2016届高三英语一轮复习讲义:Book 2 Unit 5-查字典英语网
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2016届高三英语一轮复习讲义:Book 2 Unit 5

发布时间:2017-04-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  重点识记词汇 1.react to对……反应

  2.from the beginning to the end从头到尾

  3.extraordinary adj.非凡的,特别的

  4.be used to doing习惯于做……

  5.award n.奖,奖品

  6.extremely adv.极端地,非常地

  7.be full of充满

  8.come out(产品、书等)上市,发行

  9.system n.系统

  10.leave out遗漏

  11.audience n.听众;观众

  12.throughout prep.贯穿,遍及

  13.treasure n.财富,财宝

  14.general n.将军;adj.一般的,通常的

  15.combine with 与……联合起来

  16.note down记录,记下

  17.in other words换句话说

  18.quit vt.&vi.停止;辞职

  19.worldwide adj.全世界的,世界性的

  20.in some ways在某些方面

  21.beauty n.美貌;美人

  22.transform vt.转换,转化

  23.generation n.代,一代

  24.appearance n.外貌,外观

  25.unique adj.独特的,唯一的

  26.at times有时,不时

  27.refer to提及,涉及,谈到

  28.back and forth往返,来回

  29.be related to与……有关系

  30.powerful adj.强大的,有力的

  31.reaction n.反应→react vi.反应

  32.recommend sb.to do sth.推荐某人做某事

  33.from one generation to another 一代接着另一代

  34.unclear adj.不清楚的→clear adj.清晰的,清楚的

  35.performance n.表演→perform vt.& vi.表演;做

  36.anger n.气愤,愤怒→angry adj.气愤的,愤怒的

  37.impress vt.使(人)印象深刻→impression n.印象

  38.permission n.允许,许可→permit vt.允许,许可

  39.rediscover vt.重新发现→rediscovery n.重新发现

  40.talent n.才干;天才→talented adj.有天赋的,天才的

  41.effect n.效果,作用→effective adj.有效果的,起作用的;生效的

  42.base n.基础,基地;vt.以……为基础(依据)→basic adj.基本的,基础的

  43.creative adj.有创造力的,创造性的→creation n.创造→create vt.创造,发明;创作

  44.combine vt.(使)结合,(使)联合→combination n.联合,结合

  45.represent vt.代表→representative adj.有代表性的,经典的;n.代表

  46.responsible adj.有责任的,应负责任的→responsibility n.负责

  47.disappoint vt.使失望→disappointed adj.失望的→disappointing adj.令人失望的→disappointment n.失望

  48.pick up开车去接,捎载;捡起,拿起;好转,恢复;提速;获得(知识等);接收,收听;重新开始(中断的工作等)

  必背经典句式 1.She had to draw piano keys on a piece of paper so that he could learn to play as early as possible.


  2.It was Morissette’s first performance in England since her song “Uninvited” won this year’s Grammy Award for the best rock song.


  3.His mother couldn’t buy him a piano until he was seven.


  4.This is why he went back to his roots and rediscovered the beauty in Chinese folk music.


  5.And every time you call,I’ve waited there as though you might not call at all.


  构词记忆  illegal /I′liːɡəl/adj.不合法的;非法的;犯法的

  impatient /ImpeIʃnt/adj.不耐烦的;焦躁的

  impossible /Impɒsəbl/adj.不可能的

  inability /InəbIlətI/n.[U]无能;无力;不能




  1.The audience(观众) are requested to be seated by 7:25.

  2.It can become extremely(非常地) hot and dry,especially in a small glasshouse.

  3.I’m fully responsible(负责) for your one­day tour to our school and our city.

  4.I am deeply impressed(使人印象深刻) by the great changes that have taken place in the school over the past three years.

  5.If things continue in this way,the generation(代) gap between them will get bigger and bigger.

  6.His books have sold more than 20 million copies worldwide(全世界).

  7.He will be presented with an award(奖品) at the ceremony.

  8.He left the classroom without permission(许可).

  9.A little paint will soon transform(改变) this old car.

  10.He represented(声称) himself as a philosopher,who studied abroad many years ago.

