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发布时间:2013-01-25  编辑:查字典英语网小编

When Karen Simon, a banking executive in Houston, decided to build a custom vacation home in Snowmass Village, Colo., the last thing she wanted was a replica of a Swiss chalet. 'I didn't want one gable in the entire house,' says the contemporary-design enthusiast.

凯伦·西蒙(Karen Simon)是休斯顿的一名银行高管,也是一名当代设计风格的热情拥趸,当她决定在科罗拉多州的斯诺马斯村(Snowmass Village)建一处定制度假屋时,最不想要的便是一栋与瑞士小木屋如出一辙的房子。她说:“整栋房子我都不想它出现一个三角结构。

Armed with pictures of modern homes, Ms. Simon asked for curves, open space and the maximum amount of glass allowed within the town's building codes. Her architects, David Johnston and John Hufker in Aspen, Colo., designed a 4,950-square-foot home with barrel-vaulted roofs, stone exteriors and clear cedar siding more akin to a California contemporary than a Rocky Mountain retreat.

西蒙收集了一些现代风格住宅的图片,她要求在当地建房规定的许可范围内运用曲线、设计开放空间以及尽可能多地采用玻璃。她的建筑设计师是来自科罗拉多州阿斯彭(Aspen)的戴维·约翰斯顿(David Johnston)与约翰·胡夫克(John Hufker),他们为她设计了一栋4,950平方英尺(约合460平米),带筒形穹顶、石头外 和清爽的雪松壁板的房子,它看上去并不像落基山脉的度假屋,反而更像加州的现代风格住宅。

To combat the stark look that's often associated with modern architecture─85 beams of steel support the home's unconventional style─Ms. Simon chose soft creams and warm browns for the interiors. 'There's a lot of stone inside, but the feeling is soft and user-friendly,' she says.


After decades of traditional mountain design─heavy overhangs, a plethora of pine wood, a deer's head hung in the entryway─ski homes across the globe are shedding the antlers. Homeowners once enamored with dark and cozy rustic retreats that shielded them from cold winter nights are now opting for sleek architecture that lets in lots of light, a look that has gained momentum in the past five years.


Modern designs have dominated recent big-ticket mountain-home sales. Last month, Fred Smith, the CEO of FedEx, FDX -1.62% bought a contemporary chalet in Utah's Deer Valley for $11.2 million. This past spring, a modern, 6,372-square-foot ski-in, ski-out chalet with five bedrooms, a Turkish bath and massage room in Courchevel, a town in the French Alps, sold for more than 20 million ($25.5 million). In July, a glass-and-stone home with mahogany and steel accents called Pa Gomo, set on 35 acres in Telluride, Colo., was auctioned off for $13.2 million. It was a record single-family sale for the town, according to Telluride Consulting, a real-estate analysis firm.

在最近的大手笔山间度假屋交易中,现代设计风格的住宅占了多数。联邦快递(FedEx)首席执行长弗雷德·史密斯(Fred Smith)在上个月便以1,120万美元在犹他州的鹿鸣谷(Deer Valley)购置了一栋现代风格度假屋。今年春季,法国境内阿尔卑斯山区库尔舍瓦勒镇(Courchevel)一栋可滑雪进出的6,372平方英尺(约合592平米)的现代风格住宅卖出了逾2,000万欧元(约合2,550万美元)的价格,该度假屋有五间卧室、一个土耳其蒸汽浴及按摩室。在7月份,科罗拉多州特柳赖德(Telluride)一栋位于一块35英亩地皮上的度假屋以1320万美元的价格拍出,这处名为“Pa Gomo的房子主体是玻璃与石头结构,并运用了红木与钢材。房地产分析公司Telluride Consulting称,Pa Gomo创下了该地区单户房屋售价的最高纪录。

Stuart Ross and his wife, Valarie, the former owners and builders of Pa Gomo, says they specifically looked for an 'antimountain' architect. 'We told him 'no antlers and no logs,' ' says Mr. Ross. Instead, the couple got a home with a master suite that floats above a pond, a custom stained glass-and-steel wine rack and a curving copper roof. The couple liked Pa Gomo's design so much they enlisted its architect, Jack Snow of RKD Architects, to build another contemporary home in Glenwood Springs, Colo., about an hour from Aspen.

