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发布时间:2013-01-25  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Australian mining magnate Clive Palmer, who is planning to build a replica of the Titanic, is embroiled in a legal spat with China's Citic Pacific 0267.HK +0.20% that threatens to deliver a damaging blow.

准备打造翻版泰坦尼克号(Titanic)的澳大利亚矿业大亨克莱夫·帕尔默(Clive Palmer)与中国中信泰富有限公司(Citic Pacific)卷入了一场法律纠纷。这场纠纷有可能给他带来不利影响。

In 2006, the Australian billionaire leased to state-owned Citic the rights to mine iron ore on his land in Western Australia for about US$415 million. The agreement was one of the first major Chinese investments in Australian resources.


But the Sino Iron project has been dogged by cost overruns and delays. At about $8 billion, the budget is now more than three times as much as initial estimates when Citic bought in.

但这个名为“中澳铁矿(Sino Iron)的项目屡次出现超支和拖延的情况。目前的预算达到了80亿美元左右,超过中信泰富购进时最初估计数额的三倍。

On top of that, Mr. Palmer has recently threatened to lock Citic out of the mine. He is arguing that the Chinese company must pay royalties from when mining started in 2008. Citic says royalties are owed from a much later date, only after the site starts producing iron-ore concentrates, which is expected to be in March.


The dispute has ended up in the Western Australia Supreme Court. That's surely a sign that relations between the sides are very strained. In dollar terms, what's at stake isn't much more than chump change岸less than $10 million.

这场争端最终诉诸西澳州高级法院(Western Australia Supreme Court)。这显然说明双方关系非常紧张。按美元计算,诉讼标的额不是很高,不到1,000万美元。

The court has already ruled in favor of Citic once; it granted an injunction to stop Mr. Palmer from moving ahead with a plan to lock Citic out the mine last week. The royalties case has yet to play out.


Whatever the court decides, though, Mr. Palmer could find himself losing out. Crossing a state-owned Chinese business doesn't look too smart for someone whose fortune is tied to selling Australian resources to China.



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