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发布时间:2019-10-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

英语六级易考范文:On College Students Supporting Rural Construction 论大学生支持农村建设

Nowadays, college graduates are encouraged to find jobs in rural area to support itsconstruction, such as village officials, agriculture technicians, teachers, etc.

As estimated, the number of students who have got jobs in rural area is on the rise.

Several factors lead to the phenomenon.

Firstly, there is an urgent need of brains in the countryside.

Actually, the root of poverty in those regions is the lack of knowledge.

Therefore, talents importing is the first step to the success of the development.

Secondly, with the expansion of college enrollment, the job market becomes more and morecompetitive.

Graduates find themselves difficult to get a satisfactory job in the urban area, especially in bigcities.

Thirdly, government’s call arouses many graduates’ patriotism and enthusiasm to join therural construction.

As for me, I am proud of those students who have devoted themselves to the ruralconstruction.

I firmly believe that with the great efforts of the government and the student workers, therural region will be well developed and become better off in the near future.


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