(四川专用)2016届高三英语一轮复习语法练习 必修5 Unit 4 (新课标版)-查字典英语网
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(四川专用)2016届高三英语一轮复习语法练习 必修5 Unit 4 (新课标版)

发布时间:2017-04-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  第一部分 必修五 Unit 4


  1.(2017·辽宁改编)Leave your key with your neighbor ______ you lock yourself out one day.

  答案:in case 本题考查连词的用法。句意:留一把钥匙给你的邻居,以防某天你把自己锁在外面。in case“以防,万一”。

  2.Hard ________ they tried, they couldn't make her change her mind.

  答案:as 考查as引导让步状语从句。as使用让步状语从句,使用部分倒装,其倒装结构为:过去分词、形容词、名词、副词、动词原形+as+主语+系动词。句意:尽管他们努力劝说,还是不能改变她的心意。

  3.—I reminded you not to forget the lecture.

  —So you ________.

  答案:did 考查学生对“so+主语+助动词”结构的掌握情况。 句意:——“我提醒你不要忘记这个讲座。”——“你确实提醒了。”“so+主语+助动词”表示对某人说法的认可。

  4.A turning point of the continuously high housing price won't appear suddenly because there must be a certain process ______ many factors lead to the change.

  答案:where 考查定语从句。分析句子成分可知,“______ many factors lead to the change”是定语从句,a certain process为先行词,表示抽象地点,在从句中作地点状语,故空处用where。

  5.You should get down to your study from now on. Please concentrate ________ what is of great importance for your future development.

  答案:on 句意:从现在起你应该开始认真学习了,请专心于对你未来的发展非常重要的事情。concentrate on专心于……,符合句意。

  6.I didn't approve ________ his action, but he explained his reason and then I saw the light.

  答案:of 我不赞同他的行为,但是他解释了他的理由,然后我就明白了。

  7.—How are things going,Janet?

  —They have set out to deal with the present situation ________they think deserves their immediate attention.

  答案:which/that 考查定语从句。句意:——情况怎么样,Janet?——他们已经着手处理目前的情况,他们认为这值得他们及时关注。分析句子成分可知,空处引导定语从句,先行词为the present situation,从句中they think为插入语,从句中缺少主语,故应用关系代词which或that引导。

  8.The news caused heated discussion online, with people ________ (accuse) the government ________ using the expensive project to build up its political image.

  答案:accusing;of 考查非谓语动词与动词短语。句意:这个消息引起了网上的激烈争论,人们指责政府利用耗资巨大的工程来树立自己的政治形象。根据题干可知,此处考查“with+宾语+宾补”的结构,在这个结构中,宾补可以是to do/doing/done的形式。当宾语和补语之间是主动关系,并且补语动作尚未发生时,宾补用to do形式;如果已经发生则用doing;如果宾语与补语之间是被动关系,则用done形式。本句话中补语动词accuse与宾语people之间是主动关系,同时accuse sb. of是固定短语,意为“指控某人……”。



  The first robot rover to land on the Moon in nearly 40 years, China's Jade Rabbit, has begun sending back photos, with shots of its lunar lander(登月飞行器). Jade Rabbit rolled down a ramp lowered by the lander and on to the volcanic plain known as Sinus Iridum at 04:35 Beijing time on Saturday (20:35 GMT).It moved to a spot a few metres away, its historic short journey recorded by the lander. On Sunday evening the two machines began photographing each other. A Chinese flag is clearly visible on the Jade Rabbit as it stands deployed on the Moon's surface.

  Ma Xingrui, chief mander of China's lunar programme, declared the mission (任务)a “plete success”. The first soft landing on the Moon since 1976 is the latest step in China's ambitious space programme, says BBC science reporter Paul Rincon.

  The lander will operate there for a year, while the rover is expected to work for some three months. The Chang'e­3 mission landed some 12 days after being launched atop a Chinese­developed Long March 3B rocket from Xichang in the country's south. The official Xinhua news service reported that the lander began its descent(下降)on Saturday just after 13:00 GMT, touching down in Sinus Iridum (the Bay of Rainbows) 11 minutes later. “I was lucky enough to see a prototype rover(原型月球车) in Shanghai a few years ago—it's a wonderful technological achievement to have landed,” Prof Andrew Coates, from UCL's Mullard Space Science Laboratory, told BBC News.

  Chang'e­3 is the third unmanned rover mission to touch down on the lunar surface, and the first to go there in more than 40 years. The last was an 840kg (1,900lb) Soviet vehicle known as Lunokhod­2, which was kept warm by polonium(钋)­210. But the six­wheeled Chinese vehicle carries a more sophisticated payload(复杂的有效负荷), including ground­penetrating radar which will gather measurements of the lunar soil and crust.


  1.What does the text mainly talk about?

  A.China's space and aeronautics industry develops quickly.

  B.The importance of China's space and aeronautics industry.

  C.China's Jade Rabbit Moon rover sends back first photos.

  D.Chang'e­3 is the third unmanned rover mission to touch down on the lunar surface.

  答案:C 主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了中国的玉兔月球车从月球上向地球发回第一张照片。故C正确。

  2.After ________ years' hard and scientific work, the first soft landing on the Moon has made such great progress.

  A.nearly 40B.37

  C.64 D.more than 40

  答案:B 细节理解题。根据文章第二段最后一句The first soft landing on the Moon since 1976 is the latest step in China's ambitious space programme, says BBC science reporter Paul Rincon.可知是37年,故B正确。

  3.The purpose that the Chinese moon rover has visited the moon is to ________.

