The quarter-century leading up to the financial crisis saw a remarkable leap in globalisation. Cross-border bank lending, much of it intermediated in London, grew rapidly. Citibank’s ambition was to be seen on street corners from Manhattan to Manama; HSBC told us, every time we got off an aircraft, that it was “the world’s local bank.
Since the crisis this trend has gone into reverse: cross-border lending has fallen sharply and the ambitions of American and European banks have been scaled back. Are we entering an age of financial “deglobalisation? If so, should we care?
Some of the retrenchment was inevitable. Banks had become overextended. But there are signs that the withdrawal may be traced to regulatory actions, and to a form of financial protectionism, which could be as dangerous as protectionism in trade.
In some cases, particularly in Europe, home state regulators have required their institutions to pull liquidity back from overseas markets to protect the parent bank. US regulators are pressing overseas banks to set up local subsidiaries, with separate capitalisation (as the Canadians have done for some time). Even in the EU, banks are being pressed to set up local subsidiaries.
These are not costless measures. They cause liquidity and capital to be trapped where they are not needed, and mean that capital is therefore not optimally used, which will increase the cost of credit. In response, banks withdraw from marginal markets, reducing competition. Local authorities respond by biasing their regulation in favour of domestic entities. A cycle of discrimination and domestication is established.
The Financial Stability Board and the International Monetary Fund are concerned about these trends. They recognise the dangers. 2013 will be a decisive year. Will central banks and regulators embrace deglobalisation, or will it be possible to find a new equilibrium, in which the crisis learnings are embedded in a new approach that preserves many of the benefits of open financial markets? Finding the right answer is crucial.
金融稳定委员会(Financial Stability Board)和国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund)对上述趋势深表担忧。它们从中看到了潜在风险。2013年将是决定性的一年。各国央行和监管当局是否会欣然接纳“去全球化,或者有无可能借鉴我们在金融危机中吸取的经验教训,采取一种能保留开放金融市场主要优点的新办法,从而找到一个新的平衡点?找到这一问题的正确答案至关重要。
Howard Davies is a former chairman of the Financial Services Authority, former deputy governor of the Bank of England and former director of London School of Economics. He is now a professor of practice at Sciences Po in Paris.
本文作者霍华德·戴维斯曾任英国金融服务管理局(Financial Services Authority)局长、英国央行(Bank of England)副行长、伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)院长,目前是巴黎政治学院(Sciences-Po)的实践教授(professor of practice)。
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