visit plus" experience for Trump.
应国家主席习近平邀请(at the invitation of President Xi Jinping),美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)将于11月8日至10日对中国进行国事访问(state visit)。届时,两国领导人将就中美关系和共同关心的重大国际与地区问题深入交换意见(have an in-depth exchange of views on bilateral relations and major international and regional issues of mutual concern)。中方愿与美方共同努力(China stands ready to work with the US side),推动特朗普总统访华和中美元首会晤取得重要成果(secure important outcomes),为中美关系发展注入新的强劲动力(inject fresh and strong impetus into bilateral relations)。
中国驻美国大使崔天凯10月30日在回答中外记者提问时表示,特朗普总统是中共十九大(the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China)之后首位访华的外国元首。他透露,特朗普总统夫妇今年4月初在美国佛罗里达州海湖庄园热情接待了习近平主席夫妇,中方同样也要做出热情周到的安排(reciprocates the hospitality)。中方会按照"国事访问+(state visit plus)"的规格来接待此访。"这意味着除了国事访问的规定动作(usual protocols),包括检阅仪仗队(military honor guard)、正式会谈(official talks)、举办国宴(state banquet)等之外,还会有一些特殊安排(special arrangements)。"
创意城市网络 Creative Cities Network
Four Chinese cities have been selected to join the UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) on November 1, 2017.
The four Chinese cities, Changsha (media arts), the Macao Special Administrative Region (gastronomy), Qingdao (film) and Wuhan (design) are among 64 cities from 44 countries and regions which have joined the network.
联合国教科文组织创意城市网络(UNESCO Creative Cities Network,UCCN)创立于2004年,汇聚世界各地以创意作为策略因素推动可持续发展的城市,促进各城市彼此交流合作(promote cooperation with and among cities that have identified creativity as a strategic factor for sustainable urban development)。创意城市网络涵盖手工艺与民间艺术(crafts & folk art)、设计(design)、电影(film)、美食(gastronomy)、文学(literature)、音乐(music)和媒体艺术(media arts)7个范畴。
青岛是首个加入创意城市网络“电影之都”(City of Film)的中国城市。此前,中国已有8个城市加入该网络,分别为设计之都(City of Design)深圳、上海、北京,手工艺与民间艺术之都(City of Crafts & Folk Art)杭州、苏州、景德镇,美食之都(City of Gastronomy)成都、顺德。
失信黑名单 blacklist of serious dishonesty
The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) is now working with other departments to exercise special governance on serious dishonesty in e-commerce ahead of Nov 11, when the e-commerce frenzy kicks off.
So far, some 6,440 enterprises have been named on a blacklist shared on the national credit information sharing platform, 500 of which have been announced on creditchina.gov.cn as the first batch.
发改委还组织第三方机构对"双11"活动期间各主要电商平台的相关承诺兑现情况进行数据跟踪与测评分析,委托信用服务机构在产品质量(product quality)、产品销售与服务(product sales and service)、产品价格(product price)、物流服务(logistics)等环节开展信用监测,以完善电子商务领域信用记录(to improve credit records of e-commerce)。
双11促销 Double 11 promotions
Overly complicated Double 11 promotions have recently aroused complaints among Chinese customers as the annual online shopping spree on Nov 11 approaches.
"双十一(Double 11)"又要来了!这个在中国原本属于单身一族的"光棍节(Single's Day)",早已变成了全球范围内最盛大的"网购狂欢节(online shopping spree)"。随着2017年双十一的临近,各电商平台的促销(promotion)正如火如荼地展开。但很多顾客抱怨,如今直接打折(direct percent-off discounts)很少见,他们不得不花好几个小时研究各种不同的促销方法(promotion methods)——预售(prelaunch)、减免(money-off)、价保(price protection)等等。
有网友吐槽道,想要参与双十一你得是个数学天才(math genius)才行。譬如,消费者在购买预售商品(prelaunch goods)时不能合单以获得最大折扣(combine their orders to get the maximum discount)。优惠券(coupon)被商家设置了一系列的限制,一些只适用于(be exclusive for)预售商品,另一些则只适用于特定的产品、型号,甚至颜色。作为鼓励消费(encourage consumption)的一种方式,商家发的现金礼物(monetary gift)——红包(red packets)也被分成了各式各样的类别,让消费者困惑不已。
监察委员会 supervisory commissions
Supervisory commissions will be set up across the country by people's congresses at provincial, city and county-levels within their jurisdictions to supervise those exercising public power.
