(江苏专用)2017届高考英语二轮复习课件:第二部分专题九 状语从句-查字典英语网
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(江苏专用)2017届高考英语二轮复习课件:第二部分专题九 状语从句

发布时间:2017-04-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  答案 1.after [引导时间状语从句。] 2.until [“直到”,主句为肯定句时,谓语动词用延续性动词;主句为否定句时,谓语用短暂性动词。] 3.unless [“如果不,除非”,引导条件状语从句,此外还有:once(一旦),in case(万一),when(既然)……] 4.as [as引导让步状语从句,此外常考的还有:although,though,while“尽管”。] 5.because [引导原因状语从句,此外还有:since,as,now that,seeing(that)...]

  6.As [此处表示“随着……”,引导时间状语从句。] 7.before [before引导时间状语从句,其意义较多,“还未……就……,……才……”。常考句型:It will be+时间段+before。] 8.Since [同第5题。] 9.where [引导地点状语从句。] 10.wherever [引导让步状语从句,意为“无论哪里……”。] Ⅲ.正反探究 1.【误】 In such dry weather,the flowers will have to be watered if they are going to survive.

  【正】 In such dry weather,the flowers will have to be watered if they are to survive.

  解析 if 从句中表示将来不能用will,be going to 等,但可以使用if sb/sth is to do sth 结构。 2.【误】 You will be late unless you will leave immediately.

  【正】 You will be late unless you leave immediately.

  解析 在时间、条件、让步、方式等状语从句中,常用一般现在时表示将来时。

  3.【误】 Mum would not let him buy it,as if he had enough money!

  【正】 Mum would not let him buy it,even if he had enough money!

  解析 从前后两个句子之间的逻辑关系可知,应用even if。even if 即使;as if 好像。

  4.【误】 Not until I began to work I realized how much time I had wasted.

  【正】 Not until I began to work did I realize how much time I had wasted.

  解析 not until...置于句首时,主句应使用部分倒装结构。

  5.【误】 I won't agree with no matter what you may say.

  【正】 I won't agree with whatever you may say.

  【正】 Whatever / No matter what you may say,I won't agree.

  解析 whatever 引导的从句作 agree with 的宾语,即作宾语从句,whatever 不能与 no matter what 替换。而引导让步状语从句时可替换。

