2017届高考英语(牛津译林版)一轮复习课时提升作业:(七) 必修3 Unit 1 The world of our senses-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语(牛津译林版)一轮复习课时提升作业:(七) 必修3 Unit 1 The world of our senses

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  必修3 Unit 1


  . 单项填空

  1. (2017·舟山模拟)The gap between the bed and the wall is somewhat ________ for such a shelf.

  A. tight B. short

  C. small

  D. narrow

  【解析】选D。考查形容词辨析。句意: 床和墙之间的间隙对于这样一个架子有点窄。narrow狭窄的; tight紧的; short短的; small小的。


  narrow adj. 狭窄的; 狭隘的; 勉强的

  vt. &vi. (使)变窄; 缩小

  (1)a narrow escape九死一生

  narrow victory/defeat 险胜/勉强击败

  (2)narrow down 缩小……的范围

  narrow. . . to. . .


  (3)narrowly adv. 勉强地; 差一点儿; 狭隘地

  ①She won a narrow victory over her rival in the tennis competition.


  ②There are easy ways to narrow down your choices.


  ③He narrowly missed being run over by a car.


  2. (2017·福州模拟)I am blue. I met a classmate in my new school, but when I stopped and smiled, she ________ me and walked on.

  A. missedB. refusedC. deniedD. ignored

  【解析】选D。考查动词辨析。句意: 我很沮丧。我在新学校遇见一个同班同学, 但是当我停下来微笑时, 她不理睬我继续走。ignore忽视, 不理睬; miss错过; refuse拒绝; deny否认。

  3. Mr Green doesn’t like all that empty talk between Simon and Peter, which he thinks will definitely get them ________ .

  A. anywhere B. anything

  C. nowhere

  D. nothing

  【解析】选C。句意: 格林先生不喜欢西蒙和彼得之间空洞的谈话, 他认为这肯定使他们毫无进展。get sb. nowhere让某人毫无进展。4. (2017·南京模拟)“The Mozart effect” is a study described in 1993 in Nature ________ aroused public interest about the idea ________ listening to a classical music somehow improves the brain.

  A. that; which

  B. what; why

  C. who; that

  D. which; that

  【解析】选D。句意: “莫扎特效应”是在1993年在《自然》杂志上描述的一项研究, 它激起了公众对听古典音乐在某种程度上能改善大脑这个观点的兴趣。先行词为study, 定语从句中缺少主语, 故排除选项B和C; 第二空为that引导的同位语从句, 说明idea的内容。故D为正确选项。

  5. (2017·绍兴模拟) ________ by the beauty of nature, the girl from London decided to spend another two days on the farm.

  A. Attracting

  B. Attracted

  C. To be attracted

  D. Having attracted

  【解析】选B。考查非谓语动词。句意: 由于被大自然的美丽所吸引, 这个伦敦女孩决定在农场再待两天。the girl与attract之间为被动关系, 故用过去分词短语作原因状语。


  (2017·咸阳模拟)Square Dance is popular throughout China, ________ men as well as women.

  A. attracting B. attracted

  C. having attracted

  D. to attract

  【解析】选A。考查非谓语动词。句意: 广场舞在全中国都很受欢迎, 不仅吸引妇女还吸引男人。Square Dance与attract之间为主动关系, 故用v. -ing形式。

  6. The project was considered likely ________ harm to the appearance of the conservation area and was rejected.

  A. caused B. to cause

  C. causing

  D. being caused

  【解析】选B。句意: 这个工程被认为很可能会危害保护区的外观, 遭到了拒绝。be likely to do sth. 很可能做某事。


  (2017·南京模拟)—Will you come to the theatre with me tonight?

  — ________ . I’ve got so many papers to go through.

  A. My pleasure B. Not exactly

  C. No doubt

  D. Not likely

  【解析】选D。考查情景交际。句意: ——你今晚和我一起去看戏好吗? ——决不可能。我有这么多的文件要看。not likely决不可能, 当然不会; my pleasure别客气; not exactly不全是; no doubt毫无疑问。

  7. Though having lived abroad for years, many Chinese still ________ the traditional customs.

  A. observe B. possess

  C. perform

  D. support

  【解析】选A。考查动词辨析。句意: 尽管在国外生活了许多年, 许多中国人仍然遵守传统的风俗。observe遵守; possess拥有; perform表现; support支持。

  8. (2017·扬州模拟)Many people believe that hunger is only a problem in the developing world. ________ , it is a problem all over the world.