  11.The happiest are not those who own all the best things,but those who can appreciate the beauty(美丽) of life.

  12.It’s extraordinary(意想不到的) that he managed to sleep through the party.


  13.Please make sure all mobile phones are switched off during the performance (perform).

  14.Egypt was among the most powerful (power) countries in the world.

  15.She was misplaced in that job; she ought to be doing something more creative (create).

  16.The sudden appearance (appear) of a policeman caused the thief to run away.

  17.Her arrest produced an immediate reaction (react) from the press.

  18.Her disappointed (disappoint) look showed that she failed the exam again.



  react to,have a talent for, be responsible for,come out,be used to,fit in with,be full of,pick up,combine with,note down

  19.A live­action movie could come out within two years.

  20.These students are used to getting up early.

  21.How do I react to people who are rude?

  22.Please note down what I’m about to say.

  23.The road I choose will be full of opportunities,as well as sorrow and desperation.

  24.We drove to the airport the next morning to pick up Susan.

  25.I wasn’t sure if she would fit in with my friends.

  26.Lang Lang and Li Yundi both have a talent for music.

  27.But if you offered to combine with them I would see no objection.

  28.The holder of the office of chairman is responsible for arranging meetings.


  at times,in other words, in some ways,from the beginning to the end,from generation to generation

  29.He didn’t reach the standard;in other words,he failed.

  30.I was with the project from the beginning to the end.

  31.This book was handed down from generation to generation.

  32.At times Ismail would accompany my family as we made a rare shopping trip to town.

  33.In some ways,it is one of our biggest mistakes.


  34.You’re not eating dessert until you eat your vegetables.


  35.It is nearly ten years since Bi Fujian began to host the programme Star Avenue.


  36.He is ill today.That is why he came late for class

  this morning.


  37.Every time I watch the programme The Voice of China,I feel very excited.


  38.I’ve decided to learn photography in order that I may record the beauty of nature.



  have an effect on/upon对……有效;对……有影响

  come/go into effect生效

  take effect生效;奏效

  bring/put...into effect实施of no effect没有效果的side effect副作用in effect实际上effective adj.有效的;实际的

  The whole effect is cool,light and airy.


  The medicine had a good effect on me.


  China has had effective monitoring and management of the East China ADIZ.



  (1)Inflation is having a disastrous effect on(对……有灾难性影响) the economy.

  (2)In effect(实际上),our wages will fall by 2%.

  (3)The medicine was of no effect(没有效果) on the patient.

  2 base vt.以……为据点(或总部等);把(总部等)设在(use...as the main place);以……为基础;n.根基,基底;底座(the lowest part);根据,出发点;基础

  [应试指导] 非谓语动词句法功能的考查


  be based on/upon以……为根据基础

  basis n.原因,缘由;基准,准则;方式;基础on the basis of在……基础上basic adj.基础的;基本的

  Actually,teaching is an art based on science.


  One should always base his opinion on facts.




  ①Basing(base) an important decision more on emotion than on reason,you will regret it sooner or later.

  ②Based(base) on my own opinion,this one is far better than that one.

  (2)The restaurant is based on(以……为基础) trust,and it is working all right.


  ①Based on trust,the restaurant is working all right. (把题(2)改为含有分词短语作状语的简单句)

  ②The restaurant,which is based on trust,is working all right. (把题(2)改为含有定语从句的复合句)


  [应试指导] (1)过去分词作状语 (2)写作高分句式:What impressed sb.is that...


  impress sth.on/upon sb.=impress sb.with sth.使某人牢记某事

  be impressed by/with sth.对……印象深刻

  impression n.印象;效果;想法

  leave/make/create a/an...impression on sb.给某人留下……的印象

  impressive adj.给人深刻印象的

  What impressed him most was their speed.


  I was very impressed by one young man at my lectures.




  (1)The film’s special effects are particularly impressive.

  (2)I was very impressed by the efficiency of the staff.

  (3)The book left a deep impression on him.

  (4)What was so impressive about Jasmine Westland’s victory was that she came first in the marathon bare­footed.


  [多词一义] combine,link,join,connect


  be combined with与……结合

  combine against为反对……联合起来

  combination n.结合;组合;化合物

  in combination with与……联合

  He will combine the two jobs over the next three years.


