A new photo series titled In The Dollhouse, created by Vancouver-based photographer Dina Goldstein, depicts the world's most famous doll living a miserable life with her partner Ken.
来自加拿大温哥华的摄影师Dina Goldstein完成了一组名为《玩偶之家》的照片,一共十张。在这组照片中,他展现了著名的芭比娃娃和她的丈夫肯婚姻生活里的悲惨与不幸。
Enthralling: The photo introduces us to the couple as they sit in bed, both reading magazines.In the series, a model depicts Ken (left) as a homosexual who is cheating on Barbie, who is also played by a model.
Mirror hog: Barbie quickly grows suspicious of Ken's feminine side. He is shown above blow-drying his hair.
Frustration: Barbie then seems to grow tired of her partner's ways. Ken is shown wearing pink heels during tea.
Dreams: In one of the series'most telling photos, Ken (left) is shown dreaming of a shirtless man saving his life.
Fed up: Soon, the pair are so comfortable with one another that they become more like friends than lovers.
Sad: Eventually, Barbie is left alone at the dinner table, waiting for her famous partner to join her.
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