  A. As a result B. On the contrary

  C. In addition

  D. For another

  【解析】选B。考查介词短语辨析。句意: 许多人认为饥饿仅仅是发展中国家的问题, 正相反, 它是全世界的问题。on the contrary与此相反, 正相反; as a result结果, 因此; in addition此外; for another再则。


  She did not allow her failure in the exam to discourage her. ________ , she began to work twice as hard.

  A. In addition

  B. On the contrary

  C. In conclusion

  D. On the whole

  【解析】选B。考查介词短语辨析。句意: 考试失败并没有使她气馁。与此相反, 她开始更加努力地学习了。on the contrary与此相反, 正相反; in addition此外; in conclusion总之, 最后; on the whole基本上, 大体上。9. (2017·南京师大附中模拟)The traditional ________ to dealing with complex problems is to break them down into smaller, more easily managed ones.

  A. application

  B. reference

  C. approach

  D. introduction

  【解析】选C。考查名词辨析。句意: 应对复杂问题的传统方法是把它们分解成更小的、更容易处理的问题。approach to……的方法; application应用; reference参考; introduction介绍。


  (2017·绍兴模拟)Sometimes to get out of difficulty, one must change his way of thinking, or simply change his ________ towards a problem.

  A. emotion

  B. approach

  C. purpose

  D. sense

  【解析】选B。考查名词辨析。句意: 有时为了摆脱困难, 人必须改变其思维方式或者仅仅改变一下解决问题的方法。approach方法; emotion情感; purpose目的; sense感觉。

  10. (2017·南京模拟)Though having discussed it for long, they still haven’t reached an agreement ________ they should pour more money into the project.

  A. that

  B. if

  C. whether

  D. what

  【解析】选C。考查同位语从句。句意: 尽管讨论了很长时间, 他们对是否应该投入更多的钱到这个项目上仍然没有达成共识。根据句意可知此处应用whether引导同位语从句, 即C项正确。if不能引导同位语从句, 故排除B项。

  11. (2017·南京模拟)A daily stretching and yoga practice are the best two ways to ________ back pain.

  A. relieve B. refresh

  C. liberate

  D. comfort

  【解析】选A。考查动词辨析。句意: 每天的伸展运动和瑜伽练习是缓解背部疼痛的两种最好方式。relieve缓解; refresh使恢复; liberate解放; comfort使舒适。

  12. (2017·长沙模拟)The problem of the widening gap between the rich and the poor, if not properly ________ , can result in many serious social tensions.

  A. being handled

  B. to handle

  C. handled

  D. handling

  【解析】选C。考查省略。句意: 贫富差距加大的问题, 如果处理不当的话, 会导致许多严重的社会不安。the problem与handle之间为被动关系, 故用过去分词形式, 此处为if it is not properly handled的省略形式。

  13. By the time Jane gets home, her aunt ________ for London to attend a meeting.

  A. leaves B. left

  C. will leave

  D. will have left【解析】选D。句意: 到简到家时, 她的姑姑将已经动身去伦敦参加会议了。根据时间状语从句By the time Jane gets home可知主句应用将来完成时。

  14. (2017·常州模拟)When he came back, he found his bag ________ over the seat.

  A. hangingB. to hang

  C. hung

  D. being hung

  【解析】选A。find+宾语+宾语补足语, 其中hang是不及物动词, 表示“挂着”, 用hanging表示状态。句意: 当他回来时, 他发现他的包就挂在座位的上方。


  In the reading room, she found herself ________ at by a stranger, which made her a little nervous.

  A. staring B. stare

  C. stared

  D. to stare

  【解析】选C。句意: 在阅览室她发现一个陌生人盯着自己, 这使她有点紧张。stare和herself之间是被动关系, 因此用过去分词。

  15. ________ wild animals while you are in the mountain forest.

  A. Look out B. Be careful

  C. Watch out for

  D. Watch out

  【解析】选C。句意: 当你在山林中时, 当心野生动物。watch out for当心……; watch out小心; look out小心, 相当于be careful。

  . 阅读理解



  Trying to recover from a devastating economic crisis, Spain is considering moving the country’s clock back by one hour.

  Many people regard long afternoon naps and late dinners as perfect aspects of the Spanish way of life. Until the 1940s, Spain was on the same time as Britain and Portugal. In World WarⅡ, Spain and Portugal moved the clocks forward to align them with Nazi Germany. The same happened in Portugal. After the defeat of Hitler, Portugal returned to Greenwich Mean Time, but Spain did not.