监察委员会(supervisory commissions)按照管理权限,对本地区所有行使公权力的公职人员依法实施监察;履行监督(supervision)、调查(investigation)、处置(punishment)职责,监督检查公职人员依法履职、秉公用权、廉洁从政以及道德操守情况(execution of duty and ethics),调查涉嫌贪污贿赂(graft)、滥用职权(misuse of authority)、玩忽职守(neglect of duty)、权力寻租(rent-seeking behavior)、利益输送(tunneling)、徇私舞弊(playing favoritism and committing irregularities)以及浪费国家资财(wasting public funds)等职务违法和职务犯罪行为并作出处置决定;对涉嫌职务犯罪的,移送检察机关依法提起公诉(transfer suspected criminal cases to the procuratorates)。
为履行上述职权,监察委员会可以采取谈话(interview)、讯问(interrogation)、询问(questioning)、查询(inquiry)、冻结(freezing)、调取(collecting and obtaining)、查封(sealing)、扣押(seizure)、搜查(search)、勘验检查(inspection and examination)、鉴定(identification)、留置(detention)等措施。
亚太经合组织第25次领导人非正式会议 the 25th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting
President Xi Jinping will attend the 25th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting held in Da Nang, Vietnam from November 10 to 11. This will be the first international multilateral meeting attended by a Chinese leader after the successful concluding of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), which is of great significance and receives high attention from the international community.
这次会议的主题是“打造全新动力,开创共享未来”(Creating New Dynamism, Fostering a Shared Future)。各经济体领导人及代表将围绕区域经济一体化(regional economic integration)、包容发展(inclusive development)、创新增长(innovative growth)、互联互通(connectivity)、农业和粮食安全(agricultural and food safety)等议题深入交换看法,会议共识将反映在会后发表的领导人宣言中。
Firstly, jointly maintain the general direction of the open development in the Asia-Pacific region, send out a positive signal to the outside world and inject positive energy into the open world economy;
Secondly, jointly explore the new momentum of development in the Asia-Pacific region and promote the implementation of the blueprint for Asia-Pacific connectivity so as to promote the development of real economy among the members;
Thirdly, draw the outline of new prospects of future cooperation together.
China will continue to work with all parties to promote the stable development of Asia-Pacific economic cooperation as well as advance the development and prosperity of the Asia-Pacific region and the world at large.
虐童 child abuse
China's largest online travel service platform Ctrip said on Wednesday it has reported a child abuse case at its affiliated day-care center in Shanghai and has fired those responsible.
"There was gross negligence by some teachers at the day-care center, which ctrip.com entrusted to a third party to manage. The company has reported the case to the police and will stand with the parents in holding those responsible accountable," Ctrip said in a statement.
11月8日,携程亲子园(day-care center)教师虐待儿童的视频(videos of child abuse)被上传至社交媒体,引发家长和网友的极大愤慨(creating an outcry from parents and netizens)。视频中,教师给孩子穿衣脱衣时动作粗暴,一些孩子甚至摔倒并撞到桌角(Some children even fell down and bumped their head on the corner of a table)。一些孩子被强迫吞食不明物,一直哭,后来发现孩子们被喂食的是芥末。
事发班级为彩虹班,均为1岁半到2岁的小朋友(children aged from 18 months to 24 months)。携程计算机(上海)有限公司开办了仅招收携程员工子女的亲子园,并委托上海《现代家庭》杂志社读者服务部(为了孩子学苑)日常管理运营。事发后,携程人力资源管理部门正在代管亲子园。
“We’ll provide physical check-ups and psychological services as needed to children and their families to minimize the negative impact,” read the statement.