  The workers combined against the boss.




  (1)These refugees are looked after by the combined efforts of the host countries and non­governmental organizations.

  (2)Each side benefits a lot from combination.

  (3)Indeed,combining forces with China in Afghanistan might even improve the relationship between Washington and Beijing.

  (4)Combined with that big company,the small firm becomes more competitive.


  quit doing...停止做……

  quit as...辞掉……职务quit office/one’s job离职

  I wish you would all quit complaining.


  He has decided to quit as manager of the team.




  (1)Doctors are doing research to find out what happens physically when people quit smoking (smoke).

  (2)He told us he had been quit (quit) of that trouble­some job for a month.

  6 responsible adj.负责的,可靠的(reliable);有责任的

  be responsible for对……负责;是……的原因

  be responsible to sb.对某人负责

  responsibility n.责任;职责;义务

  take responsibility for 对……有责任;对……负责

  sense of responsibility责任感

  Parents feel responsible when things go wrong.


  Our department manager is directly responsible to the vice­president of sales.




  ①He was elected by the people,and is responsible to them.

  ②Who should be responsible for the accident?


  ①The cold weather is responsible for his absence.(responsible)

  ②The cold weather results in his absence.(result)

  ③The cold weather brings about his absence.(bring)

  ④The cold weather contributes to his absence.(contribute)

  7 permission n.允许,许可

  ask for permission请求许可

  without permission未经许可

  permit v.允许;许可;n.通行证;许可证;执照

  permit sb.to do...允许某人做……

  permit doing sth.允许做某事

  The majority of foreign nationals working here have work permits.


  The windows permit light and air to enter.




  (1)He was permitted(permit) to talk to the prisoner.

  (2)The guards permitted me to bring(bring) my camera and tape recorder.

  (3)We don’t permit smoking(smoke) in the office.

  (4)He asked for permission(permit) to leave the room.

  (5)Weather permitting(permit),we’ll go there with you.



  [多词一义] in other words,that is,that is to say,namely

  keep one’s word遵守诺言

  break one’s word/promise违背诺言;食言

  eat one’s words收回所说的话

  get in a word插话

  in a/one word总之

  have a word with sb.与某人谈一谈

  have words with sb.和某人吵架

  word came that...消息说……

  I’ll keep my word,and I’ll tell him everything.


  Word has come from him.




  (1)The little boy listened to the older students and finally got in a word.

  (2)I said that my wife would never pass her driving test,and when she did she made me eat my words.

  (3)He broke his word and did not repay the loan.

  (4)Why did you have words with her last night?

  2 at times有时(sometimes;occasionally)

  from time to time偶尔,有时

  in no time立即,马上for the time being暂时,ahead of time提前

  behind time拖后,against time争分夺秒

  at all times总是,随时

  all the time一直;总是,经常

  at any time随时,任何时候

  No man is wise at all times.


  Unexpected disasters can strike at any time.




  (1)He can be really bad­tempered at times.sometimes/from time to time/occasionally

  (2)Our representatives are ready to help you at all times.all the time

  (3)You can leave your suitcase here for the time being.for the moment

  1 His mother couldn’t buy him a piano until he was seven.直到他七岁时他妈妈才给他买




  2在not...until句型结构中,可以把not until提到句首,句子用倒装语序。

  3 not...until...句型的强调句式为:It is/was not until...that...。

  In fact,I didn’t realize its importance until I was chosen monitor of my class in my senior middle school.


  He had banned IBM from entering into new contracts with the state until it improved its governance and contracting practices.



  (1)I didn’t leave until he came.

  ①Not until he came did I leave.(改为倒装句)

  ②It was not until he came that I left.(用强调句型强调until部分)

  (2)Not until he went through real hardship did he realize(他才意识到) the love we have for our families is important.

  2 Whether Kong is changing his appearance or transforming his music,he is a pioneer in music today.无论孔改变外貌还是转变音乐风格,他都是今天音乐领域的先驱。


  Whether it rains or not,the students have to attend the meeting on time.


  Whether or not she will vote for us is not clear.




