31. Never exercise. Only eat junk food and fried food. Let your health rot.
31. 从来不运动,只吃垃圾食品和油炸食品。无视健康。
32. Don’t say what you mean. Don’t mean what you say.
32. 辞不达意,说话拐弯抹角。
33. Never tell anyone how you feel or what you’re thinking.
33. 不告诉别人你的真实感受和想法。
34. Never say, “I’m sorry.” Never say, “I love you.”
35. Get involved in other people’s problems and make them your own.
35. 去参合人家的烦恼,把人家的烦恼当做自己的来烦。
36. Always put your own needs on the back burner.
36. 永远把自己的需求放在最后一位。
37. Make others feel bad about themselves.
37. 让别人为他们自己难过。
38. Watch TV for several hours every day.
38. 每天花几个小时时间来看电视。
39. Do lots of drugs. Drink lots of alcohol.
39. 吸毒、酗酒。
40. Don’t play, just work.
40. 只工作,不放松。
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