  A.do some research about the moon

  B.be the first settler on the moon

  C.to plant the Chinese flag onto the moon

  D.send a lovely jade rabbit onto the moon

  答案:A 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段第一句Chang'e­3 is the third unmanned rover mission to touch down on the lunar surface可以得出答案。故A正确。

  4.From the text, we know that the lander began its descent on Saturday just after ________ Beijing time.

  A.13:00 B.20:00

  C.22:00 D.21:00

  答案:D 推理判断题。根据文章第一段中的at 04:35 Beijing time on Saturday (20:35 GMT)可以知道格林威治标准时间与北京时间相差16小时。再根据第三段The official Xinhua news service reported that the lander began its descent(下降)on Saturday just after 13:00 GMT.可以判断出时间。故D正确。



  Successful students are highly motivated by an inner drive to study well.They have a specific career goal in mind.__1__

  So they form their own good study habits,plan ahead and stick to their study timetable on their own initiative.

  If you want to motivate yourself, here are some great ways to improve your motivation.

  ◆ You should write down your educational goals, which makes them become clear.

  ◆ Imagine your success.Experience the feeling of reaching your particular goal.

  ◆ Give yourself rewards.__2__

  ◆ Seek advice and study opportunities from the good students in your class.

  Successful students tend to study hard. They pay much attention to class as well as taking notes. __3__

  Outside class they find a quiet study place to study, because they know that academic life comes before their social life.


  After setting goals it is important to write them down for many reasons.

  ◆ Goals that aren't written are only wishes.

  ◆ It helps you make a commitment(承诺)to yourself.

  ◆ It gives you a way to see your progress.

  ◆ No one wants to regret not doing something they could have done.

  Successful students manage their time well by setting up weekly timetable. They make the best use of their study time and find a quiet place and study there every day.__5__

  If you want to be a successful student, please do as the above.

  A.They know that they are responsible for their success or failure.

  B.They make study time productive and not necessarily long.

  C.Successful students should set goals.

  D.You will be proud of yourself when you achieve success.

  E.Each time you complete a lesson, do something special for yourself.

  F.When you set your goals,make sure that your goals are specific and realistic.

  G.They arrive at the classroom early and sit in the front.


  1.A 成功的学生都被一种内在的动力强烈地激励着,渴望把事情做好。在他们心中都有具体的职业目标。他们深知成败在于自己的努力。

  2.E 与前面的主题句“Give yourself rewards(给自己奖赏)”对应的是E项。

  3.G 该段讲的是成功学生的学习习惯,所以G项符合语境。

  4.C 空后的“After setting goals...”可知,此处是设立目标。

  5.B 该段讲的是学习时间的利用,所以B项符合语境。



  Dr. Kate:Radio __1__(change) a lot since we were young. It used __2__ be the major source of fun for the family.

  Bob:Nowadays when you turn on the radio, you either hear music, a talk show __3__ news.

  Dr. Kate:__4__(fortunate), you can choose the kind of music you want to hear.

  Bob:Yes, and there is a lot of points of view when you listen to talk shows. I usually enjoy __5__(listen) to them. I particularly like it when a caller disagrees with the talk show host. I like to hear how he will defend his ideas.

  Dr. Kate:Some talk show hosts are very rude to those __6__ have opposing ideas. I really find that terrible.

  Bob:It seems that people only listen to the radio __7__ they are driving in their car.

  Dr. Kate:That is true for me,

  but I know that my husband listens to it while he is working __8__ home.

  Bob:Now if I think about it, I realize that a lot of stores have the radio __9__(play).

  Dr. Kate:It's still a useful and pleasant form of __10__(communicate).



  1.has changed 由时间状语since从句可知,此处用现在完成时。

  2.to used to“过去常常,惯于”。

  3.or 现在打开收音机,你要么听音乐、听脱口秀节目或者资讯。either...or...“或者……或者……”。

  4.Fortunately 用副词修饰整个句子。

  5.listening enjoy后接代词、名词或动名词。所以此处用listening。

  6.who/that 一些脱口秀主持人对持异见的人非常粗鲁。先行词是those,指人,从句部分缺少主语,所以填关系代词who或者that。

  7.while 好像人们只在开车的时候听音乐。while “当……的时候”符合语境。下一句话也有提示“...while he is...”。

  8.at 考查固定搭配。at home“在家里”。

  9.playing 很多商店让收音机一直开着。have...doing...是指让某人一直做某事或者让某事一直在进行,强调动作的持续性、连续性或者动作的反复性。

  10.communication 介词of后接名词。communication“交流”。



  We interrupt this program to bring you some special news. This afternoon, a truck run into the back of a school bus that it left Central Junior High School at 3 p.m. Badly hurting, ten students and the truck driver were sent to hospital shortly before the accident. Luckily, there was no death. A police came and said that the truck driver and the bus driver weren't drunk, nor could poor weather used to explain the accident. We are still going into the reasons.

  This is the seven traffic accident in the city this month. Please be more carefully in driving. More information about the accident will be reported at the five o'clock news report. Now we return you to the music show.


  We interrupt this program to bring you some special news. This afternoon, a truck

  into the back of a school bus that it left Central Junior High School at 3 p.m. Badly , ten students and the truck driver were sent to hospital shortly

  the accident. Luckily, there was no death.

  police came and said that the truck driver and the bus driver weren't drunk, nor could poor weather

  used to explain the accident.

  are still going into the reasons.

  This is the

  traffic accident in the city this month. Please be more

  in driving. More information about the accident will be reported

  the five o'clock news report. Now we return you to the music show.


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