上海市妇女联合会方面9日凌晨表示,对“携程亲子园事件”强烈谴责,并密切关注后续进展(pay close attention to the follow-up)。上海《现代家庭》杂志社读者服务部(为了孩子学苑)已发表公开致歉信(issue public apology),表示将深刻反省(do self-examination)、弥补漏洞(make up for loopholes),坚决杜绝此类事件再度发生,并诚挚接受社会监督(accept public supervision)。
Police and education authorities in Beijing are probing a child abuse case at the Xintiandi branch of RYB Education Kindergarten, a well-known chain of preschools. This is the latest in a number of similar cases reported recently nationwide.
22日晚,多名北京红黄蓝幼儿园新天地分园孩子家长已到朝阳区管庄派出所报案,称该园园长和老师涉嫌虐童(child abuse)。家长反映,该幼儿园国际小二班的幼儿遭遇老师扎针(be pricked with needles)、喂不明白色药片(be fed unidentified white pills),并提供了孩子身上多个针眼(needle mark)的照片。一些家长称自己孩子遭到性侵(be sexually assaulted)。警方正展开调查和取证(police are investigating and collecting evidence),调查过程有皮肤科医生(dermatology doctors)和法医专家(forensic experts)参加,但目前还没有任何结论(so far no conclusion could be made)。朝阳区教委称,三名涉事老师已经被停职(three teachers involved have been suspended)。
教育部23日晚表示,已责成地方有关部门立即启动调查,尽快查清事实真相(find out the truth)。教育部已部署开展幼儿园办园行为专项督查(special inspection),要求各地教育部门对此类事件一定要引以为戒(learn lessons from such incidents),采取有效措施,切实加强师德师风建设(improve teachers' morality),切实规范办园行为,切实加大监管督查力度。
事件中的红黄蓝幼儿园9月刚刚在美国纽交所挂牌上市(ring the opening bell on the New York Stock Exchange)。据悉,红黄蓝是中国首家独立上市的学前教育企业(the first public company in the early childhood education field)。根据Frost&Sullivan的报告,以2016年的年总收入衡量,红黄蓝是中国最大的早期教育服务提供商(China's largest early years education service provider)。
元首外交 head-of-state diplomacy
President Xi Jinping and visiting US President Donald Trump agreed on maintaining the strategic leading role of head-of-state diplomacy in developing bilateral relations.
双方认为,今年以来中美关系取得重要进展。中美关系事关两国人民福祉,也关乎世界的和平、稳定、繁荣(China-US relations concern not only the well-being of both peoples, but also world peace, prosperity and stability)。合作是中美两国唯一正确选择(cooperation is the only viable choice for China and the United States),共赢才能通向更好未来。
双方同意,加强两国高层及各级别交往(increase exchanges at various levels),充分发挥4个高级别对话机制作用(give a full play to the four high-level dialogue mechanisms),拓展经贸、两军、执法、人文等领域交流合作,加强在重大国际和地区问题上的沟通和协调(enhance communication and coordination on major international and regional issues),推动中美关系得到更大发展。
绿色包装 green packaging
The State Post Bureau(SPB) recently announced specific goals to green the courier sector.
By 2020, half of external packages should be degradable, 90 percent of waybills electronic, and packing material consumed for each parcel cut by 10 percent, the SPB said in a document.
