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发布时间:2019-10-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the following topic: the speedy development of science and technology is changing our way of life. You should illustrate the positive impacts with specific examples. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


There are so many enlightening mottos about the significance of science and technology, and one of them is “Science and technology is the first productive force.” Evidently, the change of our way of life is closely associated with the speedy development of science and technology.

As a college student, I deem that if one aims to enjoy a comfortable and convenient life, it is rational for him or her to try new technological products. Typical examples are the New Four Great Inventions of China, including shared bikes, mobile payment, high-speed trains and online shopping. These inventions bring us great convenience, arouse our enthusiasm for China and help us to enjoy life. To be specific, it is shared bikes and high-speed trains that enable our transportation to be easy and efficient. In addition, an increasing number of Chinese people, old and young, find it convenient and cheap to purchase various goods from the Internet.

Thus, it is of great necessity for everyone to support the advance in science and technology, since most of us have come to realize the positive effects of this trend. (183词)






分享经济 sharing economy

共享汽车 shared car

共享单车 shared bike/ bicycle

扫码解锁单车 scan the QR code to unlock a bike

违规停车 illegal parking

停放点 parking lot/area

出境游 outbound trips/ oversea traveling

免税店 duty-free shop

海外购物 overseas shopping

移动支付 mobile payment

科技创新宝地 best place for science and innovation

高铁 high-speed train

收入分配 income distribution

市场经济market economy

人工智能 artificial intelligence,

过滤软件 filtering software

流氓软件 hooligan software

销售任务 sales target

私人汽车 private cars

大众传媒负面影响 the negative influence of mass media

一次性塑料袋 disposable plastic bags

全球化 globalization

一带一路倡议the Belt and Road Initiative

发挥潜能 fulfill one’s potential

提升效率 improve the efficiency


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