知道怎么使用信用卡,还要了解信用卡的使用费用,都有什么呢?我们来看一组对话: Clerk: Good morning. Customer: Good morning. I need some information about commissions charged for the Peony Card service. Can you do me this favor, please? Clerk: My pleasure. There's no charge for the transactions, such as deposits and withdrawals, as well as transfers at local network of the issuing bank.1. transaction译为"交易",是一种正式用法
2. local network 译为"当地网点"
3. annual commission 译为"年费"
4. Golden Card 金卡
5. ordinary card 普通卡 以上是关于信用卡的英语表达,我们从中会发现很多措辞都是金融界所特有的,看似简单的表达,却不能随意地套用日常会话的表达,否则还真是有可能产生误解,甚至带来一些不必要的麻烦,所以做个有心人吧,随时随地都能学到不少有用的东西呢! (部分对话选自《银行临柜英语口语》通讯员王源供稿 英语点津 Annabel 编辑)
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