Summer's almost in its wind down phase which means the time to eat a perfectly ripe peach or go to an outdoor movie is now or next year. If you're having trouble prioritizing a summer slow down, here are some easy-peasy ways to make sure you enjoy the best thing that summer offers: time.
You know what the summer antidote to multitasking is? Mono-tasking. Whether you're at home or on vacation, tackle only one thing at time. Devote all your attention to packing a picnic, swinging in a hammock or collecting seashells. When your attention's not pulled in twenty different directions, you'll be able to more fully be present in the moment and really enjoy it.
Summer has a tendency to get quickly packed with plans, but it's important to leave yourself time to indulge your whims. Make certain times sacred––Wednesday evening, say, or Saturday afternoon––when even an invitation from the Queen Mum gets a polite no so that you can be alone, take a nap, or just stare out a window. If you've long neglected time for yourself this summer, maybe you need to schedule a night away just by yourself. Vacations don't have to be fancy to do their job. How about something as simple as checking into a hotel with a hot tub and ordering in sushi? Or packing up the tent and spending a night under the stars alone?
The Italians have a phrase for this, "il bel far niente," or "the beauty of doing nothing." It's a concept that's hard for most of us in our go-go-go world to master, but give it a whirl. When you walk in the door after work, sit down in your favorite chair. Breathe in and out. Listen to the sounds of your house, and the sounds of the neighborhood outside. Ten minutes has a way of flying by when we're running around. But somehow, when we slow down, the clock seems to, too.
意大利语有这样一句话"il bel far niente,"或者“什么事都不做的美妙。”这个观念对于我们中大部分生活在忙乱世界中的人很难实现,但是尝试一下。当你下班后走进家里,坐在最喜欢的椅子上。吸气呼气。倾听你房子的声音,和邻居和外面的声音。当我们东奔西跑,10分钟很快就过了。但是不知为何,当我们放松什么事都不做,时钟似乎也不走了。
下一篇: 美国大学生就业职场出现的新变化