阿里巴巴美国购物网站11 Main一览-查字典英语网
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阿里巴巴美国购物网站11 Main一览

发布时间:2019-09-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group's new U.S. shopping site is anything but Chinese.

中国电商巨头阿里巴巴集团(Alibaba Group)新设立的美国购物网站上却没有中国商品。

The beta version of the site, called 11 Main, features a 'Made in California' section showcasing six California-based merchants. One of the six is apparel maker Featherweight Clothing, whose clothes, according to its website, are all made in the U.S and have been worn by celebrities like Pearl Jam singer Eddie Vedder. Another one is Recoverie, which sells block prints, pillow covers and blankets -- all handcrafted in San Francisco according to the company.

这家名为“11 Main”的网站目前正处在测试阶段,它包含一个“加州制造”的单元,其中展示了六家总部位于加州的商户。其中一家商户是服装制造商Featherweight Clothing,据Featherweight Clothing网站介绍,该公司的衣服全部在美国制造,珍珠果酱乐队(Pearl Jam)和歌手维德(Eddie Vedder)等名人曾穿过他们家的衣服。另外一家商户是出售版画、枕头套和毯子的Recoverie,据该公司网站称,他们家的商品均是在旧金山手工制造的。

These featured stores represent the overall image that 11 Main wants to convey. The San Mateo, Calif., company, owned by Alibaba, said it is trying to create an online version of the main street shopping experience for American consumers. The launch of the U.S. site comes as Alibaba is preparing to go public in New York in what could be one of the largest initial public offerings in history.

这些特色商店代表了“11 Main”想要表现的整体形象。 这家位于加州圣马特奥市的公司是阿里巴巴的子公司,该公司称它正试图创造一个网站让美国消费者体现到和在主要街道购物一样的感受。目前阿里巴巴正准备在纽约上市,该公司的上市交易有望成为历史上最大规模的上市交易之一。

From its simple black-and-white logo to the site's overall presentation, 11 Main is clearly paying a lot of attention to design. For the most part, the site looks clean and polished, making it starkly different from Alibaba's Chinese shopping sites, Taobao and Tmall, which are colorful and chaotic.

无论是简单的黑白标志,还是网站整体的风格,“11 Main”显然非常注重设计。该网站的大部分内容看上去都整洁靓丽,这和阿里巴巴中国的购物网站天猫商城和淘宝网的设计非常不同,后者的页面色彩丰富又凌乱。

Still, a stylish website won't make 11 Main stand out in the sophisticated universe of online shopping in the U.S. There are already many popular design-conscious shopping sites like Etsy and Fab.com. When it comes to the sheer volume and selection of products, Amazon and eBay are far ahead.

但一个时尚的网站并不能使11 Main在美国完善的在线购物市场上异军突起。美国市场已有许多像Etsy和Fab.com这样设计独特的高人气购物网站。在绝对数量和产品种类上看,亚马逊(Amazon)和eBay则遥遥领先。

11 Main, which opened its doors last week to a limited number of shoppers on an invitation-only basis, currently hosts more than 1,000 merchants, and it plans to keep adding more, according to the company.

11 Main上周仅向受邀的有限顾客开放,目前该网站有超过1,000个商家,据阿里巴巴称,公司计划增加商家数量。

The company said it received applications from thousands of merchants but chose only those who met its criteria based on product quality and customer service . In its online guide for sellers, 11 Main has instructions on how to take photos of products -- including details on the angle, lighting and background.

该公司称,公司接到了数千商家的申请,但只接受那些符合产品质量和服务标准的申请。在其卖家网上指引中,11 Main已公布如何拍摄产品照片的说明,其中包括:拍摄角度、光线和背景等细节。

There are several ways to find specific items on 11 Main. Other than the keyword search box at the top, there are tabs for nine broad product categories: fashion, home, jewelry, baby, collecting, tech, sporting goods, toys and entertainment.

在11 Main上搜索特定种类的物品有多种方式。除了在网站顶部有键盘搜索框外,该网站还将商品分为以下几个类别:服装、家居用品、珠宝、婴幼儿用品、收纳用品、科技产品、体育用品、玩具和娱乐产品。

Those broad categories are further divided into over 200 subcategories -- from 'bath and skin care' to 'binoculars' and 'skateboarding.'


Items sold on 11 Main come at all price points. When you sort women's shoes by price, for example, some of the cheapest items include $6.99 flip flops and $8.99 faux suede wedges. On the other hand, the most expensive pair by Dutch designer Ilja Visser costs more than $3,000. (According to several fashion websites, Lady Gaga has worn clothes from this brand.)

11 Main销售的商品有各种价位的选择。比如,你按价格挑选女鞋时,最便宜的商品有6.99美元一双的人字拖和8.99美元一双的仿皮坡跟鞋,而荷兰设计师品牌Ilja Visser一双最贵的鞋则要卖到3,000美元以上。(据几个时尚网站的信息,Lady Gaga穿过这个品牌的服装。)

Even though 11 Main is supposedly a curated marketplace, the overall mix of products seems quite random, lacking a clear focus. Still, such randomness can be part of the appeal, according to the company.

尽管想像中11 Main应当是一个精选购物网站,但它提供的商品总体来看似乎相当随意,缺乏明显的针对性。不过该公司说,这样的随意性对顾客可能也是一种吸引力。

'The whole concept is the Main Street where you might find a vintage shop next to an electronics shop next to a button shop,' said 11 Main spokeswoman Abbygail Reyes. Reyes said the site is still evolving.

11 Main发言人Abbygail Reyes表示,11 Main的理念类似于现实生活中的购物街,古董店的旁边可能是一家电子商品店,再旁边可能是一家钮扣店。她说,11 Main依然在发展。

The company is, for example, thinking of ways to allow buyers and sellers to communicate with each other, she said.



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