The late-summer diplomacy over Greece is so far having less impact on the country’s future in the eurozone than its economic situation, which continues to change – mostly for the worse, but also in ways that may defy the sceptics.
Antonis Samaras, the Greek prime minister, last week met with German chancellor Angela Merkel and French president Fran ois Hollande. They reiterated their broad support for Greece’s place within the single currency, but offered no help beyond the current rescue programme. In particular, they declined – for now – to grant Mr Samaras’s request to stretch out remaining austerity measures over four years instead of two.
希腊总理安东尼斯·萨马拉斯(Antonis Samaras)上周与德国总理安格拉·默克尔(Angela Merkel)和法国总统弗朗索瓦·奥朗德(Fran ois Hollande)进行了会晤。默克尔和奥朗德再次明确表示支持希腊留在欧元区,但没有提供除现有纾困计划以外的更多帮助。尤其是,就目前而言,他们仍不同意萨马拉斯提出的“把完成剩余紧缩措施的期限由两年延长至四年的请求。
This was predictable. Berlin (if not the Bundesbank) and Paris have aligned themselves with the European Central Bank’s preparations to intervene in government bond markets and are well advised to see how that plays out before their next move. Offering Athens anything before the creditor troika finishes its assessment this autumn is politically impossible at home and tactically unwise vis a vis Mr Samaras’s government. If Athens shows it means business, however, the extension should be granted but with no extra funding.
As the wheels of diplomacy whirr on, the cogs of the Greek economy are grinding out a new reality. Austerity and a European slowdown have depressed the economy and kept pushing headline deficit goals out of reach. But Athens has done more than many think. Unit labour costs are falling and the primary deficit – before debt service costs – is almost gone.
The politics of the rescue will change markedly if Athens reaches primary balance soon. It will not need help to pay wages and pensions; rescue money will only fund payments to creditors. A funding cut-off would be less devastating than earlier. It would lead to a forced restructuring, to be sure, but would be less traumatising than with a big funding gap.
Crucially, default need not lead to an exit from the euro. Once the ongoing recapitalisation of Greek banks is complete, and especially if the eurozone makes headway on banking union, there will be nothing for Athens to gain from an exit even in case of default.
While the private sector would face a difficult adjustment, a realistic worst case could be a situation like Montenegro’s, where the economy operates entirely in euros though it is not a eurozone member. That would be humiliating enough, and Greece should aim for better. But a new drachma may be less likely than markets think.
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