斯图亚特·罗斯(Stuart Ross)与妻子瓦拉丽(Valarie)是Pa Gomo原先的房主和建造者。罗斯称,他们特意寻求的就是“背离山间度假屋风格的建筑,并告诉设计师“不要鹿角和木材。他们房子的主卧套房“悬浮在一个水池的上方,屋顶是弯曲的铜皮屋顶,他们还打造了一个定制的有色玻璃与钢结构的酒架。夫妇二人非常中意Pa Gomo的设计,因此继续聘请它的设计师──RKD Architects公司的杰克·斯诺(Jack Snow)──为他们建造位于科罗拉多格伦伍德泉(Glenwood Springs)的另一座现代住宅,该地距离阿斯彭约有一小时车程。

A variety of changes, from technology to demographics, are driving the shift. As the rise of the digital age makes telecommuting more commonplace, more owners are beginning to live in resort areas year-round, says Aspen architect Willis Pember. After all, the bear rugs and pine floors that were so comforting over Christmas vacation can seem a little kitschy in July.

这种转变的动力来自从科技到人口特征的多方面因素的变化。阿斯彭的建筑设计师威利斯·彭伯(Willis Pember)指出,数码时代的兴起使远程办公更加普及,越来越多的房主开始一年到头都住在度假区。在圣诞节假期令人倍感舒适的熊皮和松木地板在7月份当然是显得有些不大自然的。

Technology has also eliminated the need for some signature styles of alpine design. Steeply pitched roofs aren't mandatory for heavy snowfalls because many new metal roofs are designed to hold the snow for insulation, says Ann MacQuoid, an associate broker in Deer Valley. Instead of small windows with thick shutters, large windows with triple panes are able to keep the heat in, and often are strategically placed in parts of the home that let in the maximum amount of sun, thereby reducing heating costs.

同时,科技也消除了对原先高山区域建筑设计中一些标志性式样的需求。鹿鸣谷的房产经纪人安·麦阔伊德(Ann MacQuoid)称,如今人们不必因为厚重的积雪而建造陡斜的屋顶,因为现在已经设计出了许多新型的金属屋顶,这样的屋顶蓄雪后便成了很好的保温装置。有着厚厚遮板的小窗户则被三层玻璃的大窗户所取代,这些大窗户可以保温,而且常常被巧妙地安在房子中利于最大限度采光的位置,从而能够降低取暖费用。

Part of the evolution also relates to the aging of the population, as a sleeker and cleaner look is often popular with empty-nester homeowners, says Debbie Evans, an interior designer in Whistler, British Columbia. 'When you have children there's chaos and things are busy, so design reflects that,' Ms. Evans says. 'Now it's more sophisticated.'

加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省惠斯勒(Whistler)的室内设计师黛比·埃文斯(Debbie Evans)称,这种演变部分程度上也与人口的老龄化有关,因为更加整洁井然有序的式样常常受到空巢老人房主的青睐。她说:“当孩子在身边的时候,总是乱糟糟的,东西也被占用着,所以房子的设计会反映这一点。现在的设计则更加精致了。

The change is also happening in ski resorts in Europe, where traditional mountain architecture first cropped up as a way to shield alpine dwellers living in the valleys from harsh weather. In recent years, French planning law has evolved to allow homeowners to measure their living area differently and build bigger. Homeowners in the ski towns of Courchevel, a favorite of Russian billionaires and pro athletes, have taken advantage of those new guidelines, knocking down old chalets and building larger, more modern homes, says Matthew Hodder-Williams, an associate partner at real-estate firm Knight Frank. At the same time, the influx of foreign buyers, particularly from Russia and Asia, has helped different design concepts gain footing.

欧洲的滑雪度假胜地也在发生同样的变化,在这些地区,传统的山区建筑最初就是作为住在山谷中的阿尔卑斯山地居民在严寒时节的栖身之地而出现的。近几年法国的建筑规划法规发生了变动,开始允许房主以不同的方法测量他们的居住面积,从而得以建造比原先更大的房子。莱坊房地产公司(Knight Frank)的合伙人马修·霍德-威廉姆斯(Matthew Hodder-Williams)称,最受俄罗斯亿万富豪和职业运动员青睐的滑雪胜地小镇库尔舍瓦勒的房主们趁机利用这些新指导准则拆掉了旧木屋,建起更大更现代的住宅。与此同时,新涌入的海外买家,特别是来自俄罗斯与亚洲的买家也帮助不同的设计理念站稳了脚跟。

Even individuals who still favor traditional exteriors are updating their interiors. In Courchevel, the Chalet Eden, which is on the market for $11.2 million, has gabled roofs and wraparound balconies. But inside, there are stone sinks, metal-lined fireplaces and sleek kitchen cabinetry. 'The new style puts Courchevel ahead of other resorts,' says Mr. Hodder-Williams.

