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发布时间:2013-01-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Singapore plans to restrict advertising for “unhealthy food and drink aimed at children, as countries across Asia grow increasingly concerned about obesity rates.


Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said: “Obesity rates are going up?.?.?.?with more fast foods and sedentary occupations, even as more Singaporeans were exercising and fewer were smoking. About 11 per cent of adults in the island nation of 5.3m are considered obese, compared with an OECD average of 17 per cent and over 35 per cent in the US.

新加坡总理李显龙(Lee Hsien Loong)表示:“我国肥胖率正在上升……因为人们吃了更多的快餐,工作中坐着时间也在增加,尽管更多的新加坡人开始锻炼,吸烟的人也在减少。在这个拥有530万人口的岛国,大约有11%的人属于肥胖人群。相比之下,经合组织(OECD)国家的平均肥胖率为17%,美国的这一比例则超过35%。

An obesity epidemic has raised alarm in the US and Britain over rising healthcare costs associated with diabetes and other weight-related ailments.


Singapore is not the only country in Asia dealing with a rise in obesity.


Hong Kong, which like Singapore is densely populated, has one of the highest obesity rates in the region at almost one in five of the population. On Chinese mainland, 3 per cent of people were obese in 2010, according to the latest OECD data. The figure in Japan was 3.9 per cent and in India it was 2.1 per cent.


Singapore has seen a rise in obesity as people increasingly eat fatty foods. About 60 per cent of Singaporeans eat out four times a week or more, mostly from “hawker stalls and food courts scattered across the city state that sell cheap dishes based on rice and noodles that are often cooked with a lot of oil. Fast food outlets such as McDonald’sand KFCare also popular.


Singapore’s health ministry said it was “reviewing the need to strengthen standards for advertising to children of food and beverages high in fat, sugar or salt. A ministry spokeswoman said the government would have “full guidelines after the results of a public consultation, due to start next month. The World Health Organisation encourages the restriction of advertising to children of foods and beverages high in salt, fat and sugar.


Quebec, Norway and Sweden have banned advertisements aimed at children aged 12 years and under, while Britain – where one in four adults is considered obese – has laws restricting food advertising.


In Singapore’s neighbour Malaysia, the advertising standards authority says ads “should not actively encourage children to eat excessively throughout the day or to replace main meals with confectionery or snack foods.


South Korea has taken an even tougher line, passing laws that restrict advertising of foods and drinks high in fat, salt and sugar. The OECD says South Korea is one of the few countries where the obesity epidemic had “effectively come to a halt, stabilising at 3-4 per cent.


Gan Kim Yong, Singapore’s health minister, said his country needed to “act now to prevent obesity from becoming a diabetes epidemic. The government has been working with food stall owners to cut the amount of oil and salt used and persuade them to cook brown rice, considered healthier than polished white rice.

新加坡卫生部部长颜金勇(Gan Kim Yong)指出,新加坡需要“马上行动,以避免肥胖引发糖尿病的大爆发。政府已开始与餐厅业主合作,降低烹饪中的油盐使用量,并说服他们使用比精白米健康的糙米。

It has also introduced a system of early morning “mall walks designed to encourage shoppers in Singapore’s numerous malls to exercise before stores open. Supermarket operators also recently started labelling “healthy products.



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