  (1)Another important difference is whether schools are state schools or private schools.

  (2)He doesn’t know whether to stay or leave.

  (3)Whether he will come or not makes no difference.




  (1)I had hardly got home when it began to rain.

  (2)Now that/Since everybody is here,let’s begin our meeting.

  (3)I’ll speak slowly so that/in order that you can understand me.

  (4)So clever was he that he was able to work out all the difficult problems.

  (5)Child as/though he is,he knows a lot.




  One morning,I was waiting at the bus stop,worried about 41.being (be) late for school.There were many people waiting at the bus stop,42.and some of them looked very anxious and 43.disappointed (disappoint).When the bus finally came,we all hurried on board.I got a place next 44.to the window,so I had a good view of the sidewalk.A boy on a bike 45.caught (catch) my attention.He was riding beside the bus and waving his arms.I heard a passenger behind me shouting to the driver,but he refused 46.to stop (stop) until we reached the next stop.Still,the boy kept 47.riding (ride).He was carrying something over his shoulder and shouting.Finally,when we came to the next stop,the boy ran up to the door of the bus.I heard an excited conversation.Then the driver stood up and asked,“48.Did anyone lose a suitcase at the last stop?” A woman on the bus shouted,“Oh dear!It’s 49.me/mine (I).” She pushed her way to the driver and took the suitcase thankfully.Everyone on the bus began talking about what the boy had done,and the crowd of strangers 50.suddenly (sudden) became friendly to one another.


  1.总之,在很短的时间内能够赢得他们的友谊是我一生中最为自豪的事。(in a word)(2017·浙江·书面表达)

  In a word,being able to win their friendship in a very short time is the thing that I am proud of most in my life.


  If I ride a bike,I’ll always keep to the right and never cross a road until the traffic light turns green.


  Disappointed as I felt at the shabby campus and the poorly­equipped classroom,I found the teachers patient and considerate.

  4.首先,它涵盖了国内外资讯,因此我只要简单地翻翻报纸就能了解发生在一周内的所有重要的事。(so that)(2011·大纲全国·书面表达)

  First,it covers both national and international news so that,by simply turning the pages,I can learn all important things that have happened during the week.


  Last but not least,it’s everyone’s responsibility to make good use of water.



  1.The party will be held in the garden,weather permitting (permit).

  2.Everyone in the village is very friendly.It doesn’t matter whether you have lived there for a short or a long time.

  3.Don’t be so disappointed.If you spare no effort to study your chosen subjects,you will be successful in time.

  4.You can borrow my car as long as you promise not to drive too fast.

  5.Leave your key with your neighbor in case you lock yourself out one day.

  6.—What are you mailing,Ryan?

  —A textbook based (base) on a new method of teaching physics.I want my friends to take a look at it.

  7.How close parents are to their children has a great effect on the character of the children.

  8.Orbiting around the earth in the space station for a long time alone is an extremely (extreme) difficult thing for the astronauts.

  9.Everyone has periods in their lives when everything seems very hard.

  10.Tourism has also been greatly responsible for the rapid development of some developing nations.


  1.Basing on my own view,this idea is acceptable.Basing→Based

  2.What was impressed us most was her fluent English.去掉What后的was

  3.What do you think it represents for?去掉for

  4.On general,he is an honest man.On→In

  5.If you want to do so,you must ask permission first.ask后加上for

  6.From the disappointed look on his face,we can guess that the result was not satisfied.satisfied→satisfying

  7.His face turned red for anger.for→with

  8.His trip to India made strong impression on him.made后加上a

  9.Recently,he has been used to get up early.get→getting

  10.Several new books will have been come out by the end of next month.去掉been


  1.According to our plan,we have English Talent Show today.The purpose of this programme is to develop our interest in English learning and practical abilities in listening and speaking.(素材来源于2017·陕西·书面表达)

  As scheduled,we have English Talent Show today,whose purpose is to develop our interest in English learning as well as practical abilities in listening and speaking.(用含有as,schedule的省略句,whose从句以及as well as改写句子)

  2.We are scheduled to attend the college entrance examination.It is held on June 7th and 8th every year.On the first day Chinese and math will be tested;and on the second day geography,history,politics and English will be tested.(素材来源于2017·四川·书面表达)