如今,即便是依然喜爱传统外观的人也在更新他们的室内装饰。例如,库尔舍瓦勒镇那一栋名为Chalet Eden的住宅挂牌要价1,120万美元,的它虽拥有人字形屋顶和全封闭阳台,其室内却设计了石头水槽、镶金属边的壁炉和线条简洁的厨房橱柜。霍德-威廉姆斯说:“这种新风格使得库尔舍瓦勒走在了其他度假地前面。

Building modern in a mountain town has its challenges. Review boards and much of public opinion are still mostly 'anti-modern'─particularly in resort communities where specific home styles dominate the identity of the place. Kathy and Tom Crum, for example, bought an A-frame at the base of Aspen Mountain in 1975. They've since renovated and expanded the property five times but have always kept the A-frame style, even as large homes with other looks have cropped up around them. Ms. Crum says the concept of the A-frame is 'what we're about.'

然而,在山区小镇建造现代住宅也有其不便之处。审查委员会和大部分的民意基本上依然是“反现代的,在地方特征由特定的住宅式样所主宰的度假区尤为如此。比如,凯西·克朗姆(Kathy Crum)和汤姆·克朗姆(Tom Crum)于1975年买下了阿斯彭山(Aspen Mountain)山脚下一栋A形构架的房子,自那以后他们对房子进行了五次翻修和扩建,即使其他式样的大房子在他们身边不停涌现,他们也一直保留着它的A形式样。凯西说,我们一直保留着A形构架的概念。

In the late 1990s, Aspen set guidelines for new homes. But unlike communities like Nantucket, Mass., it didn't mandate a specific style, a move that was viewed as extremely progressive, says Mr. Pember, the architect. Because of that, he was able to build one of his most modern projects to date, a cubist-looking duplex called Ur.2, for an empty nester couple. He says the home elicits a strong love-it-or-hate-it reaction.


Nina Schmid, a German architect who recently designed an ultramodern home for a European venture capitalist, thought her worries were over once the traditional planning council in Kitzbühel, in the Austrian Alps, approved her design. Up until a few years ago, the council didn't permit modern architecture, Ms. Schmid says. But she ran into trouble when she couldn't find local workers who could build the home because they didn't understand the design. She ended up bringing builders in from Germany to construct the facade of the home, which is recycled regional wood nailed horizontally and somewhat crooked to achieve a modern look.

德国建筑设计师妮娜·施密特(Nina Schmid)最近为一位欧洲的风险资本家设计了一栋超现代风格住宅。最初她以为一旦奥地利境内阿尔卑斯山区基茨比厄尔(Kitzbuhel)的规划委员会批准了她的设计,她就没什么可担心的了。她说,就在几年前,该地区的规划委员会还不允许建造现代建筑。不过,后来她还是遇到了麻烦,因为她在当地找不到能够建造这栋房子的建筑工人,因为他们都不理解这栋房子的设计。最后,施密特从德国带来一批建筑工人来建造房子的外立面,采用的材料是回收利用的当地木材,它们被水平地固定在一起,而且略有弯曲以打造出一种现代风格式样。

To get the look they want, some homeowners are bringing in their own designer from their home base. Erin Martin, a designer in St. Helena, Calif., is currently designing the Park City, Utah, ski home of Napa Valley winemaker Joel Gott. Mr. Gott has worked on other properties with Ms. Martin and says he chose her to create his interiors because other contemporary designers don't bring enough warmth to the home. Still, Mr. Gott says he's 'taking a little bit of a risk' because Ms. Martin has done only a smattering of cold-weather homes. (Ms. Martin says that while weatherproofing is a challenge, most of her firm's work is about blending the indoors with the outdoors.)

