体坛英语资讯:Warriors beat Cavaliers in overtime in Game 1 of NBA Finals-查字典英语网
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体坛英语资讯:Warriors beat Cavaliers in overtime in Game 1 of NBA Finals

发布时间:2019-10-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编

WASHINGTON, May 31 -- The Golden State Warriors started their defending campaign with a 124-114 overtime win over Lebron James-led cleveland Cavaliers in Game 1 of the NBA finals on Thursday.

It was the fourth year in a row for Warriors to meet Lebron James in the NBA Finals, and Warriors had won twice.

Warriors star Stephen Curry had 29 points to lead the team while Kevin Durant was struggling with his shooting but still scored 26 points. Klay Thompson had 24 points including five 3-pointers.

James was again on fire, played 47 minutes and scored 51 points, 8 assists and 8 rebounds for the Cavs. Enditem


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