  As scheduled,we will attend the once­a­year college entrance examination on June 7th and 8th,on the first day of which Chinese and math will be tested,the second day geography,history,politics and English.(用省略句、非限制性定语从句及合成词改写句子)



  Psychologists have found that one of the best ways to make an important decision,choosing a university to attend,for example,involves the use of a decision worksheet.Psychologists who study optimization(最优化) compare the actual decisions made by people to theoretical ideal decisions to see how similar they are.Supporters of the worksheet procedure believe that it will bring about the best decisions.Although there are several variations on the exact format that worksheets can take,they are all similar in their essential aspects.Worksheets require defining the problem in a clear way and then listing all possible solutions to the problem.Next,the considerations that will be affected by each decision are listed,and the relative importance of each consideration or consequence is determined.Each consideration is assigned a numerical(数字的) value to reflect its related importance.A decision is then mathematically calculated by adding these values together.The choice with the highest number of points comes as the best decision.

  Since most important problems are multifaceted(多方面的),there are several alternatives to choose from,each with unique advantages and disadvantages.One of the benefits of a pencil and paper decision­making procedure is that it permits people to deal with more variables(可变因素) than their minds can generally comprehend and remember.On average,people can keep about seven ideas in their minds at once.A worksheet can be especially useful when the decision involves a large number of variables with complex relationships.A realistic example for many college students is the question “What will I do after graduation?”A graduate might seek a position that offers specialized training,pursue an advanced degree,or travel abroad for a year.

  A decision­making worksheet begins with a statement of the problem that will also help to narrow it.It is important to be clear about the distinction between long­range and immediate goals,because long­range goals often involve a different decision than short­range ones.Focusing on long­range goals,a graduating student might revise the question above to “What will I do after graduation that will lead to successful career?”

  1.In Paragraph 1,the author develops the discussion by means of


  A.describing a process

  B.classifying types of worksheets

  C.providing historical background

  D.explaining a theory

  答案 A

  解析 推理判断题。第一段先介绍了决策工作表,然后陈述了决策工作表的制订过程,因此选A。

  2.Which of the following steps occurs before the others when making a decision worksheet?

  A.Deciding which consequences are the most important.

  B.Calculating a numerical summary of each solution.

  C.Listing the consequences of each solution.

  D.Writing down all possible solutions.

  答案 D

  解析 细节理解题。根据第一段第五句“Worksheets require defining the problem in a clear way and then listing all possible solutions to the problem.Next...”可知,制订决策工作表的第一步是定义问题并列举所有解决问题的办法,故应选D。

  3.According to decision­worksheet theory,the best choice is defined as the one


  A.that has the most points assigned to it

  B.that uses the most decision worksheets

  C.that has the fewest variables to consider

  D.that is agreed to by the greatest number of people

  答案 A

  解析 推理判断题。根据第一段最后三句“Each consideration is assigned a numerical(数字的)...comes as the best decision.”可知,把所有这些数值相加就能以数学方法来衡量一个决定,得分最高的决定就是最佳决定。

  4.The underlined word “revise” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to “






  答案 C

  解析 词义猜测题。根据最后一段第二句“...because long­range goals often involve a different decision than short­range ones.”可知,如果侧重于长期目标,毕业生可能会修改上述问题,从而做出不同的决定,因此该词意思为“改变,修改”。


  How to make friends at a new school

  You’re about to start a new school and want to make friends there.What do you do?Here are some tips on how to meet people and make friends at a new school and how to adjust to your new surroundings.


  There’s nothing that attracts people more than someone who’s secure in who they are and has a fairly positive attitude about life in general and other people’s ideas,too.

  Invite others to do things.In a lot of cases,you’ll need to make the first move to find potential friends.Ask some people to share a table at lunch or study hall,ask someone to be your volleyball partner in gym class...


  Join some clubs and activities.A new school and a new group of classmates offer great opportunities to explore some new interests.


  You’re able to meet people who share your interests and are looking forward to making new friends,too.

  Have an opinion.Do you want to help the homeless or prevent the destruction of the rainforest?Speak up.Offer your opinions in class.


