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发布时间:2017-04-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  根据汉语提示填入以字母f开头的单词的适当形式,然后背诵微情景,熟记以f开头的课标词汇。 【初级词汇情景】

  When the art master delivered the speech,he mentioned that you had to __1__ (打,斗争) against the following __2__ (因素) such as faith,self-doubt,failure,loneliness,misunderstanding and even threat on condition that you want to have access to achievement.Furthermore,you should get

  __3__ (熟悉的) with any flexible change.Only in this way can a person make a good fortune.


  14 F+话题·家庭、朋友与周围的人

  当那个艺术大师发表演讲时,他提到:如果你想获得成就,你必须和以下因素抗争,例如,信仰、不自信、失败、孤独、误解,甚至是威胁。而且,你应该熟悉任何灵活的变化,只有用这种方式一个人才可以得到好运。 自我校对 1.fight 2.factors 3.familiar


  I have __1__ (弄懂,弄清楚) out it was the female fairy who fetched my __2__ (最喜爱的) fruits,fragrant flowers,fresh food,multi-function furniture on the festival feast;it's not the foreigner who spoke fluent French that did it.And so I would not __3__ (原谅) him and forbid him to follow us freely,and found fine days during which the sea wind was not so fierce and forced him out of frontier in fortnight by ferry.

  我已弄清楚了是一位仙女在节日的盛宴上给我带来我喜爱的水果、香气扑鼻的花卉、新鲜的食物、多功能的家具,而不是那位说流利法语的外国人做的。因此,我不会原谅他,禁止他自由地跟着我们,而且还要选择海风不剧烈的日子用渡船在十四日内把他驱逐出境。 自我校对 1.figured 2.favo(u)rite 3.forgive


  熟读或背诵下列句子,体会该词不同的词性与词义,感悟其用法。 1.hungry:As long as you have an ability,you won't go hungry.Be hungry for knowledge. 只要你有一技之长,你就不会挨饿。所以要渴望获得知识。 2.industry:My success in working in the computer industry is due to my industry. 我在电脑行业的成功归于我的勤奋。

  3.interest:If you have an interest in the business,you can get some interests in my mine. 如果你对这项生意感兴趣的话,你可以在我矿上得到一些股份。 4.invent:The inventor who invented the machine must have invented an excuse for being late. 那位发明该机器的发明家肯定为他的迟到捏造了一个理由。 5.just:Knowing it is just what they want,many Americans view it as a just match. 明白了这正是他们想得到的,许多美国人才把它看作是公平的比赛。




  【写作内容】 请根据以下信息写一篇英文报道,内容包括: 人物:英国人理查德·阿维斯(Richard Avis) 出生日期:1974年12月1日 事件:2011年开始在世界各地寻找同年同月同日出生的人 目的:理解不同文化中成功人生的含义 相关信息: ·借助当地媒体寻找 ·迄今找到32名,其中男性17名,女性15名,来自13个国家 ·职业包括政府官员、运动员、司机、教师、艺术家等 ·计划40岁生日前找到40位同年同月同日出生的人 ·打算根据此经历写一本书 *同年同月同日出生的人:time twin


  只能用5个句子表达全部内容。 【评分标准】

  句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。 _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________


  A British man named Richard Avis,who was born on Dec 1st,1974,started to search for time twins all over the world since 2011 with the help of the local media.By doing this,he wanted to know about different significances of successful life in different cultures.Until now 17 men and 15 women have been found from 13 countries,including government officials,athletes,drivers and artists.He intends to write a book about the time twins and his own experience after he has found 40 twins.He will take it as his 44th birthday gift.

  本话题常用句式速递 1.She is always ready to help her fellow classmates improve their reading. 她总是乐于帮助同学提高他们的阅读。 2.She devoted herself to scientific research and made great contributions to her country. 她为科研献出了一切,为国家作出了巨大贡献。 3.He is considered to be one of the greatest scientists in China. 他被认为是中国最伟大的科学家之一。


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