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发布时间:2018-06-11  编辑:查字典英语网小编


A school in north London has gone shoe-free in a bid to make children 'feel more at home' in classes.


Pupils at the Torriano School in Kentish Town are being told to take off their shoes when they come inside in a move bosses hope will 'take away the hierarchy' between children and teachers.


The move comes after teachers from the school visited Finland, Iceland and Sweden, where the practice is more widespread.


Headteacher Helen Bruckdorfer told The Camden New Journal: 'What resonated is this connection between home and school, which is very different to the way we organise school, and the need for children to feel comfortable and relaxed within the school setting when they come into the building.


'When you get home you come in and take your shoes off because you just sort of release that energy. You are able to think more clearly.'


The policy is being trialed in the school's nursery, reception and Year 4 classes, but could be rolled out to the whole school if successful.


Ms Bruckdorfer added: 'It takes away the hierarchy because all of us, teachers and children, have to take our shoes off.'


She said the move is very popular among children, who have become 'calmer' since they shed their shoes.


The school's new policy follows research by Bournemouth University, which claimed 'shoeless' children get better grades, behave better and are more likely to arrive to school on time.


But critics have raised questions over how effective the policy really is.


Chris McGovern, from the Campaign for Real Education, said the much-vaunted Finnish education system should not be seen to have all the answers.


He told MailOnline: 'Not all children wish to learn within a smelly feet environment. Let parents and pupils decide.


'Almost 40 percent of primary school pupils are not reaching the govt's floor standard in literacy and numeracy. Learning in one's socks is unlikely to solve this problem may encourage to shoe-kicking bullies.'



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Hugging 拥抱

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  Photo by Emily Sea on Unsplash

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