胶带(tape)、缓冲气泡袋(cushions)以及塑料袋(plastic bags)等包装材料的主要成分是聚氯乙烯(polyvinyl chloride),这些材料使用过后一般都被送往垃圾掩埋场(landfills),需要数百年才能降解,如果对这些材料进行燃烧处理,则会产生污染物(pollutants)。
有分析指出,去年我国共产生600万吨包装垃圾(packaging waste),其中只有不到10%的包装材料是可回收再利用的,而处理这些垃圾的花费将超过90亿元。
此外,纸质包装和塑料包装也会消耗大量的木材和原油(crude oil)。生产1吨纸盒需要17棵十年的树(a ton of paper boxes takes 17 ten-year-old trees),而生产1吨塑料袋则需要消耗3吨原油。
近年来快递行业发展迅猛,一次性包装(disposable package)的链条和体系比较成熟。未来需加强宣传,力促公众合理拆封包装材料,积极参与分类回收(sorting and recycling)或绿色包装(green packaging)等行动,同时转变消费观念,减少对一次性快递包装的依赖。
针对存在的问题,意见中明确,要完善快递业绿色包装法规标准,增加快递绿色包装产品供给使用,实施快递包装产品绿色认证(green certification of packaging products),开展快递业绿色包装试点示范(green packaging trials),做大做强快递绿色包装产业联盟,建设快递包装回收示范城市,同时强化快递业绿色包装宣传引导与教育培训。
广场舞 square dancing
Adding to the administration's first guideline issued in 2017, the new measure urges regional government agencies to better plan and supervise the use of public exercise venues - parks and open spaces in urban areas - for square dancing and other forms of exercise, along with other leisure activities.
广场舞(square dancing)是我国广大中老年女性喜爱的一项健身休闲活动(fitness and leisure activity),有数据显示,目前全国大约有1.2亿人定期参与广场舞活动。
《通知》指出,目前我国广场舞健身活动依然存在场地不足(lack of venues)、噪音扰民(loud and disturbing noises)、管理服务不到位(inadequate management)等突出问题,个别地方甚至发生了健身群众抢占活动场地的冲突,成为社会舆论关注的焦点。
《通知》明确,通过扩大增量(planning new venues)和盘活存量(making full use of existing venues),科学规划、统筹建设广场舞健身活动场地,多措并举增加广场舞健身活动场地供给。
《通知》强调,积极引导场地管理单位制定广场舞健身活动管理规范,不得在烈士陵园等庄严场所开展广场舞健身活动(square dancing is not allowed at venues intended for solemn activities),不得通过广场舞健身活动非法敛财、传播封建迷信思想(raking in money by illegal means and spreading feudal superstition),不得因广场舞健身活动产生噪音影响周边学生上课和居民正常生活(disturbing daily life of students and residents living nearby),不得因参加广场舞健身活动破坏自然生态、环境卫生和公共场地设施(damage natural environment, environmental sanitation and public facilities),扰乱社会治安、公共交通等公共秩序(disturbing social order and public transportation)。
东亚经济共同体 East Asian Economic Community
Premier Li Keqiang advanced building an East Asian Economic Community in order to promote regional integration and common development at the 20th Association of Southeast Asian Nations, China, Japan and Republic of Korea (10+3) leaders' meeting in the Philippines on Tuesday.
今年是10+3合作(10+3 cooperation)启动20周年。20年来10+3合作机制不断完善、合作领域(cooperation field)逐步拓展,成为亚洲地区最重要的合作机制之一,以及建设东亚共同体、推进东亚合作的主渠道(the main channel for building an East Asian community and promoting cooperation in East Asia)。
李克强指出,构建东亚经济共同体(East Asian Economic Community)是10+3合作的战略目标(strategic goal)之一,符合地区国家人民的长远和根本利益(meet the long-term and fundamental interests of the region's people)。他就此提出六点建议:大力推进贸易自由化便利化(highly promote liberalization and facilitation of trade)、扩大产能和投资合作(expand production capacity and investment cooperation)、加强基础设施合作(enhance cooperation in infrastructure construction)、深化金融合作,维护地区金融稳定(deepen financial cooperation and maintain regional financial stability)、加强可持续发展合作(strengthen sustainable development cooperation),以及扩大人文交流合作(increase people-to-people and cultural exchanges and cooperation)。
李克强呼吁各方携手并进,共同推进东亚经济共同体建设(jointly promote the construction of East Asian economic community),共同开创10+3合作更具活力的下一个20年(begin another brilliant 20 years of 10+3 cooperation)!