  “The fact that for more than 71 years Spain has not been in its proper time zone means we sleep almost an hour less than the World Health Organization recommends, ”lawmakers in the Spanish Parliament wrote in a proposal. “This has a negative effect on productivity, absenteeism, stress, accidents and school drop-out rates. ”

  Last September, a parliamentary commission recommended that the government turn back the clocks by one hour and introduce a regular eight-hour workday. For the time being, the Spanish government is treating the campaign seriously but it hasn’t taken any action yet.

  Spain’s time zone issue explains why everything in Spain happens later, from meal times to broadcast entertainment(prime time doesn’t start until 10 pm). Many urban Spaniards complain of a never-ending workday that begins in the morning but is interrupted by a traditional late-morning break and then again by the midday siesta—a two-hour long lunch and nap that usually starts at 2 pm. If workers return to their desks at 4 pm, they end up working late into the evening.

  Under the proposed new schedule, the lunchtime break would be cut to an hour or less. The interruption-filled Spanish workday would be replaced by something closer to a 9-to-5 schedule. Ignacio Buqueras, president of the Association for the Rationalization of Spanish Working Hours, told The New York Times that changing the Spanish schedule would be good news for working mothers. It would also allow families more free time together and boost Spain’s economic recovery.

  Maria Angles Duran, a sociologist with the Spanish National Research Council, is skeptical that changing the time zone will reverse low productivity, which she attributes more to the structure of the service-oriented economy. But she agreed that a more normal work schedule would help women, who often complain that their husbands deliberately schedule meetings in the early evening.

  “For men, this is perfect, ”Duran said, “They arrive home and the children have already had their baths! Timetables can be used as a sort of weapon. ”

  【文章大意】本文主要讲述的是为提高经济竞争力, 西班牙正考虑把时间拨后一个小时。

  1. Spain is thinking about changing the current time system because ________ . A. Spain is eager to improve its economic competitiveness

  B. it is urgent to increase sleeping hours for Spaniards

  C. Spanish schools suffer from high drop-out rates

  D. 71 years has passed since Spain was ruled by Nazi

  【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据文章第一段Trying to recover from a devastating economic crisis, Spain is considering moving the country’s clock back by one hour. 可知, 原因是西班牙渴望提高经济竞争力。

  2. We can learn from the passage that ________ .

  A. an eight-hour workday is soon to be put into practice in Spain

  B. people are used to working late into the evening in Spain

  C. heavy workloads require a two-hour nap for working people

  D. the current workday pattern does not win much favor among city workers

  【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据文章第五段Many urban Spaniards complain of a never-ending workday that begins in the morning but is interrupted by a traditional late-morning break and then again by the midday siesta—a two-hour long lunch and nap that usually starts at 2 pm. 可知。

  3. According to the passage, Duran may agree with the following EXCEPT that ________ .

  A. the new schedule will allow families more free time

  B. women will probably benefit from the new schedule

  C. economic structure influences economic performance

  D. men can escape housework in the existing schedule


  4. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

  A. Lifestyle changes in Spain

  B. Time for Spain to turn back

  C. Spain’s time zone issues

  D. Spain’s work hour regulation



  A burial site at 22, 000 feet is giving scientists the best look at horrible Incan sacrificial ceremonies. By modern standards, the dangerous peak of Mount Llullaillaco, in the Argentina Andes, is no place for kids. The ancient Inca saw things differently though, some 500 years ago, three children arrived at the slopes of the

  22, 000 feet peak. The three had spent time at the 17, 000 feet level, taking part in some ceremonies that can only be guessed at. Then, accompanied by a group of adults, they moved steadily upward. They would not return. Once at the peak, the children—two girls and a boy, between 8 and 15 years old—would be ceremonially sacrificed and buried beneath 5 feet of broken rocks. They might even have been buried alive.

  And there the story might have ended but for the tireless efforts of Johan Reinhard, an independent archaeologist(考古学家)funded by the National Geographic Society. Reinhard’s specialty is climbing up the Andes in search of sacrificial remains; he had already located 15 bodies, including the famed ice maid he found in 1995. But these three, whose discovery he announced last week, are by far the most impressive. They were frozen solid within hours of their burial. Two of the bodies are almost perfectly preserved; the third was damaged by lightning. The children’s inside organs are not only undamaged but also still contain blood. Craig Morris, an expert at New York City’s American Museum of Natural History, said, “It is truly a fantastic discovery. ”

  What makes it so fantastic is not just the bodies themselves, but also the wealth of works of art that was buried along with them: 36 gold and silver statues, small woven bags, pottery, a small camel figure and seashell necklaces. Reinhard said, “One of the girls has a beautiful yellow, geometrically designed cover laid over her. ”Her head wears a feather and a golden mask. Some of the bodies were surrounded with food wrapped in camel skin, which indicates that the children came from the Incan social leadership—not surprising, since only people of high status would have been considered worthy of sacrifice. Little is known about the sacrificial ceremony itself; these objects, along with others found at the lower camp, should tell archaeologists plenty.

