No one wants their area to be boring, especially when no one else's is boring. Keeping a nice work area can also show people you like coming to your job everyday.
1. Don't put anything too personal, but nice pictures of your family, pets, and friends can cheer up any area.
1. 不要摆放过于私人的东西,不过与家人,宠物以及朋友的合照确实能够鼓舞士气。
2. If you have a computer, consider giving it a nice, bright background; however don't attempt this if you aren't allowed.
2. 如果你备有一部电脑,那么就可以动动脑筋,设置一个养眼,明亮的背景;但不要在不允许的情况下这么做哦。
3.If you have enough room and a free plug, a colorful lamp gives you not only more light, buy also more color.
4. Find some Colorful organizing equipment.
4. 寻找一些丰富多彩的组织设备。
You can find nice, non-childish paperweights, files, boxes, and tacks that can go anywhere in your area.
5. Look nice when you come to work!
5. 上班的时候让自己保持良好的状态!
A happy, well-groomed person sitting in the desk-space can always help.
6. Get a mirror of whatever size.
It makes the space look bigger and reflects whatever other colorful items you have.
If your boss or someone else warns you that your display is attracting negative attention, take it down, but only if the person telling you is reputable.
Nothing inappropriate. Keep the pictures classy. No one wants to see it, and its not a good way to keep the job you have.
Don't throw things in your office space that just clutters the area and makes it harder for you to work.
Don't go too childish. No reason to have folders with cartoon princesses on them.
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