混合所有制改革 mixed-ownership reform
China has picked a group of 31 State-owned enterprises for the third round of SOE mixed ownership reform, aiming to bring more private capital into the State sector, officials at the country's top economic planner said on Wednesday.
《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》指出要积极发展混合所有制经济(mixed-ownership economy/mixed economy)。国有资本(State-owned capital)、集体资本(collective capital)、非公有资本(non-public capital)等交叉持股、相互融合的混合所有制经济,是基本经济制度的重要实现形式(an important way to materialize the basic economic system),有利于国有资本放大功能、保值增值、提高竞争力(improving the amplification function of State-owned capital, ensuring the appreciation of its value and raising its competitiveness),有利于各种所有制资本取长补短、相互促进、共同发展。
国家发展和改革委员会资讯发言人孟玮表示,前两批19家中央企业混合所有制改革试点正在逐步落地,超过三分之一的试点企业已基本完成引入投资者(introducing new investors)、设立新公司(establishing new companies)、重构公司治理机制(boosting corporate governance)、建立内部激励机制(setting up new internal incentive mechanism)等工作,其他企业也正在按照试点方案加快落实。
国家账本 State balance sheet
The State Council recently approved the compiling of balance sheets for both the central and local governments. The central government reportedly may finish its first State balance sheet by the end of this year.
根据方案,我国将先编制全国资产负债表(compile national assets and liabilities balance sheet),再总结经验并根据实际情况,例如对机构部门和资产负债分类进行适当简化后,编制地方资产负债表(draw up local balance sheets)。
资产负债表(balance sheet)能直接反映出政府、居民、企业、金融机构在某一特定时点上的资产(assets)和负债(liabilities)的总量、分布和结构(distribution and structure),是揭示潜在金融风险(expose potential financial risks)的重要工具。
自2013年党的十八届三中全会提出"编制全国和地方资产负债表"后,相关工作在加速推进。2017年6月26日,中央全面深化改革领导小组第三十六次会议审议通过了《全国和地方资产负债表编制工作方案》。有专家指出,编制国家资产负债表标志着中国国民经济核算发展到了更高水平(China's national economic accounting has developed to a higher level)。
吉利钱 lucky money
Leonard Olijar, director of the US Bureau of Engraving and Printing, announced the release of the bureau's lucky money of the Year of the Dog 2018 to celebrate the upcoming Chinese Lunar Year of the Dog on Tuesday.
奥利雅尔在发布会上表示,狗年"吉利钱(lucky money)"是该局"吉利钱系列产品(Lucky Money Collection products)"之一。自2000年首次发布该系列产品以来,该局迄今已发布了29套产品,售出200万各种样式的"吉利钱"。奥利雅尔称,对于狗年"吉利钱"的发售他尤为兴奋,因为他本人就出生在狗年,美国总统特朗普也属狗(US President Donald Trump was also born in the Year of the Dog)。狗具有诚实和忠诚的特质(carry traits of loyalty and honesty),狗年出生的人极为友善、忠诚、聪慧、勤奋且责任感很强(extremely friendly, faithful, smart, industrious and have a strong sense of responsibility)。
狗年"吉利钱"沿用了往年的鎏金红色封套(red folder with embossed, gold foil)设计。内页右上方是一只脚踩金元宝(gold ingot)的狗,旁边印有"如意"、"戌岁平安"字样,左边除了繁体中文的"福禄寿喜临门金银财宝齐来",还有关于生肖狗年的英文介绍等。内页下方则是一张编号以"8888"开头的一美元纸币(a $1 note with a serial number beginning with"8888")。据称,狗年"吉利钱"售价5.95美元,总发行量为108888套,比往年多2万套,以满足亚裔美国人群体的需求(in order to satisfy the demand of the Asian-American community)。
社保基金 social security fund
Ten percent of State-owned equity, including shares of State-owned enterprises and financial institutions, will be transferred to the National Council for Social Security Fund and smaller, local State-owned companies, the State Council, China's Cabinet, announced in a document on Saturday.