  The preserved bodies, meanwhile, will give scientists a look at Incan physiology(生理学)firstly. The Argentina military took them away to the nearby town of Salta. There, experts will analyze their organs for information about their diet and their DNA to try and establish their relationship to other racial groups. Reinhard will head back into the mountains. There is no telling how many more bodies remain to be found.


  5. From the first paragraph we learn that ________ .

  A. the peak of Mount Llullaillaco was not dangerous in the past

  B. ancient Incans used to hold sacrificial ceremonies on top of the mountain

  C. burying children alive was a common practice in ancient Incan society

  D. the three children made the mountain climbing by themselves

  【解析】选B。推理判断题。第一段描述了古印加人把孩子送到山顶祭祀的事情, 由此可见古印加人曾经在山顶举行祭祀仪式, 故B项正确。山顶的自然环境在过去和现在并没有太大差别, 因此A项是错误的。对于这些孩子的死亡方式用了might一词表示猜测, 所以C项不对。文中提到了accompanied by a group of adults, 说明他们是在成人的护送下登山的, 故D项错误。

  6. What do Craig Morris’ words “It is truly a fantastic discovery” mean?

  A. Johan Reinhard works with the National Geographic Society.

  B. Archaeological discoveries depend on the independent work of archaeologists.

  C. The Andes is a treasure for archaeologists in search of sacrificial remains.

  D. Andean archaeology focuses on unearthing human bodies.

  【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据文章第二段可知Reinhard在安第斯山区搜寻祭祀遗物方面的多项考古发现, 并引用其他考古学家的话说他最近的发现是“fantastic discovery”。文中第二段对Reinhard的身份说明中指出他是一个受国家地理协会资助的独立考古学家, 因此A是错误的。独立考古学家的工作很重要, 但不等于考古发现就依赖他们, 所以B也是错误的。安第斯山的考古活动有很多方面的内容, 遗体出土只是其中一项, 文中也讲到陪葬物品的考古价值, 所以D也不对。

  7. Reinhard’s discovery shows that ________ .

  A. ancient Incans were masters of body-preservation

  B. the children suffered a lot before they were buried

  C. Incan children from rich families were often made sacrifices

  D. ancient Incans had grasped a high level of craftsmanship

  【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据文章第三段One of the girls has a beautiful yellow, geometrically designed cover laid over her. 可知古代印加人的工艺水平已经相当高了。文中并没有提及遗体保存较好确定是和印加人保存尸体的技术有关, A是错误的。文中并没有提到这些孩子们在死前的情况, 所以B不能成立。文中讲到从陪葬品可以看出孩子们来自上层社会, 但不等于“富有家庭的孩子经常成为祭物”, 所以C项不对。

  8. We can draw a conclusion from the text that ________ .

  A. Johan Reinhard’s discovery will throw light on the study of ancient Incans

  B. Reinhard will find a lot more bodies in the future

  C. experts can now describe the sacrificial ceremony in detail

  D. Argentina military are also interested in archaeological activities

  【解析】选A。推理判断题。文中第二段最末引用其他科学家的话说这次发现“fantastic”, 在第三段最末又说所发现的物品也将让考古学家对祭祀仪式有更多的了解。最后一段也介绍了科学家们将对这次发现展开研究工作, 由此可见, 这次发现可以促进对古印加人的研究工作。


  浓缩主题, 确定标题

  确定文章标题要把握两点: (1)要在阅读原文的基础上, 仔细考虑这句话或短语与文章主题是否有密切的联系; 再看它对文章的概括性或覆盖面如何; 要注意题目是过大还是过小; (2)要恰当地选好标题, 还需要了解标题的写作格式。一般来说, 标题的写作方式是: 以话题为核心, 将控制性概念的词按一定的语法浓缩为概括主题句句意或中心思想的词组。


  中心句 Trying to recover from a devastating economic crisis, Spain is considering moving the country’s clock back by one hour.

  话题 time

  控制性概念 Spain; moving the country’s clock back by one hour

  标题 _________________________

  答案:Time for Spain to turn back


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