  Ⅳ.考点确认 一、常用并列连词的用法 连词及例句 表并列、递进或顺承关系 and,both...and...,neither...nor...,not only...but also,as well as The earth is one of the sun's planets,and the moon is our satellite. 地球是太阳系中的一颗行星,月亮是地球的卫星 表转折 关系 but,yet,whereas,nevertheless It is often said that the joy of traveling is not in arriving at your destination but in the journey itself. 人们常说旅行的乐趣不在于你最终所到达的目的地,而是旅行本身。 表选择关系 either...or...,not...but...,or,otherwise,or else,rather than Now you can have a rest or you can go to the cinema. 现在你可以休息,或者去看电影。 表因果 关系 for(表“由于”,一般不放在句首),so,therefore He found it increasingly difficult to read,for his eyesight was beginning to fail. 由于他的视力的下降,他发现读书越来越困难了。 when“就在这时,突然” sb be about to do/on the point of doing sth when... 某人正要做某事,突然…… sb be doing sth when... 某人正在做某事突然…… sb had done sth when... 某人刚做完某事突然…… One Friday,we were packing to leave for a weekend away when my daughter heard cries for help. 当我们周五在收拾行李要去度周末时,我的女儿突然听到了呼救声。 She had just finished her homework when her mother asked her to practice playing the piano yesterday. 昨天她刚完成家庭作业,妈妈就让她练习钢琴。 and与or用于并列句 祈使句+and+陈述句,and表顺承关系 祈使句+or+陈述句,or表转折 Find ways to praise your children often,and you'll find they will open their hearts to you. 设法常常表扬你的孩子,这样你就会发现他们乐意向你敞开心扉。 while表对比 强调对比关系,译作“却……” —I wonder how much you charge for your services. —The first two are free while the third costs $30. ——我想知道你要收多少服务费。 ——前两次免费,但是第三次的费用是30美元。 二、状语从句与从属连词 从句类型 从属连词及例句 时间状语从句 when,while,as,after,before,since,till/until,once,as soon as,the moment/ instant,no sooner...than...,hardly...when...,directly,the first time等 Mary made coffee while her guests were finishing their meal. 客人们就要吃完的时候,玛丽去煮咖啡了。 原因状语从句 as,because,since等 The old man asked Lucy to move to another chair because he wanted to sit next to his wife. 那位老人让露西换坐到另一把椅子上,因为他想挨着妻子坐。 地点状语从句 where,wherever等 I cannot hear the professor clearly as there is too much noise where I am sitting. 因为我坐的地方噪音太大,所以听不清教授在说什么。 目的状语从句 so that,in order that,lest(以防),for fear that,in case等 They flew there in order that they might be in time to attend the opening ceremony. 他们飞往那里以便能及时参加开幕典礼。 结果状语从句 so that,so...that...,such...that... There was such a crush on the train that I could hardly reathe. 火车上挤得我都喘不过气来。 条件状语从句 if,unless,so/as long as,in case We will have a picnic in the park this Sunday unless it rains or it's very cold. 除非下雨或天很冷,否则我们将在本周日去公园野餐。 方式状语从句 as,as if/though,the way Jack wasn't doing anything,but the teacher smiled at him as if he had done something very clever. 杰克什么都没做,但是老师向他微笑,好像他之前的行为是明智之举。 让步状语从句 though/although,even if/though,however,whatever,whoever,no matter how/what/which Though/Although regular exercise is very important,it's never a good idea to exercise too close to bedtime.尽管有规律的锻炼很重要,但临睡前锻炼不是个好主意。 ⊙怎么考 1.重点考查从属连词中近义、近似及句式;2.某些固定句式;如:before、while等。3.状语从句的省略;4.语法填空及短文改错中。 ⊙怎么学 在平时的学习中,认真体会学习、运用:1.although,though,even if,even though,as引导的让步状语从句;2.时间状语从句;3.if,unless,as/so long as,in case,on condition that等引导的条件状语从句。 ⊙怎么解 1.思考其语法特征和语义特征,注意区分意义相近的关系词。2.注意对语序的考查。3.注意与其他从句的区别。 Ⅰ.体验考向 1.(2017·北京卷,28)You won't find paper cutting difficult ________ you keep practicing it.

  A.even though

  B.as long as

  C.as if

  D.ever since

  答案 B [考查连词。句意:只要你坚持练习,你就不会觉得剪纸难了。 even though 即使;as long as只要;as if 仿佛,好像;ever since 自……以来。结合句意可知选B。]

  2.(2017·重庆卷,4)If you miss this chance,it may be years ________ you get another one.





  答案 B [考查连词。句意:如果你错过这次机会,可能得过好多年才能再有一次机会。该句考查“It will/may be+一段时间+before...”句式,表示“过多久才……”。]

  3.(2017·湖南卷,33)________ the job takes a significant amount of time,most students agree that the experience is worth it.

  A.If only



  D.In case

  答案 C [句意:虽然这份工作要花大量的时间,但大多数学生都同意这次经历是值得的。句中的a significant amount of time与worth it之间构成对比,故用although引导让步状语从句。]

  4.(2017·浙江卷,9)________ a single word can change the meaning of a sentence,a single sentence can change the meaning of a paragraph.

  A.Just as

  B.Even though



  答案 A [句意:正如一个单词可以改变一句话的意思一样,一个句子也可以改变一段话的意思。just as正如,正像,符合语境。even though尽管;until直到;unless除非,如果不。]

  5.(2017·天津卷,12)We need to get to the root of the problem________ we can solve it.