方案明确,按照试点先行、分级组织、稳步推进的原则完成划转工作。第一步,2017年选择部分中央企业和部分省份开展试点(pilot programs in selected SOEs and provinces)。中央企业包括国务院国资委监管的中央管理企业3至5家、中央金融机构2家。第二步,在总结试点经验的基础上,2018年及以后,分批划转其他符合条件的中央管理企业、中央行政事业单位所办企业以及中央金融机构的国有股权(the program will be further expanded to other SOEs and financial institutions in 2018),尽快完成划转工作。
划转范围方面,方案将中央和地方国有及国有控股大中型企业(large and medium-sized central and local SOEs)、金融机构(financial institutions)纳入划转范围。公益类企业(enterprises of public interest)、文化企业(cultural enterprises)、政策性和开发性金融机构(policy and development related financial institutions)以及国务院另有规定的除外。
划转比例上,以弥补企业职工基本养老保险制度转轨时期因企业职工享受视同缴费年限政策形成的企业职工基本养老保险基金缺口(to make up for possible shortfalls in the nation's pension provisions)为基本目标,划转比例统一为企业国有股权的10%(10% of State-owned equity)。
承接主体方面,方案指出,划转的国有股权是基本养老保险基金的重要组成部分。划转的中央企业国有股权,由国务院委托社保基金会负责集中持有,单独核算,接受考核和监督。条件成熟时,经批准,社保基金会可组建养老金管理公司,独立运营划转的中央企业国有股权(the National Council for Social Security Fund can set up a pension fund management company to independently operate the transferred assets)。
庭前会议 pretrial conference
A pretrial conference in the high-profile litigation related to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was focused mainly on exchanges of evidence and clarifying appeals and opinions of the parties and ended on Tuesday, a lawyer involved in the litigation said.
Flight MH370 disappeared from radar on its way from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8, 2017. The aircraft was carrying 239 people, including 154 Chinese passengers.
庭前会议(pretrial conference)是在开庭以前,审判人员召集当事人(litigants)和诉讼代理人(lawyers),对回避、出庭证人名单(lists of challenge witnesses and witnesses in court)、非法证据排除(exclusion of illegal evidences)等与审判相关的问题了解情况、听取意见的一种会议,是为正式开庭所做的准备。
据报道,本案的五个被告分别为:美国波音公司(aircraft maker Boeing)、英国罗尔斯飞机发动机制造商(engine manufacturer Rolls-Royce)、德国安联保险(German insurance company Allianz)、马来西亚航空(Malaysia Airlines Systems)和新马航(Malaysia Airlines Berhad)。
本次庭前会议主要是明确身份和诉讼请求(clarifying identities and appeals),原被告进行举证(plaintiffs and defendants exchange evidences),没有进行置辩。
据一位代理律师介绍,除了发起诉讼的30多位乘客家属外,中国其他60多名乘客家属已经与马航达成赔偿协议(reached compensation deals)。他代理的14名家属中,最少的索赔金额是1400万元,最多的7700万元。他表示,这是根据家属各自的痛苦程度(mental anguish),以及失联旅客的年龄、收入、家里的负担大小,以及所在城市的收入水平(income level of their living cities)等方面确定的。
新兴职业 new occupations
New occupations, such as blogger, jogging buddy and drone trainer, are making employment more flexible in China.
随着全球互联网的大发展,各种新兴职业蓬勃兴起:私人旅行线路定制师(personal travel designer)、度假房产咨询师(vacation home consultant)、电竞游戏指导(e-game coach)、运动治疗师(exercise therapist)、时尚买手(fashion buyer)、共享单车运维员(shared bike maintenance personnel)、网络营销专员(internet marketing specialist),等等。
某网络平台去年发布的一份调查报告显示,在“95后”最向往的新兴职业排行榜中,排名第一的是直播平台主播(host of livestreaming sites),接下来还有网红(internet celebrity)、声优(character voice,CV)、化妆师(make-up artist)、专业角色扮演者(Cosplayer)等。
“95后”选择创业的人群中,46%的人会选择海淘(cross-border online shopping)、自媒体(We-media)等新兴互联网创业项目(internet-related entrepreneurship program),尤以北京、深圳、广州三地的毕业生为最。
产权保护 property rights protection
Businesses will enjoy better protection of their operational and property rights, and private businesses will enjoy equal protection for their property rights as companies in the public sector, according to the statement following the State Council executive meeting. Protection of residents' property rights will also be enhanced.
