A series of three minute-long travel films titled "MOVE," "EAT," and "LEARN" by independent filmmaker Rick Mereki have become an internet sensation virtually overnight.
名为《行走》、《美食》、《学习》长达3分钟的旅行影片“ “游吃学”三部曲几乎一夜内在网络上爆红。影片的制作者是独立电影人Rick Mereki。
"Move" will make you want to jump off your seat and hit the road. "Eat" will have you have you heading to the international isle at the supermarket. "Learn" will leave you smiling and wishing there were more videos.
The catchy, life-affirming music doesn't hurt either.
The name alludes to the popular book-cum-Hollywood film "Eat, Pray Love," however many are calling these lightning-fast videos much more inspirational.
Mereki traveled with two friends, DOP Tim White and Actor Andrew Lees, to 11 countries in 44 days, shooting the three short films. They caught 18 flights, traveling 38 thousand miles with two cameras that shot almost a terabyte of footage.
Mereki同他的朋友——摄影指导Tim White和演员Andrew Lees一起旅行,在44天中游历了11个国家,拍摄了3部电影短片。他们扛着两架摄像机乘坐了18次航班,行程3.8万公里,拍摄了将近1TB的影片。
"Thank you all for your kind words and encouragement," Mereki said on the video's vimeo page. "The response has been phenomenal and overwhelming. We never thought this little project would reach out to so many people."
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