  People will remember you in no time and want to talk to you and,most likely,hang out to get to know you better.

  Remember people’s names.Do your best to remember other people’s names and interests.


  Say something like,“I remember you said something really interesting about X yesterday and wanted to talk about it some more,but I’m new here and don’t remember your name yet.Could you remind me what it is?”

  A.Be as confident as you can.

  B.Smile at people when they look at you.

  C.Try out for a school play or sports team.

  D.Share your unique viewpoints in conversation.

  E.It’s a great conversation starter and it makes you seem friendly.

  F.Once you’ve found a few people you like,ask them to eat or have fun after school.

  G.More importantly,don’t be afraid to ask people more than once what their names are.

  答案 5.A 6.F 7.C 8.D 9.G


  Once Rabbit declared loudly that he was the fastest.Thinking what Rabbit was too proud,Frog was annoying and decided to teach him a lesson.He challenged Rabbit for a race through some thick grass down to the town pond.Rabbit disagreed.On the day of the race,Frog played with a trick.Many of his frog friends hid in the thick grass,one big jump apart from one another.Rabbit ran as faster as he could through the grass,and no matter how fast he ran,Frog was always one jump ahead of him.By the time Rabbit got to a pond,he was running fast to stop.He fell right into the pond,just as Frog jumped up from behind a rock and shouted,“I was the winner!”


  Once Rabbit declared loudly that he was the fastest.Thinking 或what Rabbit was too proud,Frog was

  and decided to teach him a lesson.He challenged Rabbit

  a race through some thick grass down to the town pond.Rabbit .On the day of the race,Frog played with a trick.Many of his frog friends hid in the thick grass,one big jump apart from one another.Rabbit ran as

  as he could through the grass, no matter how fast he ran,Frog was always one jump ahead of him.By the time Rabbit got to

  pond,he was running

  fast to stop.He fell right into the pond,just as Frog jumped up from behind a rock and shouted,“I

  the winner!”









  Dear Peter,

  I remember you told me you were interested in teaching in China.


  Li Hua


  Dear Peter,

  I remember you told me you were interested in teaching in China.Our school now is looking for a native speaker to teach some courses to senior high students.If you come,you can choose from the following courses:Speaking,Writing,Britain Today and America Today,and you can share English learning experiences with students.Besides teaching,you will also work as an advisor to our students' English club or our school's English newspaper.

  Please let me know if you are interested and if you have any other questions,I'd be more than happy to help you.


  Li Hua




  Movies Coming Soon

  The Croods

  Length of time:1 hour 38 minutes


  Release date(上映日期):March 22,2017

  Directors:Kirk DeMicco,Chris Sanders

  Starring:Nicolas Cage,Emma Stone,Ryan Reynolds


  A prehistoric family are forced to flee their cave after it’s destroyed by a disaster that threatens to change their lives forever in this animated film featuring the voices of Nicolas Cage and Emma Stone.As a protective caveman the father leads his family out of harm’s way,the clan(家族) crosses paths with a clever teen named Guy(voice of Ryan Reynolds),who offers to help them reach a distant land where they will be safe from a terrible disaster that will soon change the entire world.


  Length of time:1 hour 47 minutes


  Release date:March 22,2017

  Director:Paul Weitz

  Starring:Tina Fey,Paul Rudd,Nat Wolff


  Tina Fey and Paul Rudd star in director Paul Weitz’s comedy about an honest Princeton admissions officer.The officer meets a teenager who may be her long­lost son while recruiting(招收) students from an alternative high school.Years ago,Portia Nathan(Fey) quietly gave her newborn son up for adoption.Now she’s got a great career recruiting students for Princeton University.Then,one day,she receives an unexpected call from her close college classmate John Pressman(Rudd),who runs an alternative high school that’s home to some very gifted students.One such student is Jeremiah(Nat Wolff),who John believes could be the son that Portia gave up for adoption in her youth.Meanwhile,as Portia puts her career in danger by changing Jeremiah’s transcript(成绩单),an unexpected love story begins to happen.

  1.Who is a film director?

  A.Paul Weitz.

  B.Emma Stone.