党的十九大报告指出,经济体制改革必须以完善产权制度和要素市场化配置为重点(economic reforms must focus on improving the property rights system and ensuring the market-oriented allocation of factors of production)。
会议指出,贯彻党的十九大精神,完善产权保护制度(improving property rights protection system),依法全面保护各类产权(comprehensively protect property rights in all areas in accordance with law),是建设现代化经济体系、健全社会主义市场经济体制的重要内容,有利于增强市场主体创业创新活力和投资意愿,培育壮大新动能,促进扩大开放,推动经济持续健康发展。
Regulations and documents that are contradictory to the law and go against the protection of property rights will be revised or abolished. The government will ensure administration adheres to the rule of law and that wayward and arbitrary enforcement are strictly prevented.
The government will give more support in legal aid, helping infringement victims to recover losses.
Entrepreneurs should be given a confidence boost through the speedy conclusions of a number of key pending infringement cases.
Law enforcement and judicial protection will be stepped up to increase the cost of infringements and reduce the cost of rights protection.
维密中国首秀 China debut of Victoria's Secret Fashion Show
The China debut of Victoria's Secret Fashion Show concluded in Shanghai on Monday. It is the first time the US lingerie brand held its annual show outside the US or Europe. The fashion gala offers the public a feast for eyes and has generated animated discussions on social media platforms.
从表演嘉宾(guest performer)接连被曝出局,到超模吉吉·哈迪德等签证被拒(were denied Chinese visas),"维多利亚的秘密(Victoria's Secret)"中国首秀在举办之前就已赚足眼球。20日晚,大秀在上海梅赛德斯奔驰中心拉开帷幕。除了超模们带来的美轮美奂的内衣秀,奚梦瑶走秀时摔跤(fall while walking on the runway)、王思聪因迟到站着看秀(have to stand while watching the show because he was late)等话题也在国内社交媒体上吸睛无数(grab huge attention on China's social media)。
英国广播公司报道称,此次大秀,无论是模特、服饰设计还是表演嘉宾,无一不充满了中国特色(Chinese characteristics),维密讨好中国市场(woo the Chinese market)的意图显露无遗。报道称,维密母公司L Brands去年的年度报告称中国市场是"最优先级(top priority)",主席莱斯·韦斯纳在报告中写道:"中国市场太大及太重要,我们不能不拥有它(the China market is too big and too important for us not to own it)。"因此,该品牌如此卖力去接触中国消费者也就不难理解了(it doesn't come as a surprise that the brand is trying so hard to reach out to Chinese consumers)。维密今年在成都及上海分别开设旗舰店(flagship store),售卖包括内衣(underwear)、美妆(beauty products)和配饰(accessories)在内的全线产品。另外,维密去年登陆天猫,从电商及实体店两路进攻中国市场。
中国内衣市场(lingerie market)到底有多大?市场研究公司英敏特预测,到2020年,中国内衣市场销售额可达约1480亿人民币。英敏特区域趋势总监马修·克拉布称,在中国办秀是一招妙棋(staging a show in China is a smart move)。克拉布称,中国内衣市场有高端化的明显趋势(a clear trend towards higher end brands)。在中国举办活动,是在竞争激烈的市场里提高消费者意识的好办法(holding an event in China is a great way to raise consumer awareness in a highly competitive market)。
责任督学 educational inspector
Every kindergarten in Beijing will be staffed with an educational inspector to oversee their operation, local authority said on Sunday night.
