There is a hole at the heart of India’s economy. And since the lights don’t seem to work, the nation risks falling into it. Power outages on a gargantuan scale have crippled the country this week, disrupting economic activity. The problem is not simply one of lack of investment.
True, India suffers from a power generation capacity shortfall. At peak times, such as the hot summer months, demand for electricity is a fifth higher than supply. Electricity sector reform allowing private investment over the past decade is changing that. New capacity should reach 26,000MW this year, twice the capacity installed last year because of investments by the likes of Tata Powerand Adani Power.
没错,印度确实受到发电能力存在缺口的困扰。在用电高峰期,比如炎热的夏季,电力需求要比电力供给多出20%。过去十年,印度改革了电力行业,允许民间资本进入。如今,这一改革正在显现出成效。今年的新增发电能力将达到2.6万兆瓦,相当于去年新增发电能力的两倍,这得益于塔塔电力(Tata Power)和阿达尼电力(Adani Power)等企业的投资。
The trouble is, the sector’s economics do not add up. Fuel suppliers such as Coal Indiaand gas producers are unable to produce enough to keep the power stations fed. So power generators must resort to expensive imports. That pushes up input prices. Yet electricity tariffs are capped for consumers, meaning that electricity suppliers sell their product at a loss. No wonder India’s state power utilities have debts of Rupees 3tn ($54bn). And they are expected to treble their losses over the next three years.
真正的问题在于,印度电力行业的财务状况堪忧。印度煤炭公司(Coal India)和印度天然气生产商等发电燃料供应商的产能满足不了发电站的需求。于是电力企业只得求助于进口,而进口燃料的成本相当高昂。这就推高了投入价格。另一方面,消费者支付的电价是有上限的,这就意味着,电力企业不得不赔钱卖电。难怪印度国有电力企业的负债额高达3万亿卢比(合540亿美元)。未来三年,它们的亏损额可能还会增加两倍。
The economics are only going to get worse. The import bill looks certain to soar: power generators will rely on imports for 20 per cent and 40 per cent of their coal and gas needs by 2015 respectively, from about 10 per cent today according to Indian brokerage Kotak. New loans to the sector have been used to fund incremental losses instead of for productive purposes. The resulting risk of default by power generators is putting an enormous strain on India’s banks, threatening funding.
A functioning electricity supply is essential for any economy, especially one with India’s growth pretensions. Without far-reaching reform, Indians will continue to work in the dark.
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