  C.Paul Rudd.

  D.Nicolas Cage.

  答案 A

  解析 细节理解题。由Admission部分的“Director:Paul Weitz”可知A项正确。其他三人是两部影片中的演员。

  2.In the movie The Croods,the escaping family is led by



  B.a smart teen

  C.the father

  D.the mother

  答案 C

  解析 细节理解题。由summary部分第二句“As a protective caveman the father leads his family...”可知C项正确。

  3.It can be inferred that John Pressman


  A.is played by Nat Wolff

  B.adopts Portia’s child

  C.changes Jeremiah’s transcript

  D.knows about Portia’s experiences

  答案 D

  解析 推理判断题。John Pressman是Portia大学时关系密切的同学,知道Portia曾将亲生儿子送人寄养的事情,因此可推知他了解Portia的经历。

  4.In which section of a newspaper can we most probably read the text?

  A.New movies.

  B.Movie reviews.

  C.Adventure movies.

  D.Movie stars.

  答案 A

  解析 推理判断题。从标题“Movies Coming Soon”以及对影片六个方面的介绍可推知,这篇材料应是在“新片”栏目中出现。故选A。


  Today is a difficult one.It is my dad’s birthday.He passed away last July from cancer.I was so dreaded this day.

  My husband and I picked up my dad’s sister,who was also just diagnosed with cancer.We took her out to breakfast.

  She told us that earlier in the week,she had tried to get a prescription(处方) filled before starting chemotherapy(化疗).She couldn’t afford to pay for it,so we decided to stop at a drugstore and ask if there was a generic form of the medication that was less expensive.

  I went inside and began talking to the pharmacist(药剂师).I was alone at the counter when a woman walked up and interrupted,“Excuse me,”she said,“I would like to pay for that.”

  She asked how much it was,and placed the money on the counter.I couldn’t believe it.She just appeared out of nowhere!I hugged the woman,and thanked her for her kindness.It meant so much.Then I noticed that on her shirt read the name of the town where my father had grown up.

  I started to cry.The pharmacist began to cry and hugged me from across the counter.“I’ve never seen anyone do that,”she said.

  This day that I had dreaded so much has turned into quite a blessing.I will never forget it!

  5.The underlined word “dreaded” in the first paragraph probably means “


  A.be afraid of

  B.be excited about

  C.almost forget

  D.look forward to

  答案 A

  解析 词义猜测题。根据第一段内容可知,父亲去年七月份刚刚过世,而今天是父亲的生日,这不是一个令人兴奋或期待的日子,B、D两项均不合适。父亲刚刚过世,不可能就忘记父亲的生日,C项也可排除。作者应是“害怕”这一天的到来,故选A。

  6.Why did the author stop at a drugstore?

  A.To have a rest.

  B.To buy some medicine.

  C.To visit the pharmacist.

  D.To see the woman from her father’s hometown.

  答案 B

  解析 细节理解题。根据第三段第二句“She couldn’t afford to pay for it,so we decided to stop at a drugstore and ask if there was a generic form of the medication that was less expensive.”可知,作者在药店停下来是为了给姑姑买药。故选B。

  7.The strange woman’s deeds made the author






  答案 D

  解析 推理判断题。作者的姑姑买不起价格昂贵的药,一名作者不认识的妇女为他们付了钱,这个妇女的衬衫上印着作者的父亲所生活的城镇的名字。这自然让作者很感动。由文章第五段第四句“I hugged the woman,and thanked her for her kindness.”也可看出答案。故选D。

  8.Which can be the best title for this passage?

  A.A Wonderful Day

  B.My Dad’s Birthday

  C.A Special Drugstore

  D.Kindness at the Drugstore

  答案 D

  解析 标题归纳题。本文讲述的是在药店发生的善行,一名妇女主动帮助作者购买昂贵的药。故D项作本文的标题最合适。


  There was a time when I couldn’t understand why my parents were so enthusiastic about


  with my head teacher.I often thought that they were really good at getting me into trouble.But after my head teacher’s home­visit last month,my mind totally




  the visit,I was entirely overwhelmed by frustration because I thought my head teacher,who,in my eyes,is a


  boring and strict man,would severely


  me and ask my parents to take away my iPad.I even wondered if it had been my parents who invited him to come,


  I got into argument with my parents.