责任督学(educational inspector)要对其负责的幼儿园尽快开展挂牌督导,负责做好对幼儿园监管(oversee kindergarten operation)、促进幼儿园规范办园行为(better regulate their daily running)等工作。各区还要指导各级各类幼儿园按照相关规定建立健全家园沟通机制(strengthen communication with parents and communities),引导家长和社区有序参与园所建设与管理,并指导区域内各幼儿园尽快建立起园所突发事件应急处理机制(establish emergency mechanism)。
在此次安全大排查中,北京市教委要求,各区要对区域内各级各类幼儿园在办园条件、安全卫生、保育教育、教职工队伍和内部管理等方面的办园行为进行全面检查,建立各级各类幼儿园办园行为动态监管档案数据库(establish database based on inspections on the kindergartens' facilities, safety, sanitation, faculty and management),形成制度体系。
厕所革命 toilet revolution
China should continue to upgrade the country's toilets as part of its "toilet revolution" aimed at developing domestic tourism and improving people's quality of life, President Xi Jinping said.
习近平强调,两年多来,旅游系统坚持不懈推进“厕所革命”,体现了真抓实干、努力解决实际问题的工作态度和作风(work style of endeavoring to do solid work and solve problems)。旅游业是新兴产业,方兴未艾,要像抓“厕所革命”一样,不断加强各类软硬件建设(construct better public facilities),推动旅游业大发展(boost the tourism industry)。
习近平指出,厕所问题不是小事情,是城乡文明建设的重要方面(an important part of urban and rural civilization),不但景区、城市要抓,农村也要抓,要把这项工作作为乡村振兴战略(rural revitalization strategy)的一项具体工作来推进,努力补齐这块影响群众生活品质的短板。
“厕所革命”(toilet revolution)是国家旅游局自2017年起在全国范围内开展的旅游厕所建设和管理行动,旨在用三年时间解决旅游厕所的数量过少(insufficient number of tourist restrooms)、卫生质量低劣(unhygienic conditions)、以及管理缺位(lack of management)问题。
By the end of October this year, China had installed or upgraded 68,000 toilets at tourist destinations, 19.3 percent more than the target number.
国家旅游局11月19日发布《全国旅游厕所建设管理新三年行动计划(2018-2020)》。按照计划,从2018到2020年,全国将新建、改扩建旅游厕所6.4万座(install or upgrade 64,000 toilets at tourist destinations),达到“数量充足、分布合理,管理有效、服务到位,环保卫生、如厕文明”(to build a sufficient number of reasonably distributed, well-managed, and eco-friendly tourist toilets with considerate services and sound sanitation conditions where civilized behaviors are expected)的新三年目标。
极地旅游 polar tours
Trips to the polar regions have witnessed explosive growth in China in the past few years.
“极地旅游”(polar tours/trips to the polar regions),顾名思义,就是前往南极或北极地区的旅游活动。
According to International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators, China contributed the second largest number of tourists to the South Pole in 2016, next to the United States. The number of Chinese tourists who visited the South Pole reached 3,944 last year, soaring nearly 40 times from the less than 100 in 2008.
随着市场需求增加,南北极旅游的线路产品日益多样化,价格也差别很大。旅游服务产品包括南极直飞航班(direct flights to the South Pole)、极地音乐会(concerts at the polar area)、邮轮(cruise trips)或者包船旅行(travel in a chartered ship)等。某知名旅游极地探险事业部总经理介绍,南极游价格整体高于北极游,南极到南极点分三个跨度,南极圈(the Antarctic Circle)、南极圈以内(within the Antarctic Circle)和南极点(the South Pole),整体比北极高,从6万、8万,到南极点的话60万每个人,从北极圈(the Arctic Circle)到北极点(the North Pole)差不多是3、4万到20万一个人。
随着旅游人数的日益增多,如何让极地旅游和生态环境形成良性互动成为业内普遍关注的焦点。游客在出行前都会接受环保知识以及自身行为规范方面的培训(train on environmental protection and code of conduct)。而随着游客群体的变化,旅游服务产品提供方也要提供更加专业的导游服务(professional guide)。
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