Whether you've chosen the single life or are between relationships, you can build a terrific solo life. And, if you're looking to attract true love, turns out that having a terrific single life is just the thing to do.
1. Community
What it means: Building a community means having people who are there for you, people who care about you and your life.
Why it matters: Many singles feel lonely and disconnected, which affects their quality of life. They act as if the only way to get their emotional needs met is through a partner. Not true. Members of your community can meet many of your needs, and the more your needs get met, the less needy and the more attractive you become -- and the less you need a partner.
What you can do: Build community by volunteering or by joining clubs around subjects that interest you.
1. 团体
2. A Life Rich in Pleasure
What it means: Such as being in nature, exercise or a good meal.
Why it matters: Many singles forego pleasure and self-care for their jobs or career. It's as if they themselves don't matter; only their accomplishments do.
What you can do: Add three luxurious, pleasurable things to your day. These don't have to be huge -- perhaps a 10-minute stroll, a few minutes reading a book, a cat nap, a body-care product that smells or feels good, a sit-down meal.
2. 充满乐趣的生活
3. A Life Lived Now
What it means: Many singles wait until they're in a relationship to live the kind of life they want and to do the things they love to do. Yet your life happens now -- today. It's not a dress rehearsal for when you have a relationship.
Why it matters: When you want to participate in life, but stop yourself because you are single, you stifle your spirit. On the other hand, living your life now also makes you very attractive!
What you can do: Figure out what things you haven't done because you've been waiting for a partner. Which gives you the most charge when you think about it? Do them now.
3. 活在当下
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