  答案 C [考查时间状语从句。句意:我们在解决问题之前需要找到其根源。根据逻辑关系可知,“找到问题的根源”在“解决问题”之前发生。before在……之前,引导时间状语从句,符合题意。]

  6.(2017·陕西卷,20)I believe you will have a wonderful time here ________ you get to know everyone else.


  B.as if


  D.so that

  答案 C [句意:一旦你在这儿认识了其他所有人之后,我相信你会在这儿有一段美好的时光。once一旦,符合句意。故选C。]

  7.(2017·重庆卷,14)Half an hour later,Lucy still couldn't get a taxi________the bus had dropped her.





  答案 D [考查连词和状语从句。句意:半个小时后,在公共汽车丢下她的地方露西仍然没有搭到出租车。根据句意可知,这里是where引导的地点状语从句。]

  8.(2017·湖南卷,26)You will never gain success________you are fully devoted to your work.





  答案 D [考查状语从句。句意:除非你完全投入到你的工作中,否则你就永远不会取得成功。unless相当于if not,除非,如果不;在此引导让步状语从句,符合语境。]

  9.(2017·浙江卷,15)Cathy had quit her job when her son was born________she could stay home and raise her family.

  A.now that

  B.as if

  C.only if

  D.so that

  答案 D [考查连词辨析。句意:儿子出生时凯西辞去了工作以便能待在家里抚养孩子。so that引导目的状语从句,从句中的could也起提示作用。]

  10.(2017·江苏卷,21)Lessons can be learned to face the future,________history cannot be changed.





  答案 A [考查状语从句。句意:尽管历史无法改变,但是我们可以吸取教训来面对未来。though表示转折。]

  11.(2017·陕西卷,24)The young couple,who returned my lost wallet,left________I could ask for their names.





  答案 B [考查连词辨析。句意:这对年轻夫妇送还了我丢失的钱包,我还没来得及问他们的名字,他们就离开了。before还没来得及就……,符合题意;while当……时,然而,虽然;after在……之后;since自从,既然。]

  12.(2017·四川卷,8)I'll be out for some time.________anything important happens,call me up immediately.

  A.In case

  B.As if

  C.Even though

  D.Now that

  答案 A [考查连词和状语从句。句意:我要出去一段时间。万一有什么重要的事情发生,立即给我打电话。根据句意可知,这里表示“立即给我打电话”的条件,in case如果,万一,引导条件状语从句。]

  13.(2017·北京卷,29)________the forest park is far away, a lot of tourists visit it every year.



  C.Even though

  D.In case

  答案 C [考查状语从句。句意:尽管那个森林公园很远,每年仍然有很多游客去参观。由句意可知前半句是让步状语从句,C项符合题意。]

  14.(2017·天津卷,1)Give me a chance,________I'll give you a wonderful surprise.





  答案 C [考查连词辨析。句意:给我一次机会,我会给你一个惊喜。if如果;or否则;and和,那么;while当……时。根据句意可知是顺承关系,故选C。]

  15.(2017·天津卷,4)________you start eating in a healthier way,weight control will become much easier.





  答案 D [考查连词辨析。句意:一旦你开始健康饮食,控制体重就容易多了。unless除非;although虽然,尽管;before在……之前;once一旦。]

  Ⅱ.语境感悟 完成下列空格,然后朗读或背诵短文,体会状语从句的用法。 My classmate Michael studied very hard __1__ he went to senior school.Every day he worked __2__ everyone left the classroom.He said he wouldn't stop trying __3__ he got satisfying scores in his studies.Hard __4__ he tried,he made little progress,but he didn't lose heart at all __5__ he believed as long as he persisted he would succeed one day.__6__ time went by,he made improvements in his studies and he was admitted to a university in Beijing at last.We had a get-together party __7__ we started our new life in university.__8__ everyone had got offers from universities,we had a very good time.When we stood __9__ we used to play and study,we couldn't help thinking of our happy old days.We believed we would never forget each other,__10__ we would go and whatever we would do.


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