  What was worse,after I


  the news on my microblog,all the


  words from my classmates,like“you are such a lucky dog”almost tore me apart.When the day


  came,I said to


  ,“It’s going to be okay!Just face it!”To my


  ,during his visit,I quickly learned that my head teacher is just a(n)


  man outside class.With his son and wife accompanying him,he just seemed to be a loving


  and considerate husband.

  I also learned that he is a man full of


  .When my sister started licking(舔) her


  after finishing a delicious dish,he joked that she was trying to turn her plate into a mirror.All of us burst into


  at that moment.

  Contrary to my previous impression,I


  that my head teacher is a very respectable and friendly person.Thanks to his visit,I got to see a(n)


  side of my head teacher.I felt


  that I had reacted so crazily before.Now,I’m delighted to have him as my head teacher.I know I won’t


  him down.

  9.A.helping B.communicating



  答案 B

  解析 根据下文内容可知,作者的父母和班主任经常交流。communicate交流,交谈,符合语境。





  答案 C

  解析 根据最后一段第一句中的“...my head teacher is a very respectable and friendly person.”和最后一段倒数第二句可知,在班主任家访之后,作者对他的看法彻底“改变”了。





  答案 B

  解析 根据空后的“because I thought...strict man.”和文章最后一段对班主任的看法改观可知,这是在班主任家访之前。





  答案 D

  解析 typically典型地,总是,表示某人的特点和经常性的行为。此处是说“班主任是一个典型的无聊又严厉的人”。





  答案 A

  解析 根据前文班主任很严厉和下文班主任让父母收走作者的iPad可知,班主任会严厉地批评作者。

  14.A.in case

  B.as if

  C.in that

  D.so that

  答案 D

  解析 根据“I even wondered...”可知,作者认为是自己的父母邀请班主任来家访的,因此和父母进行争吵。so that因此,所以,符合语境。





  答案 D

  解析 根据下文同学评论了作者的微博可知,作者分享了班主任家访的消息。share分享,符合语境。





  答案 A

  解析 根据下文同学评论作者的微博“you are such a lucky dog”可知,同学们是在嘲弄作者。tease取笑,戏弄,符合语境。





  答案 D

  解析 根据下文的“Just face it!”可知,家访那天终于到来了。finally最后,终于,符合语境。



  C.my parents

  D.my classmates

  答案 B

  解析 根据空后的“It’s going to be okay!Just face it!”可知,作者是在劝自己。





  答案 A

  解析 根据下文可知,班主任的家访使作者改变了对他的看法,对于不同的他,作者感到很吃惊。





  答案 A

  解析 根据空后的“he just seemed...husband.”可知,班主任在课堂上很严厉,而课外则是一个普通人。





  答案 C

  解析 根据空前的“With his son and wife...”可知,班主任是一个有爱的父亲和体贴的丈夫。





  答案 C

  解析 作者的妹妹吃完饭舔盘子,班主任开玩笑说妹妹要把盘子舔成镜子,说明了班主任的幽默。





  答案 C

  解析 参见上题解析。





  答案 B

  解析 根据前文,班主任开了个玩笑,因此大家都笑了。burst into laughter突然大笑。

  25.A.thought about

  B.made out

  C.found out

  D.got across

  答案 C

  解析 根据上下文可知,作者发现了班主任不一样的一面,发现班主任是一位值得尊敬的、友好的人。find out发现,符合语境。





  答案 D

  解析 参见上题解析。





  答案 A

  解析 作者认识到班主任不一样的一面,对自己以前的表现感到羞愧。





  答案 C

  解析 根据上文的“I’m delighted to have him as my head teacher.”可知,作者不会让班主任失望。let sb.down让某人失望。






  提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达,并且请使用主语从句,定语从句,in spite of 等短语。


  Last Sunday,it was a pity that I missed the famous actress’ creative performances,which made me very disappointed.In spite of her ordinary appearance,she had a remarkable talent for music.Her performance touched

  millions of audiences and left a deep impression on them.


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