2017届高考英语一轮复习随堂演练:1-1-3travel journal-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习随堂演练:1-1-3travel journal

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1.Tom has a good ________(态度) towards his schoolwork and always finishes his homework on time.

  2.When are you going to start out your train ________(旅行) to Tibet?

  3.Could you complete the project ahead of ________(时间表)?

  4.The ________(坚定)expression on his face suggested that the boy wouldn't give in.

  5.Traffic in cities is becoming heavier and heavier. People should be encouraged to use public ________(交通工具).

  6.Which sports do you ________(比较喜欢),swimming or rock climbing?

  7.After a long talk, I finally ________(说服) my stubborn grandfather to give up his idea.

  8.I thought the party was well ________(组织) and everything went well.

  9.Tim is a ________(可靠的)man; if he says he will do the job, he will try his best to finish it.

  10.After ________(毕业) from university in 2009, Bob went to New York for further study.


  1.attitude 2.journey 3.schedule 4.determined

  5.transport 6.prefer 7.persuaded 8.organized

  9.reliable 10.graduating


  1.Mr. Smith, who is a

  very ________ person, works as the president of a large international ________ (organize).

  2.Li Hua is a young man with great ________ (determine).

  3.My brother ________ from Beijing University in 2008. I still remember the day when we went to his ________

  ceremony (graduate).

  4.If a person always behaves ________ (proper), he will find it easy to realize his dream.

  5.We are looking for someone who is ________ (rely) and hardworking.

  6.A teacher should not show ________ (prefer) for any one of his pupils.

  7.After the flood, many things have been ________ (transportation) to the flooded area.

  8.His poor eyesight was a ________ (advantage) to him.

  9.I ________ (final) passed the test with my teacher's help.

  10.He is good at ________ (persuade).


  1.organized; organization 2.determination

  3.graduated; graduation 4.properly 5.reliable

  6.preference 7.transported 8.disadvantage

  9.finally 10.persuasion


  1.My sister is fond ________ going for a walk after supper.

  2.Her attitude ________ learning English has changed.

  3.________ (dress) in a new dress, she looks more beautiful.

  4.Don't give ________ to difficulties, and you will succeed.

  5.It was my mother ________ put forward a good solution to the problem.

  6.How I wish I ________ (can) make up for the lost time.

  7.We found ourselves ________ (cycle) through clouds.

  8.He was about to close the window ________ a beautiful flower caught his eye.

  9.Ever since 1990, the Greens ________ (live) a peaceful life in this village.

  10.She insisted we ________ (keep) pace with society.


  1.of be fond of 喜欢。

  2.to/towards attitude to/towards doing sth. 对……的态度。

  3.Dressed dressed in“穿着……”,在句中作状语。

  4.in give in to 向……屈服。

  5.that/who 强调句子的主语为人时,从句用 that/who 引导。

  6.could How I wish...从句中用虚拟语气,表示与现在事实相反用一般过去时。

  7.cycling find sb. doing sth. 发现某人在做某事。

  8.when be about to do...when...正要……这时……。

  9.have lived ever since...与现在完成时连用。

  10.(should) keep insist 意为“坚持,认为”时,其后宾语从句用虚拟语气 (should) do。


  After graduating __1__ college, Wang Kun and Wang Wei decided __2__ (take) a trip along the entire MeKong River by bicycle. It was Wang Wei __3__ first came up __4__ the idea. They have dreamed about the trip ever since middle school, and they bought mountain bikes two years ago. Wang Kun was fond __5__ her sister although she could be stubborn at times. She insisted that she __6__ (organize) the trip __7__ (proper). There was a __8__ (determine) look on her face, which suggested once she had made __9__ her mind, nothing could change it. Finally, Wang Kun had to give __10__ to her sister.


  1.from 2.to take 3.who/that 4.with 5.of

  6.(should) organize 7.properly 8.determined 9.up



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