为了获得他们想要的视觉效果,一些房主从他们的大本营带来自己的设计师。加州圣海伦娜(St. Helena)的设计师伊尔琳·马丁(Erin Martin)目前正在犹他州的帕克城(Park City)为加州纳帕谷(Napa Valley)的红酒生产商乔尔·戈特(Joel Gott)设计滑雪度假屋。戈特曾与马丁在其他房产项目上合作过,他说他之所以选择马丁为其做室内装修,是因为其他的设计师不能给房子带来足够的温暖气息,不过他也说他是“冒了小小的风险,因为马丁只做过很少几个寒冷地区的住宅项目。(马丁称,其公司专注于如何使室内与室外相协调,当然如何做好保暖是一个挑战。)

Not all the traditional mainstays of ski homes are being tossed aside. Homeowners and decorators say the Navajo blanket may still be there, but instead of hanging on a wooden wall it may be found as a rug on the concrete floor. Kari Foster, owner of the Denver interior-design firm Associates III, says that instead of a tree stump table, for example, a live-edge table, which uses the debarked, natural form of the outer edge of the tree, might be used for a smoother and cleaner look.

当然,并不是所有的传统滑雪度假屋的主要元素都被抛到了一边。房主与室内装潢师称,他们依然会保留纳瓦霍(Navajo)毯子,不过它们不再被挂在 上,而是铺在混凝土地板上作为地毯。丹佛室内设计公司Associates III的老板卡利·福斯特(Kari Foster)举例称,现在他们可能会选用随形木桌,而不是树桩桌来打造更加流畅和整洁的室内装饰风格,随形木桌采用的是剥去树皮的木材,依据木材的天然形态随形而制。

And there's still plenty of wood. In Chalet Eden, the French Alps home for sale, the ceilings and floors are made of locally sourced firs and pines. In other homes, staircases are made of wooden steps and metal railings, window trims are mahogany or cherry and exteriors, like the one in Austria, still have wood facades. 'People like the warm feeling of wood─but not wood everything,' says Steve Catsman, a real-estate agent in Telluride.

此外,现代风格度假屋也运用了大量木材。例如,法国境内阿尔卑斯山区待售的Chalet Eden的天花板和地板便都由当地出产的冷杉和松木制成。在其他度假屋中,楼梯仍由木台阶和金属扶手构成,窗框则是桃花心木或樱桃木的,而外 依然使用木材立面(例如奥地利境内阿尔卑斯山区的那栋度假屋)。特柳赖德的房产经纪人史蒂夫·凯茨曼(Steve Catsman)说:“人们喜欢木头的温暖感觉,但不喜欢所有东西都是木头的。

Some doubt the look will have the lasting power of the mountain-timber style. When a chief investment officer for a capital-management firm in Greenwich, Conn., recently built a 10,000-square-foot ski home in the Aspen Highlands, he and his wife chose a traditional European alpine design, complete with thick wooden trusses, dark leather couches and wood carvings of deer heads. 'There have been homes like ours for 200 years in the Alps and in 200 years from now, you'll find the same thing,' says the owner, who asked not to be identified. 'Whatever seems modern now will look outdated.' Gareth Jefferies, a partner at French Alps real-estate firm Alpine Property, also worries that nontraditional mountain homes are more of a fad. 'Are people going to be thinking like this in a few years?' he asks.

有些人也怀疑这种风格是否能像传统山间木屋那样长盛不衰。康涅狄格州格林威治(Greenwich)一家资产管理公司的首席投资长最近在阿斯彭高地(Aspen Highlands)建了一栋10,000平方英尺(约合929平米)的滑雪度假屋,他和妻子选择的是传统的欧洲阿尔卑斯山区建筑设计风格,包括厚实的木材构架、深色的皮沙发和木雕鹿头装饰。这名要求不具名的房主说:“像我们这样的房子在阿尔卑斯地区已经存在了200年时间,再往后200年,你还会看到同样的房子。法国境内阿尔卑斯山区房地产经纪公司Alpine Property的合伙人加勒斯·杰弗瑞(Gareth Jefferies)也担心背离传统的山间度假屋只是一时的潮流。他说:“现在显得现代的以后看上去会过时。几年之后人们还会是现在这样的想法吗?

Ms. Simon, the owner of the Snowmass Village home, concedes that the layout and design of her home, on track to be completed in February, might not appeal to everyone. 'Selling this house could be interesting,' she says. 'But right now, I'm just ready to enjoy it.'



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